Chemotherapy Metastatic Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Patient Stories Treatments

Sandy’s Stage 4 Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Story

Sandy’s Stage 4 Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Story

Sandy was diagnosed with stage 4 non-Hodgkin lymphoma in 2024. Her initial symptoms included persistent coughing, weakness, and shortness of breath. After weeks of worsening symptoms and ineffective treatments, an MRI revealed a large mass in her chest, which eventually led to the collapse of her left lung due to a massive tumor. A biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of lymphoma, a cancer that Sandy later described as a blessing in disguise due to its responsiveness to chemotherapy.

Interviewed by: Nikki Murphy
Edited by: Katrina Villareal

Treatment began immediately, consisting of six intense rounds of chemotherapy, each lasting five days in the hospital followed by two weeks of recovery at home. The process was physically and emotionally grueling, marked by extreme fatigue, weight loss, and hair loss. Despite these challenges, Sandy focused on mental resilience, which she believes was critical to her survival. She emphasized the importance of maintaining movement, even during the most debilitating moments.

Sandy D. feature profile

To cope mentally with stage 4 non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Sandy turned to spirituality, meditation, and writing. She frequented a meditation garden where she found solace. Writing became a therapeutic outlet, leading to the creation of her book, Cancer Ramblings. Writing helped her process her experience and turn her pain into purpose.

Sandy celebrated her remission as a profound moment of liberation and gratitude, describing it as a second chance at life. She plans to monitor her health closely while maintaining a conscious lifestyle. She views sharing her story as a way to inspire others, providing hope and comfort to those facing similar challenges. Her key advice is to visualize a positive outcome and hold onto it as a guiding light through the darkest moments. Sandy’s enduring image was of herself running on the beach—a vision she ultimately realized.

  • Name: Sandy D.
  • Age at Diagnosis:
    • 45
  • Diagnosis:
    • Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
  • Staging:
    • Stage 4
  • Symptoms:
    • Persistent coughing
    • Weakness
    • Shortness of breath
  • Treatment:
    • Chemotherapy (six rounds)
Sandy D.
Sandy D.
Sandy D.
Sandy D.
Sandy D.
Sandy D.
Sandy D.

This interview has been edited for clarity. This is not medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare provider to make treatment decisions.

Sandy D. feature profile
Thank you for sharing your story, Sandy!

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More Metastatic Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Stories

Stephanie V.

Stephanie V., Primary Mediastinal (PMBCL), Stage 4

Symptoms: Asthma/allergy-like symptoms, lungs felt itchy, shortness of breath, persistent coughing
Treatments: Pigtail catheter for pleural drainage, video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS), R-EPOCH chemotherapy (6 cycles)

Stephanie R., Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL), Stage 4

Symptom: Elevated white blood cell count

Treatment: 6 months of rituximab + ibrutinib, 4 cycles of hyper-CVAD chemotherapy

Sheryl B., Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL), Stage 4

Symptoms: (Over 15 years) Skin irritation from temperature changes, rising WBC levels, unexplained fatigue, retinal hemorrhage, hardened abdomen (from enlarged spleen)
Treatment: 6 cycles Hyper-CVAD chemotherapy

Shari B., Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL), Stage 4

Symptom: None; lymphoma discovered at unrelated doctor appointment
Treatments: 6 cycles R-CHOP, 5 cycles phase 3 trial of Velcade + Rituxan (normally for multiple myeloma), allogeneic bone marrow transplant (BMT)

Shahzad B., Refractory Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL), Stage 4

Symptom: Extreme fatigue
Treatments: R&B, R-ICE, R-EPOCH, CAR T-cell therapy (cell-based gene therapy)
Sandy D. feature profile

Sandy D., Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Stage 4

Symptoms: Persistent coughing, weakness, shortness of breath

Treatment: Chemotherapy
Sammie shares her non-hodgkin's lymphoma story
Sammie F., Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL), Stage 4
Symptoms: Chest pain, back pain, bump on neck, night sweats Treatments: Chemotherapy, CAR T-cell therapy...

Richard P., Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL), Stage 4

Relapse Symptoms: Swelling in leg, leg edema Treatments: R-CHOP chemotherapy, clinical trial (venetoclax-selinexor)
Paige C.

Paige C., Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL), Stage 4

Symptoms: Weight loss, extreme fatigue, swollen lymph nodes in the neck
Treatment: R-EPOCH chemotherapy
Nolan W. feature profile

Nolan W., T-Cell/Histiocyte-Rich Large B-Cell Lymphoma (T/HRBCL), Stage 4

Symptoms: Debilitating fatigue, flu-like symptoms without a fever, swollen lymph node under the left arm

Treatments: Chemotherapy (R-EPOCH & RICE), bone marrow transplant

Nina L., Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL), Stage 4

Symptoms: Hip and lower extremities pain, night sweats
Treatment: Chemotherapy (R-CHOP)
Headshot of Nicky, who's living with stage 4 follicular lymphoma
Nicky G., Follicular Lymphoma, Stage 4
Symptoms: Fatigue, weight loss, lumps in the neck and groin

Treatments: Quarterly infusions of rituximab, radioactive iodine 131 infusion, platelet transfusion...

Mike E., Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL), Stage 4

Symptom: Persistent, significant back pain

Treatments: Surgery, chemotherapy

Mags B., Primary Mediastinal (PMBCL), Stage 4

Symptoms: Exhaustion, migraines, persistent coughs, swelling and discoloration in left arm
Treatment: Chemotherapy (R-CHOP, 6 cycles)

Luis V., Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL), Stage 4

Symptoms: Persistent cough, fatigue, unexplained weight loss

Treatment: Chemotherapy (R-CHOP and methotrexate)

Laurie A., Follicular Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, Stage 4

Initial Symptoms: Frequent sinus infections, dry right eye, fatigue, lump in abdomen

Treatment: Chemotherapy, targeted therapy, radioimmunotherapy
Kris W.

Kris W., Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL), Stage 4

Symptom: Pain in the side of the abdomen
Treatment: R-CHOP chemotherapy

Kim S., Follicular Lymphoma, Stage 4

Symptom: Stomach pain
Treatments: Chemotherapy (rituximab & bendamustine), immunotherapy (rituximab for 2 additional years)

Jonathan S., Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL), Stage 4

Symptom: Severe shoulder pain

Treatments: R-CHOP chemotherapy, methotrexate, focal radiation, autologous stem cell transplant

John S., Follicular Lymphoma, Stage 4

Symptom: Swollen lymph nodes

Treatments: Clinical trial, chemotherapy

Jason W., Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL), Stage 4

Symptoms: Hives, inflamed arms

Treatments: Calabrutinib, Lenalidomide, Rituxan

Harjeet K., Subcutaneous Panniculitis-like T-Cell-Lymphoma (SPTCL), Stage 4

Symptoms: Persistent, high fevers; red, tender rashes on legs
Treatments: High-dose chemotherapy, allogeneic stem cell transplant

Erin R., Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) & Burkitt Lymphoma, Stage 4

Symptoms: Lower abdominal pain, blood in stool, loss of appetite
Treatments: Chemotherapy (Part A: R-CHOP, HCVAD, Part B: Methotrexate, Rituxan, Cytarabine)

Emily G., Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL), Stage 4

Symptom: Pain in left knee

Treatments: Chemotherapy (R-CHOP and high-dose methotrexate)

Emily S., Burkitt Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, Stage 4

Initial Symptoms: Constant fatigue, tongue deviated to the left, abscess in right breast, petechiae on legs, night sweats, nausea and vomiting, persistent cough

Treatment: Chemotherapy, stem cell transplant, immunotherapy
David shares his stage 4 follicular lymphoma diagnosis
David K., Follicular Lymphoma, Stage 4 Symptoms: Sharp abdominal pains, frequently sick, less stamina Treatments: Chemotherapy (R-CHOP), immunotherapy (rituximab), radiation, clinical trial (bendamustine), autologous stem cell transplant...
Cindy M. feature profile

Cindy M., Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL), Stage 4

Symptoms: Itchy skin on the palms and soles of feet; yellow skin and eyes
Treatment: Chemotherapy (R-CHOP)

Cherylinn N., Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL), Stage 4

Symptom: None

Treatments: R-CHOP chemotherapy, rituximab

Bobby J., Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL), Stage 4

Symptoms: Fatigue, enlarged lymph nodes
Treatments:Clinical trial of ibrutinib + rituximab, consolidated chemo of 4 cycles of Hyper-CVAD

Barbara R., Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL), Stage 4

Symptom: Abdominal and gastric pain

Treatments: Chemotherapy R-CHOP, CAR T-cell therapy, study drug CYT-0851
Ashlee K. feature profile

Ashlee K., Burkitt Lymphoma, Stage 4

Symptoms: Abdominal pain, night sweats, visible mass in the abdomen

Treatments: Surgery (partial colectomy to removed 14 inches of intestine), chemotherapy

Chemotherapy Colorectal CRC Hepatectomy Patient Stories Surgery Treatments

Shayla’s Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Story

Shayla’s Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Story

Interviewed by: Nikki Murphy
Edited by: Katrina Villareal

Shayla L. feature profile

Shayla was diagnosed with metastatic colorectal cancer at 33 years old after years of experiencing unexplained digestive issues. Initially, symptoms like stomach sensitivity, exhaustion, and food intolerances were attributed to a sensitive stomach. Over time, she sought medical attention, including multiple gastroenterologist consultations but received inconclusive diagnoses. She was diagnosed with celiac disease, but despite cutting out gluten, she continued to feel unwell.

After more months of fatigue, Shayla noticed blood in her stool, which persisted for several weeks. When her husband insisted she seek medical help, a colonoscopy revealed polyps. While initially told that they weren’t cancerous, a biopsy later confirmed that one was malignant. Further tests revealed lesions in her liver and lungs, prompting additional biopsies. The lesions in her lungs were clear, but the cancer had metastasized to her liver, resulting in a stage 4 colorectal cancer diagnosis.

Her treatment plan included four rounds of chemotherapy, followed by a hepatectomy or liver resection to remove 25% of her liver. After the surgery, Shayla began her chemotherapy again, with plans for more rounds to finish her treatment. Although she initially struggled with side effects, such as hot flashes, nausea, and fatigue, her doctors adjusted her treatment plan to help her manage better. However, cold sensitivity, neuropathy, and physical weakness persisted.

Despite these challenges, Shayla remained focused on her healing and recovery, even as the emotional toll of her diagnosis began to weigh on her mental health. She shared that the isolation during recovery and the struggle with seeing her children react to her illness was particularly difficult.

Shayla advocates for others to take their symptoms seriously, stressing the rising rates of colorectal cancer in younger adults. She encourages others to seek second opinions and advocate for themselves if they’re not satisfied with their medical care. Through her experience, she has seen the importance of a strong support network and the need for proactive health care, urging others to catch cancer early to increase treatment success.

  • Name: Shayla L.
  • Age at Diagnosis:
    • 33
  • Diagnosis:
    • Colorectal Cancer
  • Staging:
    • Stage 4
  • Symptoms:
    • Stomach sensitivity
    • Food intolerances
    • Exhaustion
    • Blood in stool
  • Treatments:
    • Chemotherapy
    • Surgery: hepatectomy  (liver resection)
Shayla L.
Shayla L.
Shayla L.
Shayla L.
Shayla L.
Shayla L.
Shayla L.

This interview has been edited for clarity. This is not medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare provider to make treatment decisions.

Shayla L. feature profile
Thank you for sharing your story, Shayla!

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More Colorectal Cancer Stories


Allison R., Colorectal Cancer, Stage 2C

Symptoms: Extreme fatigue, unexplained weight loss, blood in stool, "blockage" feeling after eating
Treatment: Concurrent adjuvant (oral) chemotherapy + radiation, colectomy, oral chemotherapy
Michelle C. feature profile

Michelle C., Colorectal Cancer, Stage 4

Symptoms: Felt like either a UTI or yeast infection
Treatment: Chemotherapy (carboplatin and paclitaxel), surgery (hysterectomy), and radiation
Kelly shares her colorectal cancer story
Kelly S., Colorectal Cancer, Stage 3 Symptoms: Constipation, blood in stool, abnormal-smelling stool, fluctuating appetite, weight lossTreatment: Dostarlimab
Jason shares his colorectal cancer story

Jason R., Colorectal Cancer, Stage 4

Symptoms: Blood in stool, diarrhea, tenesmus, feeling run down
Treatments: Chemotherapy, radiation, HAI pump
Raquel A. feature profile

Raquel A., Colorectal Cancer, Stage 4

Symptoms: Frequent bowel movements, pin-thin stools, mild red blood in stool
Treatment: Chemotherapy

Follicular Lymphoma Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Patient Events

Demystifying Follicular Lymphoma: Latest Advances in Precision Medicine and Emerging Therapies

Follicular Lymphoma: Latest Advances in Precision Medicine and Emerging Therapies

Demystifying Follicular Lymphoma: Latest Advances in Precision Medicine and Emerging Therapies
Hosted by The Patient Story
Take part in an engaging and informative webinar featuring Dr. Peter Martin, a leading lymphoma expert, to discuss the latest advancements in follicular lymphoma treatment. We will discuss precision medicine and emerging therapies, while addressing how to manage side effects and improve quality of life. This session is designed to empower patients with practical knowledge and support as they navigate their diagnosis.
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Dr. Peter Martin, a leading lymphoma expert at Weill Cornell Medicine, Laurie Adami, a follicular lymphoma patient and advocate, and Tiffany Drummond, cancer advocate and clinical researcher, discuss the latest advancements in follicular lymphoma treatment. This conversation talks about precision medicine and emerging therapies, addressing how to manage side effects and improve quality of life, and is designed to empower patients with practical knowledge and support as they navigate their diagnosis.

Understand current and emerging options, including targeted therapies and bispecific antibodies, and how they address treatment challenges. Gain actionable strategies to manage side effects and improve quality of life. Explore how precision medicine tailors treatment plans to individual needs, including chemo-free options. Get answers to common and critical questions about follicular lymphoma. Be part of a conversation that brings the patient experience front and center to inspire hope and informed decision-making.

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society is here for you with information about clinical trials, resources, and support.

Thank you to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society for their partnership. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society is here for you with information about clinical trials, resources, and support.


Thank you to Genmab and AbbVie for supporting our patient education program. The Patient Story retains full editorial control over all content.

This interview has been edited for clarity and length. This is not medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare provider to make treatment decisions.


Tiffany Drummond, Patient Advocate

Tiffany Drummond: I’m a patient advocate with over 20 years of experience in cancer research. My journey as a care partner began when my mother was diagnosed with endometrial cancer in 2014. I quickly realized the challenges of finding resources, support, and shared experiences, and now I am committed to helping others avoid similar difficulties, no matter the condition.

At The Patient Story, we create programs to help you figure out what comes next. Think of us as your go-to guide for navigating not only the cancer journey but your overall health journey. From diagnosis to treatment, we have you covered with real-life patient stories and educational programs with subject matter experts and inspirational patient advocates and guests. I genuinely am your personal cheerleader, here to help you and your loved ones best communicate with your healthcare team as you go from diagnosis through treatment and survivorship.

Tiffany Drummond

We want to thank our sponsors, Genmab and AbbVie, for their support, which helps us to host more of these programs for free to our audience. The Patient Story retains full editorial control over all content as always. We also thank all of our promotional partners for their support. It is because of you our programming reaches the audience who needs it. I hope you’ll find this program helpful, but please keep in mind that the information provided is not a substitute for medical advice.

I had access to great cancer centers. I went to four different big cancer centers and that’s where I was able to join clinical trials.

Laurie Adami
Laurie Adami
Laurie Adami, Follicular Lymphoma Patient Advocate

Tiffany: I have the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Peter Martin and it so happens that we have much more in common than you might think. I will also be speaking with a follicular lymphoma patient, Laurie Adami. It’s so important to get a patient’s perspective and I’m sure her experience will resonate with you and your loved ones. Let’s learn about Laurie’s journey before deep diving into the latest treatment options.

Laurie Adami: I was diagnosed in 2006. My son was in kindergarten. There was one treatment I did right away. We thought I was in remission, so I merrily went back to work, which entailed traveling internationally. Three months later, my cancer was back on the first follow-up scan. That prompted 12 years of treatment. From 2006 to 2018, I was in continuous treatment and underwent seven different lines of therapy, including three clinical trials.

The first six treatments didn’t work, but thankfully, the seventh line of treatment did. I live in Los Angeles, so I had access to great cancer centers. I went to four different big cancer centers and that’s where I was able to join clinical trials.

Demystifying Follicular Lymphoma - Latest Advances in Precision Medicine and Emerging Therapies
Dr. Peter Martin, Hematologist-Oncologist

Tiffany: Dr. Peter Martin serves as the professor of medicine and chief of the lymphoma program at Weill Cornell Medicine. He is a hematologist-oncologist who specializes in caring for patients with lymphoma at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital. His research focus, which is very dear to my heart, is on clinical investigation of new and promising therapies. Dr. Martin, how are you doing today?

Dr. Peter Martin: It’s great to see you again, Tiffany. I don’t know if everybody else knows this, but we worked together long ago.

Tiffany: You could say how long ago. It was about 15 years ago. I used to call him Peter, that’s how far we’ve come. I’m glad to see that we both have stayed the course, which is fighting cancer and finding a cure. I know that you made great strides, so thank you for being here.

Dr. Peter Martin

[Follicular lymphoma] typically grows slowly over months, years, or decades, and that’s why we call it indolent, which means lazy.

Dr. Peter Martin

What is Follicular Lymphoma?

Tiffany: I’m a patient advocate for many types of cancer, but for those who aren’t as familiar, can you break down follicular lymphoma? We know that it’s considered an indolent lymphoma. Can you walk us through that characteristic? What makes follicular lymphoma distinct from more common types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, such as DLBCL or diffuse large B-cell lymphoma?

Dr. Martin: Follicular lymphoma is pretty common from the lymphoma perspective but not common from a cancer perspective. In the United States, about 20,000 people every year will be diagnosed with follicular lymphoma. Depending on your perspective, there are up to 130 different kinds of lymphoma, which is hard to keep track of. Each subtype is a little bit different biologically in how they’re defined and how they behave clinically.

Follicular lymphoma is based on the way it looks under the microscope. They look like little follicles in the lymph node. It typically grows slowly over months, years, or decades, and that’s why we call it indolent, which means lazy. I like the word lazy because it’s a lymphoma that can’t be bothered to cause problems.

Once diagnosed, we’ll often talk about the goal of treatment, which is to help somebody live a life that’s as close to the life they would live without lymphoma. It hangs around for a long time and we keep managing it and kicking the can down the road.

How is Follicular Lymphoma Diagnosed?

Tiffany: If someone is living with follicular lymphoma for years or even decades, how is it diagnosed? Do they come in for some other type of symptom that usually makes them get referred to a specialist? How does that work for a patient who doesn’t even know that they have it?

Dr. Martin: It can vary a little bit. Ultimately, to diagnose follicular lymphoma, you have to look at it under the microscope. The word lymphoma means tumors of the lymph nodes, so most of the time when we meet somebody with follicular lymphoma, they’ll have an enlarged lymph node. Typically, it’s a painless, enlarged lymph node in the neck, armpit, or groin.

It might be picked up accidentally while getting tested for other reasons, which is pretty common because follicular lymphoma is often asymptomatic. Although it’s called lymphoma, sometimes it’s not in a lymph node. It might be present in the bone marrow or some other organ, like the gastrointestinal tract or the skin. Ultimately, though, somebody has to look at it under the microscope and that’s how we make the diagnosis.

All of my doctors dismissed me. I would specifically tell them, ‘I’m very worried I have lymphoma,’ and they would say, ‘Your bloodwork is all normal, so you don’t have cancer.’

Laurie Adami

Symptoms of Follicular Lymphoma

Tiffany: Laurie, did you experience any symptoms before your diagnosis or was it something you noticed but didn’t read into it enough to get it checked right away?

Laurie: When my son was three years old, I started to get frequent sinus infections and couldn’t get rid of them. I also developed a dry eye. I was a long-time contact lens wearer and suddenly, I couldn’t wear my right contact lens. I was very tired. I had a lymph node on my neck that was concerning me and I felt something in my abdomen.

All of my doctors dismissed me. I would specifically tell them, “I’m very worried I have lymphoma,” and they would say, “Your bloodwork is all normal, so you don’t have cancer.” I told my husband that they wouldn’t listen to me and he didn’t believe me, so I took him to my appointments and he couldn’t believe how I was dismissed. He was mortified. This went on for three years.

I wanted to believe these doctors. I wanted to believe that allergies were causing these sinus infections. I was also at the age where I could be starting to get perimenopausal symptoms, so my symptoms were attributed to my hormones. It was aggravating.

I kept feeling worse and worse. The exhaustion was incredible. One of the doctors I saw said, “Laurie, you’re president of a software company. You’re traveling internationally. You’re traveling a week a month. You’re running a household. You have a young boy. I’m exhausted just listening to what you do.”

Finally, someone I knew referred me to a diagnostician who took me seriously. I went in to see him and explained everything. I said, “People think this node is from allergies.” He said, “Did you get tested for allergies?” I said, “Yeah, and there was nothing.” He said, “Okay, that doesn’t make sense then.”

I explained the possibility of a hernia and he said, “It could be, but Laurie, we don’t guess. We have CT machines and I’m going to send you to a hernia specialist. We’re going to do imaging.” That week, they imaged me and it was scary because I was supposed to go in for a simple imaging. They expected to find a hernia and I wasn’t supposed to have contrast. Suddenly, this lady brought in the bottles of contrast because they had to get a better image. My heart began to sink as I was sitting there.

Demystifying Follicular Lymphoma - Latest Advances in Precision Medicine and Emerging Therapies

Two days later, on Good Friday of 2006, the doctor’s office called and said I needed to come in. My mother and brother were in town for the Easter weekend, but they didn’t tell me to bring anyone, so I went by myself and they told me I had either lymphoma or a mesenchymal tumor. The imaging also detected lesions on my lungs, so he said, “You may also have lung cancer.” That’s when I found out that I had some type of cancer.

I knew a little bit about lymphoma because when I had this node and I put in my symptoms online, lymphoma kept coming up. But 90% of lymphoma patients are diagnosed at stage 4 because most patients don’t have symptoms. I did, but I didn’t have anybody listening to me, so they dismissed my concerns.

As it turned out, it was good that they didn’t listen to me because the only treatment that existed at the time was a monoclonal antibody, multi-chemo, prednisone treatment. If I had it earlier, it wouldn’t have worked and I would have had nothing else.

I had autologous stem cell transplant as an option, but it was not a good option, especially if you relapse after the first line of chemo and monoclonal antibody treatment. In a way, it ended up being a blessing because, by the time they were pushing me to do the transplant, I managed to find a trial of a histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor, which is what I did as my second line of therapy.

Dr. Martin: Oftentimes, somebody will say, “I’ve had this lump for five years and finally my friend told me that I should have it looked at.” That’s a testament to how it behaves. It hangs around for a long time, so people often get accustomed to it being there before they decide to bring it to somebody’s attention.

Demystifying Follicular Lymphoma - Latest Advances in Precision Medicine and Emerging Therapies

Traditional Treatments for Follicular Lymphoma

Tiffany: Before we get into the novel approaches, can you walk me through the traditional treatments for follicular lymphoma? What factors determine a more or less aggressive approach in your practice?

Dr. Martin: The job of a hematologist-oncologist is to learn as much as we can about the lymphoma and that’s changing all the time as we get more sophisticated. We recognize that this lymphoma isn’t happening in a petri dish in a lab somewhere; it’s happening in a real live person, so we have to learn as much as we can about that person. That includes not only their medical issues but also all of the things that are important to them. What are their values? What is their support network like? There are 8 billion of us on the planet and we’re all different, so there’s even more heterogeneity among people than there is amongst the 130 different lymphomas.

We bring all of that information together and come up with a plan that makes the most sense for that person. Treatments are constantly evolving and we have new treatments available today that we didn’t have in the past. In general, the goal of treatment is to try to give somebody the life that’s the closest to the life that they would have if they didn’t have lymphoma.

We have to learn as much as we can about that person. That includes not only their medical issues but also all of the things that are important to them.

Dr. Peter Martin

Approaches can vary. In some cases, you say, “Look, this is not causing you any problems. It’s not going to cause problems hopefully for a long time — on average, multiple years — and so we watch it and it sits there.” That can be a little bit counterintuitive. In the Western world, you want to catch and deal with cancers early. That’s certainly the case for breast cancer, lung cancer, or colon cancer, so the initial discussion around follicular lymphoma can be a little bit awkward sometimes. You say, “Oh, great. No problem. Let’s do nothing about it.” But it’s a proven strategy to help people live a good quality of life without dealing with any of the side effects of treatment.

On the other end of the extreme, we might propose using more aggressive therapies, including chemotherapy if we need to shrink something quickly and help them feel better. There are options in the middle where we use immunotherapies that may shrink the tumor, may help somebody to feel better, and may prolong the time between that and other kinds of therapies by months or years. There are vast options and more new treatments are being approved.

Demystifying Follicular Lymphoma - Latest Advances in Precision Medicine and Emerging Therapies

Bispecific Antibodies for Treatment of Relapsed/Refractory Follicular Lymphoma

Tiffany: Let’s talk about some of the data that came out of the 66th American Society of Hematology (ASH) annual meeting. Bispecific antibodies are changing the way that we look at and treat cancer, especially when it comes to immunotherapy. What benefit may they contribute to our relapsed/refractory follicular lymphoma patients?

Dr. Martin: Bispecific antibodies are a type of monoclonal antibodies. Antibodies are proteins that our immune system makes to fight against bacteria. A few decades ago, clever people figured out how to make antibodies that would fight not against infections but against cancer. That moved quickly from the lab to people and, for the past 25 years, has revolutionized the way many cancers are managed. It started with lymphoma. We’ve been leading the way for a long time.

Bispecific antibodies are a natural evolution of trying to come up with ways to make this kind of immunotherapy work better. They’re very cleverly engineered. They bind to tumor cells the same way an antibody would bind to a virus or bacteria, but in addition, they also bind to other parts of our immune system called T cells and they activate them. When those T cells are activated, they secrete chemicals called granzymes and perforins that poke holes in cancer cells and cause them to die. This is a clever way of using our immune system to kill cancer cells and it does it remarkably effectively.

The vast majority of people will have not only responses to this treatment, meaning the tumor shrinks, but in many, if not most, cases, the tumor will disappear on a CT scan. It might be completely gone — we’ll find out as the years go by — but it disappears on a CT scan in a lot of people.

Bispecific antibodies are attractive in that it’s a non-chemotherapy approach and it’s a proven form of immunotherapy. It’s an evolution of the kinds of immunotherapies that we’ve been using in the past and it’s more effective.

The other thing that’s nice about it is that it’s off the shelf, so you order it from a pharmacy. It doesn’t have to be engineered specifically for each patient the way something called chimeric antigen receptor T cells or CAR T-cells have to be.

I did a monthly infusion of a third line monoclonal antibody… but as soon as I stopped, it came back, so it was a race against time.

Laurie Adami

Experience with CAR T-cell Therapy

Tiffany: Laurie, I believe you’re familiar with CAR T-cell therapy. How was that experience and where are you currently in your cancer journey? Are you also familiar with bispecific antibodies? I would love to get your perspective on this immunotherapy versus CAR T-cell therapy.

Laurie: I heard about CAR T-cell therapy six years before I could get it. I heard about it in 2012 when I attended an LLS event where they showed Emily Whitehead’s film. I went to my college that week and asked about it because I didn’t know about CAR T-cell therapy. He said, “They’re not trying it for follicular lymphoma. They’re doing it for more aggressive tumors. We have to wait. You’re on a PI3 kinase inhibitor. We’re going to ride this horse.” That took me through 2016 when the cancer finally outsmarted that pill.

A new monoclonal antibody had been approved. It was a nine-month course, so I did a monthly infusion of a third-line monoclonal antibody, obinutuzumab. It immediately started shrinking my tumors again, but as soon as I stopped, it came back, so it was a race against time.

Laurie Adami

In 2018, my tumors were huge. While I was out hiking in April, my oncologist called and said, “We finally got the trial for follicular lymphoma. It’s going to open at UCLA. We’re going to have five patients enrolled in the first cohort and you will be patient number one.”

When you’re in a clinical trial, you have to review the paperwork to sign. It discloses all the side effects of patients in the phase 1 study. This was a phase 2 study, so it wasn’t completely bleeding edge. Then they have to do biopsies and imaging. They had to make sure I didn’t have anything in my brain. They weren’t allowing patients with central nervous system involvement to get CAR T-cell therapy because they didn’t know how it would work and what it would do. Now they know, so they do it for people with involvement in the central nervous system.

It was amazing because, within days, the tumors were shrinking.

Laurie Adami

I had a sinus infection again because my cancer was coming back. My oncologist said, “You can’t get CAR T-cell therapy with an active infection,” so I went to my ear, nose, and throat specialist. I explained, “I need to get this treatment, but I can’t do it with an active infection.” He called his scheduler and said, “Clear the schedule tomorrow. I have an urgent patient.” They operated on me the following day and it ended up being a major surgery with general anesthesia because there were so many blockages everywhere. He cleaned me out and got rid of the sinus infection so I was good to go.

Laurie Adami

About a month before you get your cells back, they do apheresis. They harvest your T cells. It’s a very easy process that takes half a day outpatient. The courier ships your bag to the CAR T company, which happens to be down the highway in LA. I remember the courier came to pick it up in the apheresis center and I said, “Do not let my cells fall out on the freeway. Please make sure the van door is tightly sealed.” He said, “Don’t worry. We’ll get it there, Laurie. No problem.”

CAR T-cell therapy is about an 18-day process. They shaved off a couple of days and shortened it even more, so the patient didn’t have to wait that long. They take your cells, put the target on them, and grow them in the lab. They harvested about a million cells from me and after they became CAR T cells, there were a billion cells that would get infused.

Before you get your CAR T cells, you go through lymphodepleting chemotherapy, which is chemo light compared to the 18 cycles that I had. It makes room in your bloodstream for you to get your CAR T cells back and gives them room to expand. After three days of lymphodepleting, you get the cells back on day zero, your CAR T birthday. It was amazing because, within days, the tumors were shrinking.

Demystifying Follicular Lymphoma - Latest Advances in Precision Medicine and Emerging Therapies

FDA-Approved Bispecific Antibodies for Follicular Lymphoma

Tiffany: Are bispecific antibodies available to patients outside of a clinical trial? Is there anything we can use now straight from a pharmacy without having to go to our investigational one?

Dr. Martin: Two bispecific antibodies are approved for follicular lymphoma: mosunetuzumab and epcoritamab. There probably will be a third one very soon called odronextamab. They’re all pretty similar in terms of how they work and the proteins they target on the surface of the B cells.

There are more coming that we will continue to see in lymphoma and across all cancers. They’re all administered in the clinic or the hospital, so these are not pills that you take at home the way a lot of cancer therapy has transitioned. They’re administered either through an intravenous injection or a subcutaneous injection.

Demystifying Follicular Lymphoma - Latest Advances in Precision Medicine and Emerging Therapies

Why are Bispecific Antibodies Administered in the Clinic or Hospital?

Tiffany: Is there a reason for that? Is it because we want to watch for any side effects immediately or is it because of the toxicity and potency of the drug itself?

Dr. Martin: A little bit of both. These are big proteins. They have to be administered by needle because they have to bypass the gastrointestinal tract.

There are some side effects. The side effects that somebody might experience during the infusion are minimal. That said, somewhere in the range of hours to even a couple of days after the treatment, there can be cytokine release syndrome, which happens in up to a third of patients getting these antibodies.

Cytokine release syndrome sounds complicated, but… it’s very manageable.

Dr. Peter Martin

Cytokine release syndrome sounds complicated, but it’s what I described. T cells secrete these chemicals, the same chemicals you experience when you have an infection, including fever, feeling rundown, muscle aches, and what you feel when you have the flu. But in some cases, it can be a little bit more severe. Not very common, but it can happen. We’re often able to manage it with acetaminophen. Sometimes we have to use steroids, like dexamethasone, and rarely do we even have to use other medications.

Because of that, there’s very careful preparation at the facility level, the physician and nursing level, and the patient and caregiver level. It’s all about preparation, helping people to know what to recognize and what to do if something like that happens. It’s very manageable, but it’s a little bit more complicated than taking a pill.

Demystifying Follicular Lymphoma - Latest Advances in Precision Medicine and Emerging Therapies

Side Effects of Bispecific Antibodies

Tiffany: Patients are concerned about side effects in general and we know when it comes to cancer, a lot of these drugs are toxic, even though we’ve drastically reduced that over time. In your experience, how do bispecific antibodies differ from traditional chemotherapy and CAR T-cell therapy in terms of side effects? Are they more severe, less severe, or not as long? And does the impact on quality of life determine which avenue they want to take for their treatment?

Dr. Martin: It’s not such a straightforward question to answer because everybody’s different and everybody’s situation is different. Where better-tolerated treatments might be appropriate for one person, more aggressive treatments with more side effects might be appropriate for another person. In most cases, we have options among all of these and oftentimes, there are no wrong or right answers. We try to pick one, but in some cases, we’re driven to say this is the right answer. It’s the job of the whole team — the patient, the caregiver, the physician — to try to pick the right treatment.

Where better-tolerated treatments might be appropriate for one person, more aggressive treatments with more side effects might be appropriate for another.

Dr. Peter Martin

Bispecific antibodies are straightforward in that they can be administered in an outpatient setting or at least partly in an outpatient setting. They don’t cause a lot of the side effects of traditional chemotherapy, like hair loss and nausea, which aren’t major issues with a lot of chemotherapy that we use, but we’re understandably scared of them. Hair loss is a particularly interesting one in that it’s a signal to the rest of the world about something you’re undergoing privately. It tells them publicly that something’s going on, so I understand why that’s not attractive.

Personal Experience with Side Effects

Tiffany: It’s important to get a patient’s perspective regarding side effects. Laurie, can you give us an overview of your experience with side effects? Were there any that you found particularly taxing on you or that affected your quality of life? Were you able to manage your symptoms relatively well?

Laurie: It was a mixed bag. With the first chemo, I lost my hair and got mouth sores. With the second treatment, which was a targeted therapy, I was very, very fatigued. I also lost my hair. They told me that it wasn’t from the trial drug, but when I dug into it, I saw a very small percentage of patients lost their hair.

Laurie Adami

White counts typically would get depleted, which made me prone to getting infection… so I was a real early adapter of mask-wearing.

Laurie Adami

My fourth treatment was radioimmunotherapy and I had very, very low counts for a long time. My platelets dropped. I never had to get an infusion of platelets, but I had to go in every day to get it checked. I had to be very careful not to fall because I had no clotting ability with low platelets.

White counts typically would get depleted, which made me prone to infections, so I had to be careful. When I went back to work after my first chemo treatment in 2006 and had to start traveling again, I asked my oncologist, “Is it okay if I travel to New York, Boston, London, etc.?” She said, “Yes, but you have to wear a mask,” so I was a real early adapter of mask-wearing.

Demystifying Follicular Lymphoma - Latest Advances in Precision Medicine and Emerging Therapies

Precision Medicine as an Approach to Follicular Lymphoma

Tiffany: Something that was also talked about at ASH (American Society of Hematology annual meeting) in general is the idea of precision medicine and how it’s a relatively new approach to cancer treatment. Is precision medicine being used as an approach to follicular lymphoma? What are your thoughts on precision medicine?

Dr. Martin: It depends how much of a fan of science fiction you are. To some degree, we’ve always practiced precision medicine. What do I know about this lymphoma? What do I know about this person? What do I know about all of the different treatment options? How do I put it all together?

Over time, treatments are becoming more specific in some ways, so you can apply them under certain circumstances. Our ability to understand more about cancer changes with new technologies. We’ve always been trying to personalize medicine in the sense of sequencing the entire genome of a cancer cell and saying this is the right treatment for you according to lab testing, but we’re not there yet for follicular lymphoma.

Over time, treatments are becoming more specific in some ways, so you can apply them under certain circumstances.

Dr. Peter Martin

There’s one treatment, a pill called tazemetostat, which has modest activity but is generally well-tolerated. It’s an inhibitor of an enzyme called EZH2, which is mutated in about 20% of people with follicular lymphoma. It’s approved for the treatment of people with mutated EZH2 enzyme, but it’s also approved for people with wild-type unmutated EZH2 if they don’t have other treatment options. Realistically, it works reasonably well in both groups, so it’s a precision medicine approach, but you don’t necessarily have to have the mutation to use it. That’s the closest we have right now, but this is coming. It will continue to change and there are other examples where we’ll see more of that.

Long-Term Implications of Chemo-Free Treatments for Follicular Lymphoma

Tiffany: I know you can’t read the future, but what do you think the long-term implications may be for follicular lymphoma, specifically for chemo-free treatments? What I hear a lot is that I’m living with cancer, not that I have cancer. What do you see with that in terms of chemo-free treatments?

Dr. Martin: People with lymphoma want treatments that work and are well-tolerated. Whether you call them chemotherapy, immunotherapy, or something else, if it works and is well-tolerated, that’s already great. They also want options that conform to where they are in life.

Different treatments that work in different ways have the advantage of potentially allowing us to mitigate some of the short-term and long-term issues that can come up.

Dr. Peter Martin

Every year, we have more and more options available to us. We always try to pick the right treatment for that moment, thinking about the here and now. We also try to think about how what we do today impacts what the patient’s life is going to be like 10 to 20 years from now.

More than chemotherapy, these new treatments potentially have a lesser impact on the body in the longer-term setting. With multiple lines of chemotherapy back to back, people will get through them for decades without major issues but over time, it catches up. Different treatments that work differently have the advantage of potentially allowing us to mitigate some of the short-term and long-term issues that can come up. Having more options is always better.

Demystifying Follicular Lymphoma - Latest Advances in Precision Medicine and Emerging Therapies

Clinical Research and Follicular Lymphoma

Tiffany: Both of our backgrounds are heavy in research. I like to talk about clinical research anytime I do a program to get the point out there because oftentimes, people think that a clinical trial is one of their last resorts, they’re not at least getting a standard treatment, or they’re not getting treated at all for their cancer. I know that at Weill Cornell Medicine, you have a robust research program. What does your research program look like and how receptive are your patients to joining clinical trials?

Dr. Martin: I appreciate your disclosure that we both come from a research background, so people should take that into account knowing that we have those biases. The number one barrier to entrance into clinical trials is not patient refusal. It’s because they don’t know that there’s an opportunity. The real burden is having physicians let patients know that this is something that they could do, not patients saying that it’s something they don’t want to do. It’s us. We’re probably the bigger part of the problem.

There are different reasons why somebody might want to participate or not want to participate in clinical trials. They offer new opportunities to access new treatments that might be more effective or better tolerated. In some cases, that might be when other treatments have been exhausted, but in a lot of cases, it might be when a new opportunity has already been well-studied in another setting and you’re looking to apply it in a new setting. There are also some downsides to research, a little bit more of a hassle often.

Demystifying Follicular Lymphoma - Latest Advances in Precision Medicine and Emerging Therapies

Tiffany: I’m a proponent of decentralization. Patients can get labs locally without having to track things like that. I’m a little biased when it comes to clinical research, but I do think it has so many benefits, so I’m always promoting it.

Dr. Martin: It can’t be understated that historically, there have been a lot of questionable research practices that were not always in the interest of participants. The medical community on the whole has tried to grapple with this. We’ve got multiple committees, like hospital and patient advisory committees, which try to minimize that and make research as ethical as possible.

There are going to be some people who are distrustful, which is their prerogative. I’m never the person who’s going to twist somebody’s arm to participate in a study that they’re not comfortable with, but I’m also not going to shy away from proposing a study because I’m afraid that somebody is not going to go for it. That’s not respectful to their autonomy either. You propose every option that exists and talk about the pros and cons then people will decide what’s right for them.

Tiffany: Absolutely. I always say too that we don’t give patients enough credit. We always talk about patient education. They need to know that clinical trials are out there and they’ll be more than willing to make that informed decision themselves.

Fertility preservation is also a highly charged issue, but it’s like research: if you don’t talk about it, people don’t have the opportunity to consider it.

Dr. Peter Martin

Fertility Preservation and Follicular Lymphoma

Tiffany: Something that is less talked about in general when it comes to cancer is fertility preservation. An abstract I saw at ASH talked about fertility. For younger patients with follicular lymphoma, does that discussion come up? From what I saw from the abstract, a lot of patients don’t bring it up. They don’t want to discuss it. What has your experience been in terms of having a fertility discussion with your follicular lymphoma patients?

Dr. Martin: Fertility preservation is also a highly charged issue, but it’s like research: if you don’t talk about it, people don’t have the opportunity to consider it. It’s important from the physician’s perspective to ask people about where they are and what they’re thinking about, but it’s also something that patients should advocate for themselves if it’s something they’re thinking about.

In general, follicular lymphoma happens as we get older, but a significant number of people get follicular lymphomas while they are younger and some of those may be considering having children in the future. We’ll get away from the reasons why somebody might choose to have or not have children in the setting of cancer; that’s a whole other complicated discussion.

It needs to be discussed early so that we can think about all of the treatment implications now and longer term, and how we sequence things.

Dr. Peter Martin

Many big hospitals, including Weill Cornell Medicine and NewYork-Presbyterian, have fertility teams that help people consider all of their possible options and how to preserve fertility. Fortunately, even the chemotherapy regimens that we typically use in follicular lymphoma don’t have a major impact on fertility and a lot of the newer treatments have no impact on fertility. The caveat is that you don’t necessarily want to be treating the lymphoma when somebody’s pregnant, although that becomes necessary in many cases and, depending on the treatments used, it often turns out to not be a problem either. It needs to be discussed early so that we can think about all of the treatment implications now and longer term, and how we sequence things.

Tiffany: Thank you for saying that. That’s a conversation you want to have whether you are considering children or not. If you’re younger and considering children, advocate for yourself. If your physician doesn’t bring it up, don’t be afraid to bring it up.

Demystifying Follicular Lymphoma - Latest Advances in Precision Medicine and Emerging Therapies

Bridging the Gap Between Academic Research Centers and Community Hospitals

Tiffany: In my experience talking to patients, they don’t get their diagnosis until after they see their primary care physician or go to the emergency room for something different. Because you’re from a large research center, you have multidisciplinary teams, which many people don’t have. They could be going to their community clinic. Patients may not know to go to an academic research center because they haven’t been referred to a specialist. Do you work with any community clinicians or community hospitals? What are your thoughts on working with community doctors to bridge the gap?

Dr. Martin: Even in New York where we have multiple academic medical centers, the majority of people with cancer are managed outside of those academic medical centers, so that’s a reality that we have to acknowledge. I also work in Brooklyn a couple of days a month. People must have access to medical care in their community.

We have to bring better medical care to the communities that people live in rather than vice versa.

Dr. Peter Martin

It took me a few years to come to this conclusion, which is embarrassingly slow, but it’s probably not fair to expect people and their caregivers to travel a couple of hours to see somebody when they have access to medical care in their community. We have to bring better medical care to the communities that people live in rather than vice versa. There are a lot of excellent oncologists practicing in communities and that’s where the majority of people can and probably should receive their care.

One caveat I’ll say is that all of cancer is becoming increasingly complicated, so I don’t think that people should feel uncomfortable seeking a second opinion. I have friends who work in community medicine throughout the whole tristate area in New York and I work with them and help them to manage their patients. Telemedicine has made that easier as well.

This is where patient advocacy comes in. You have to advocate for yourself and speak up about it. If your physician is uncomfortable with that, that might be a sign that they’re thinking about more than your best interests. You’ll find that almost all academic oncologists will encourage second opinions. I certainly do that and help arrange them when I can.

It comes down to a balance. What do you get out of it, what do you have to give to get that benefit, and is it worth it?

Dr. Peter Martin

Key Takeaways from ASH

Tiffany: The ASH annual meeting is a big conference. Was there anything for you that stood out?

Dr. Martin: Bispecific antibodies are going to be a major part of treatment for follicular lymphoma. Exactly how they fit in, which line of therapy, and which combinations get used is interesting to think about. They’re not going anywhere for a while, so that’s pretty cool.

Another interesting study that came out was a late-breaking abstract looking at tafasitamab combined with lenalidomide and rituximab. This was a randomized controlled trial that showed that the addition of tafasitamab to lenalidomide and rituximab improved time to progression. Effectively, it doubled it compared to lenalidomide and rituximab, which is probably one of the more common second or third-line treatments for follicular lymphoma, so that’s a pretty significant benefit.

In some ways, it’s a no-brainer to say that’s something we should do. On the other hand, tafasitamab is a little bit of a hassle. People have to come into the clinic frequently for it, so it’ll be interesting to see where this plays out everywhere. I don’t necessarily know how I’m going to use that information. Again, it comes down to a balance. What do you get out of it, what do you have to give to get that benefit, and is it worth it? But it’s a strikingly positive trial.

Tiffany: I’m going to be following that trial as well.

Demystifying Follicular Lymphoma - Latest Advances in Precision Medicine and Emerging Therapies


Tiffany: Thank you so much for this engaging and insightful conversation. I always learn something on the other end of these educational programs.

Dr. Martin, thank you for taking the time to speak with us at The Patient Story. It was so good to catch up with an old colleague and know that we both have remained dedicated to improving cancer care and finding a cure. I’m optimistic about the future as long as we have physicians and researchers around like Dr. Martin.

Laurie, thank you for sharing your story. Lived experiences are very personal and I’m forever grateful to patients who are open and transparent because I believe that it helps the next person and the next patient.

It’s so important to be empowered so that you and your caregivers can make informed decisions about your care. That includes being educated about the latest treatment options for your cancer.

Thanks again to our sponsors, Genmab and AbbVie, for their support of our independent patient program and to our promotional partners. Until next time and on behalf of The Patient Story, thank you.

Demystifying Follicular Lymphoma: Latest Advances in Precision Medicine and Emerging Therapies
Hosted by The Patient Story
Take part in an engaging and informative webinar featuring Dr. Peter Martin, a leading lymphoma expert, to discuss the latest advancements in follicular lymphoma treatment. We will discuss precision medicine and emerging therapies, while addressing how to manage side effects and improve quality of life. This session is designed to empower patients with practical knowledge and support as they navigate their diagnosis.
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The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society is here for you with information about clinical trials, resources, and support.

Thank you to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society for their partnership. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society is here for you with information about clinical trials, resources, and support.


Special thanks again to Genmab and AbbVie for supporting our independent patient education content. The Patient Story retains full editorial control.

Follicular Lymphoma Patient Stories

Courtney L., Follicular Lymphoma, Stage 3B

Symptoms: Intermittent back pain, sinus issues, hearing loss, swollen lymph node in neck, difficulty breathing
Treatment: Chemotherapy

John S., Follicular Lymphoma, Stage 4

Symptom: Swollen lymph nodes

Treatments: Clinical trial, chemotherapy

Laurie A., Follicular Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, Stage 4

Initial Symptoms: Frequent sinus infections, dry right eye, fatigue, lump in abdomen

Treatment: Chemotherapy, targeted therapy, radioimmunotherapy
David shares his stage 4 follicular lymphoma diagnosis
David K., Follicular Lymphoma, Stage 4 Symptoms: Sharp abdominal pains, frequently sick, less stamina Treatments: Chemotherapy (R-CHOP), immunotherapy (rituximab), radiation, clinical trial (bendamustine), autologous stem cell transplant
Headshot of Nicky, who's living with stage 4 follicular lymphoma
Nicky G., Follicular Lymphoma, Stage 4
Symptoms: Fatigue, weight loss, lumps in the neck and groin

Treatments: Quarterly infusions of rituximab, radioactive iodine 131 infusion, platelet transfusion

Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Patient Stories

Michelle’s Stage 2 Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Story

Michelle’s Stage 2 Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Story

Interviewed by: Nikki Murphy
Edited by: Chris Sanchez

Michelle is a survivor of stage 2 primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma (PMBCL) non-Hodgkin lymphoma. In her early thirties, she began experiencing symptoms such as neck pain, which she initially dismissed as a pulled muscle. This was around the anniversary of her mother’s passing from stomach cancer, and Michelle felt a growing sense that something was wrong. Following a series of inconclusive medical exams, an x-ray ultimately revealed a large tumor in her chest, leading to her diagnosis of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Michelle’s diagnosis and subsequent journey marked a significant and transformative chapter in her life.

The discovery of the tumor stunned and terrified Michelle, particularly given her recent experience losing her mother to cancer. Genetic testing revealed no hereditary links to her illness, suggesting it was likely environmental, further compounding her sense of the unknown. Her treatment plan included 6 rounds of intensive chemotherapy, which involved 5-day hospital stays on a continuous drip. The treatment was effective but came with a host of side effects, including severe nausea, fatigue, appetite and weight loss, and hair loss, which further traumatized Michelle. She recalls how losing her hair and eyebrows created a “loss of identity,” as she struggled to recognize herself. Her physical transformation added to the emotional toll, which was exacerbated by continuing to work full-time.

Ringing the bell at the end of Michelle’s successful chemotherapy treatment marked the start of a difficult recovery journey rather than closure. She found that, contrary to popular belief, the end of treatment brought a new set of challenges: trauma from the experience, persistent health issues from chemotherapy, and anxiety about recurrence. Additionally, her body struggled to absorb nutrients due to chemotherapy’s impact on her digestive system. Despite these challenges, Michelle committed herself to her recovery, focusing on nutrition and mental well-being.

This experience led Michelle to change her career path, eventually becoming a certified integrative nutrition health coach to support other cancer survivors in recovery. She emphasizes that recovery is an ongoing process, requiring tools to manage stress, anxiety, and long-term side effects like lymphedema and scar tissue.

Michelle has found purpose in helping others navigate the post-treatment journey, hoping to bridge the gaps in aftercare support. Through her own trials and transformations, she has emerged with a renewed sense of identity and dedication to holistic health, embracing the perspective and purpose she found on the other side of her battle with cancer.

  • Name:
    • Michelle P.
  • Diagnosis:
    • Primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma (PMBCL) non-Hodgkin lymphoma
  • Staging:
    • Stage 2
  • Initial Symptom:
    • Severe neck pain
  • Treatment:
    • Chemotherapy

This interview has been edited for clarity. This is not medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare provider to make treatment decisions.

Thank you for sharing your story, Michelle!

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Related Cancer Stories

More PMBCL Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Stories

Arielle R., Primary Mediastinal (PMBCL)

1st Symptoms: Swollen neck lymph nodes, fever, appetite loss, weight loss, fatigue, night sweats, coughing, itchy skin, trouble breathing
Treatment: R-EPOCH (dose-adjusted) chemotherapy, 6 cycles

Keyla S., Primary Mediastinal (PMBCL), Stage 1

1st Symptoms: Bad cough, slight trouble breathing
Treatment: R-EPOCH (dose-adjusted) chemotherapy, 6 cycles

Donna S., Primary Mediastinal (PMBCL), Stage 1-2

1st Symptoms: Visible lump in center of throat, itchy legs, trouble swallowing
Treatment: R-EPOCH (dose-adjusted) chemotherapy, 6 cycles

Patrick M., Primary Mediastinal (PMBCL), Stage 2

1st Symptoms: Bump pushing up into sternum
Treatment: 6 cycles of DA-EPOCH-R (dose-adjusted) chemotherapy at 100+ hours each

Crystal Z., Primary Mediastinal (PMBCL), Stage 2

1st Symptoms: Chest pain
Treatment: 6 cycles of R-CHOP chemotherapy
Bladder Cancer Chemotherapy Gemzar (gemcitabine) Patient Stories Surgery Transurethral resection of bladder tumor (TURBT) Treatments

Michelle’s Recurrent Stage 1 Bladder Cancer Story

Michelle’s Recurrent Stage 1 Bladder Cancer Story

Interviewed by: Taylor Scheib
Edited by: Katrina Villareal

Michelle R. feature profile

Michelle’s experience with recurrent stage 1 bladder cancer started with intermittent blood in her urine, which led to multiple urgent care visits, where she was initially misdiagnosed, and eventually a diagnosis of papillary urothelial carcinoma. Upon diagnosis, she underwent TURBT surgery to remove the tumor and then chemotherapy.

Despite multiple rounds of chemotherapy, Michelle’s cancer recurs within three to six months after stopping treatment. Her doctor suggests ongoing monthly maintenance chemotherapy, but she negotiates for less frequent sessions due to the harsh side effects. She became vigilant about recognizing symptoms of recurrence, helping her manage the chronic nature of her cancer.

Facing the possibility of losing her bladder, she expresses a preference for an Indiana pouch, influenced by her friend’s experience and her desire for a better quality of life. She has already undergone surgery to improve her chances of adapting to the Indiana pouch, demonstrating her proactive approach to managing her health.

Michelle emphasizes the importance of self-advocacy in medical care, seeking multiple opinions, and making informed decisions. She acknowledges the emotional toll of living with cancer and stresses the importance of mental health care and self-care.

  • Name: Michelle R.
  • Age at Diagnosis:
    • 43
  • Diagnosis:
    • Bladder Cancer
  • Staging:
    • Stage 1
  • Symptoms:
    • Irregular occurrences of seeing streaks of blood in urine
    • Specific type of pain when bladder is full
    • Unexplained weight loss
    • Urinary urgency
    • Malaise
    • Fatigue
  • Treatments:
    • Chemotherapy: gemcitabine
    • Surgery: transurethral resection of bladder tumor (TURBT)
Michelle R.

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Thank you to Johnson & Johnson for its support of our patient education program! The Patient Story retains full editorial control over all content.

This interview has been edited for clarity and length. This is not medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare provider for treatment decisions.

I had been experiencing some streaks of blood in my urine… It was very random and not consistent at all.


I live near Atlanta, Georgia. I’m a mother to an adult son and an auntie to my nieces and nephews. I have two brothers and a sister. I’m a genetic genealogist. If I’m not working my full-time job, I’m working my side business, Bless Your Vibes LLC.

I have recurrent stage 1 non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC). I’ve had nine recurrences, countless surgeries, and chemotherapy. As long as I catch it before it invades the muscle, I’ve been told I can deal with this for the rest of my life.

Michelle R.
Michelle R.


Initial Symptoms

I had been experiencing some streaks of blood in my urine. It would happen for a day or two and then nothing for a month, and then it would happen again. It was very random and not consistent at all. I already had a hysterectomy several years prior, so I knew it wasn’t related to that. I didn’t have any pain nor symptoms of a urinary tract infection, so I immediately thought about kidney stones.

Going to Urgent Care

When I went to urgent care, they did a culture and said, “You don’t have any infection, so it’s probably kidney stones. We’re going to give you antibiotics and send you on your way.” I went to urgent care a total of four times from June 2017 to February 2018.

She said, “I want you to demand to see a urologist. You’ve been experiencing this for quite some time. Tell them painless bleeding.’

The last time, I did a televisit. I knew they were going to give me antibiotics because it was the same old story, so I planned to call them during my lunch break. The doctor I spoke with during my televisit was more thorough than any other doctor I’ve ever had in my life.

She asked me questions and didn’t allude to any infection or kidney stones. She said, “I want you to demand to see a urologist. You’ve been experiencing this for quite some time. Tell them painless bleeding. Don’t say ‘blood without pain.’” She stressed that to me for whatever reason.

Seeing a Urologist

The urologist still didn’t indicate anything. They said, “We’ll try to figure out what’s going on.” I had a CT scan and some urine tests, but that was about it.

Michelle R.
Michelle R.


Getting the Diagnosis

The urine test results came back through my patient portal and said I was positive for papillary urothelial carcinoma. I knew what carcinoma was, but I didn’t know what papillary urothelial meant. I panicked. It was Friday afternoon and everybody’s gone. The only person I told was my boss at work because I had to leave early.

First thing on Monday morning, I called the office and left a message. They called back and said, “We can’t tell you anything. You need to come in to see the doctor.” I couldn’t go in until later that week, so I had to sit with it for a whole week.

When I went in, the doctor was so matter-of-fact and cold. He started talking about treatment. I said, “Stop. Do I have cancer?” He looked at me like I should already know. I was numb. He said, “Based on the CT scan, it looks like there’s a large mass. Normally, we would go in with a scope and then proceed with surgery. But since we know that it’s cancer, can we bypass the scope and go into surgery?” I said yes because I wanted this out of me, so he scheduled it for two weeks after.

I had one friend… She wasn’t that close of a friend but for her to drop what she’s doing to help me, stay with me, and bring me home meant the world to me.


Discussing the Treatment Plan

With bladder cancer, you have high-grade or low-grade, muscle-invasive or non-muscle-invasive. My doctor pulled out a treatment chart and it showed everything. It was pretty clear-cut. It showed the schedule of treatment, which starts from removal or transurethral removal of bladder tumor (TURBT), and then it goes through the surgeries and the types of chemotherapy.

Michelle R.
Michelle R.
Preparing for Surgery

I remember trying to prepare myself. I was freaking out because up until the night before, I had no ride to my surgery. My son didn’t have his license yet and all of my friends worked. I didn’t have any family to help. I literally had no one. I started calling people that I casually knew and nobody stepped up.

Then I had one friend who I called and I was telling her about it when she said, “Why didn’t you ask me?” I didn’t even think about it because she’s disabled and she turned out to be the one who would step up. She wasn’t that close of a friend but for her to drop what she’s doing to help me, stay with me, and bring me home meant the world to me. It humbled me. I didn’t even know then all the friendships that I was about to lose over this, but from back home, she’s the only friend I have left. I’ve lost all of them. 

I went into surgery and at the time, I felt like I had a lot of people depending on me, so I told the doctor, “I’m not just another patient. Treat me well. Do me right because I have a lot of people who depend on me.” I felt he was offended by that because he said, “I treat all my patients the same.” He was very dry.

I asked, “What’s the best-case and worst-case scenario?” He said, “Best-case scenario is I get it all, you go home today, and you rest. Worst-case scenario is you wake up and have a bladder bag.” He told me this right before going in and I was in complete shock. I couldn’t do anything else but pray.

I had a follow-up after surgery and there was another growth. It was the first time I got to see it inside of me.


After surgery, my friend was the first person to greet me coming out. She was in the recovery room and as I was waking up, I felt that he got it all and I was going home. I believed it in my head. After I got more coherent, I asked the nurse, “Did he get it all?” And she said yes.

I went home to recover, took the next day off, and went back to work the following day. It was like I had cancer and then I didn’t have cancer in that short time. I didn’t know at the time that it was going to happen nine more times over 6 ½ years.

One of the first things this doctor told me was, “I have patients who have been coming to me for 20 years. I go in and get it out, and they go about their way for 20 years.” At first, I was upset that he said that, but later, I was glad because that prepared me. He indicated that it was going to be normal to keep coming back.

Not every case is chronic, but I like to know things because I like to be prepared. It helped me put it into my head that I’m going to have to deal with this. On one hand, it helps me. But on the other hand, I don’t feel like I’ll ever have that winning moment. It’s going to be a lifetime thing to deal with.

Michelle R.
Michelle R.


I had a follow-up after surgery and there was another growth. It was the first time I got to see it inside of me. It looked like a succulent flower because it was so tiny and had little shoots. I’m lying there looking at the screen, thinking, “How could something so beautiful be so deadly?” Then he said, “We can take care of this right now.”

I asked him, “What does this entail?” He said, “We pluck it off.” Then through the screen, I saw this little grabber thing come through and he plucks it. It was very surreal. You go from cancer to no cancer because once that’s gone, you have no evidence of disease.

If I have to do a cystoscopy or a procedure, that takes priority because in order to keep my bladder, I have to stay on top of everything and not wait.

Moving to Atlanta

I was moving from Ohio to Atlanta, so I asked him what I needed to do. He said, “Come see me one more time before you go.” I did that and I was clear, so I was okay.

I started searching for the top urologists, top oncologists, and the hospital networks in the area. I did a lot of research and called some of the hospitals, which included Emory because they were in my insurance network. I asked, “If you had a serious problem with your bladder and you needed a urologist, who would you go to?” They told me about this doctor and as soon as I connected with the office, it was so different.

This doctor is a urologic oncologist and supposedly the best in the network. I explained my situation and gave my brother’s address since I didn’t have my new address yet. They emailed me papers and everything. There was such an urgency to be seen and that made me feel very comfortable and that I would be taken care of.

Michelle R.
Michelle R.

When I went, they said, “We’re not even going to have a consultation. We’re going right into cystoscopy. I want to see what’s going on there.” I’m glad they did because that was my fourth growth and it had taken off. It was very large and from the pathology report, it was high-grade.

After that scope, they said, “We’re going to do the surgery and we’re going to do your chemo,” so I did that.

During my follow-up, I didn’t see the doctor, but I saw someone else from his team. I had been taking cues from my first doctor that it wasn’t a big deal. She was the first one who looked me in the face and said, “Do not put this off because you can die from this,” and that was the first time anybody said that I could actually die from this.

Up until then, it was very casual. From that point on, I took everything very seriously. If I have to do a cystoscopy or a procedure, that takes priority because in order to keep my bladder, I have to stay on top of everything and not wait.

There are specific symptoms that I now recognize when I have active cancer.

Being Aware of Symptoms of Recurrence

I’ve had this nine times now, so I’ve paid attention to my body and my symptoms, and I started recognizing patterns. When I have active growth, there is a very specific pain that I feel in the morning when my bladder is full. Once I empty it, the pain goes away. When I feel that, I know I have a growth.

I’m a plus-sized person. I’m fairly large. But before I was diagnosed, I lost a lot of weight. I lost 60 lbs and that was one of my other symptoms before I was actually diagnosed. I had unexplained weight loss and I had been trying to lose weight my whole life. 

Then I have a lot of sense of urgency to go to the bathroom, like when you have a UTI. I can’t wait for too long because the fuller my bladder, the more it hurts. Then I have a general feeling of unwell and being tired a lot. There are specific symptoms that I now recognize when I have active cancer.

One time, I was having bad pain in the morning. I had a cystoscopy not even a month prior and he said, “It’s probably because you’re still healing.” I said, “No, something’s going on.” He got me in and sure enough, it was another growth. This doctor trusts that I know my body and he’s fully on my team.

Michelle R.
Michelle R.

Maintenance Chemotherapy

For the last recurrence, we know that chemo worked. I got chemo for a whole year and didn’t have any growth, but when I stopped, I had another growth within three to six months, so I had to have another surgery and chemo.

I told him that it seems my growths occur between the three- and six-month mark, so he wants to introduce another chemo to mix with the original one I was taking and do monthly maintenance chemo probably for the rest of my life. I’m not down for that, so I said, “That’s hard on me. What if we go every two or three months?” That’s not even what the board recommends, but he’s willing to consider it.

He said I could stop and we’ll see how I do. In six months, it came back, so I’m going to be on chemo for the rest of my life.

Side Effects of Chemotherapy

The chemotherapy drugs are all different. I get nauseous, but I don’t get sick. I have a little thinning of my hair, but I don’t go bald. I feel overall icky and tired. I go through hot and cold flashes, low-grade fevers, and night sweats. Those last probably about five days before I start to feel a little bit better. But when I went for the whole year, the longer I was doing it, the worse I felt every month.

It started like I was having aphasia or problems with recalling certain words. My memory wasn’t as good. I was having trouble concentrating and trying to process things. It was more complicated. I still have that problem where I trip on my words sometimes. It got progressively worse the longer I was doing chemo.

Michelle R.
Michelle R.
Taking a Chemo Break

I was supposed to do it until the end of the year, but I asked him, “Can I take a break for a month?” Since I had the six-week course before the monthly sessions, he said I could stop and we’ll see how I do. In six months, it came back, so I’m going to be on chemo for the rest of my life.

It’s going to be a cat and mouse game, and the end result is a ticking time bomb. I’m going to do whatever I can to avoid losing my bladder and as long as I can tolerate the chemo. If it gets to the point where I can no longer take it, then I’ll probably have my bladder removed. There aren’t very many options for that.

Even if it meant I was going to lose the battle to not lose my bladder and choose quality of life over quantity of life, I made peace with that.

Facing the Possibility of Losing Her Bladder

There’s only one option that I would like. My best friend had urethral cancer, a rare form of it, and she got an Indiana pouch and that to me is the most tolerable. I don’t want to live with a bladder bag. It’s a decision I made before I met her. The only options I knew of were a neobladder or ileostomy bag, and I didn’t like either of those options because if the neobladder doesn’t work, then all you have is the bag.

I’m older and my child is grown and independent. I’ve suffered a variety of things throughout my life. I’m a chronic pain patient and with where I’m at in my life, I didn’t want to suffer, so I made the decision. Even if it meant I was going to lose the battle to not lose my bladder and choose quality of life over quantity of life, I made peace with that, and that was hard for other people.

I didn’t really talk about it, but I mentioned to people close to me, “Spend time with me now.” I didn’t come right out and say it, but I would drop hints. Then I met my friend and she showed me that and for the first time, I actually had hope that I could live with this little pouch and do the catheter. I could deal with that. Now that’s where I’m at. If I have to lose my bladder, I want the Indiana pouch.

Michelle R.
Michelle R.

When I was first diagnosed, I was fortunate to get involved with a cancer support center in my old town. I started going to support groups and would see there was only one other person with bladder cancer and he had a bag. He was pretty matter of fact about it and he was happy. He didn’t go through what I did, but his was found at a later stage.

You could tell which ones had a good support system and which ones didn’t. The ones who had a good support system wanted to fight and they fought until the very end.

At the time, I thought I had a good support system, so I was ready to fight. There was a woman who came in who had been diagnosed with stage 4 and it looked like there was no hope for her, but she had such a good support system. Her decision was to not do any treatment. She was going to live the rest of her days.

I remember that meeting because that’s where we got into quality versus quantity. She said, “Why would I prolong my life with the extra time I have being miserable, rather than have a shorter life and be absolutely happy and at peace with it?” That hit me so deeply because I wasn’t even nowhere near where she was as far as stage, but it put in my head that if I ever get to that point, that’s what I would do. It allowed me to process those choices and come to terms with it.

I knew people wouldn’t understand that. Even to this day, when I talk about it, people would say, “Why would you even think like that?” And these are people with cancer. You’re not me. You’re not going through what I do.

Everybody’s days are limited, whether you have cancer or not. We only have one life, so you have to do what you can in between the dashes.

Shared Treatment Decision-Making

My doctor is still pretty dry, but I’ve grown to appreciate him. I had a different surgery a few years ago and prior to that surgery, I let him know right away, “I’ll do whatever I need to do to keep my bladder, but if it comes down to losing my bladder, I will pass. I want you to know that’s where I’m at.” He respected that and said, “I’ll do whatever you want.” I appreciated that for a variety of reasons. He must have written it in my file, so he knows that when I come in, we have the surgery and then chemo. It’s become routine now.

When I had the high-grade recurrence, it got to the point where we weren’t sure and I was scared. I had met my friend by then and brought it up to him. I said, “Can I do the Indiana pouch if I have to lose my bladder?” He said, “Let me see your abdomen.” At the time, I had a B belly, so my waist dipped in and right where the crease was is where the stoma would be. I asked, “How would that work?” He said, “It probably wouldn’t.”

I had this discussion with him. My concern was if I had a bladder bag, every time I moved, bent over, or sat, it would fold over on itself, so it would pinch off the flow. The stickers for the bag wouldn’t stick. I would then have a higher risk for infection and leaks. It solidified why I wasn’t going to live with a bladder bag.

Michelle R.
Michelle R.

I thought about it and said, “What if I got a tummy tuck to smooth that out?” I’m a bariatric patient too and I had lost some weight. He felt around and said, “If you could get this smoother, I think you would have a better chance,” so I started on that journey to get that done.

I had a panniculectomy, so now I have a big round D belly and I’m comfortable with the fact that if I had an ileostomy bag, I wouldn’t crease anywhere. But then I met my friend and that made me feel even better. Now that I’ve had the surgery, I could live with that. It was important that I had that discussion with my doctor because if he blew me off, then I wouldn’t have made that decision.

At my last visit, I brought up that I’m coming up to seven years. He said, “If you want to remove your bladder, we can do that, but I don’t think you’re there yet. This is all superficial, but I understand that if the chemo’s getting to be too much and doing all this is too much, we can do that. But I remember what your decision was initially.” Whatever I decide, he’s comfortable with it.

Where we left off was, I have to let him know whether we’re going to introduce this other chemo and try a few rounds every three months to see if that keeps it away. I can live with that and that’ll buy me a little bit more time. Everybody’s days are limited, whether you have cancer or not. We only have one life, so you have to do what you can in between the dashes.

Importance of Self-Advocacy

Self-advocacy is absolutely critical. I talk about it on my social media and I have a lot of women sending me messages, not very many men, but I tell them that this doesn’t have to be a death sentence. It’s a health challenge, especially if you have the type that I have.

You have to advocate for yourself and understand what’s going on with you. Ask your doctor. Don’t feel like you’re putting him off. If he or she’s brushing you off, find another doctor. Get those answers and make those decisions.

Don’t let any doctor gaslight you. I’m a big proponent of that. I don’t think I would’ve been like this if it wasn’t for all the other experiences I’ve gone through in my life. It brought me to this point where I can advocate for myself and others.

A lot of people I talk to don’t know how to advocate for themselves. I’ve seen five oncologists, two different ones in the same week. There’s nothing out there that says you can’t go to another doctor. You have to fight for yourself and speak up for yourself.

Michelle R.
Michelle R.

Handling the Emotional Toll

I haven’t carried myself with grace. I’ve spent a lot of time crying and being angry at everything. Oddly, one thing I never felt was, “Why me? Why did this happen to me?” I don’t know why. I can’t tell you why, but I’ve not handled it very well.

There have been a lot of times that I get depressed. I shut down. I get gripe-y with people. I withdraw. I’ve always been a quiet person. Everybody says you have to remain positive and be positive. In a lot of aspects, that’s true, but you also have to be a realist and allow yourself to feel these feelings to get through them.

My counselor said, ‘Before cancer or any major health issue, you experience a grieving process over the life that you had before the diagnosis.’

Some things that I do that help me is seek mental health care. When I was first diagnosed, I was seeing a counselor and was on anxiety medication. When I moved, I didn’t need those anymore because back then, I had other situations I was dealing with that I wasn’t in anymore.

I practice a lot of self-care. I used to feel guilty about spending money on myself, especially as a parent, but I don’t anymore because it’s vital to my survival and helps me cope after years of dealing with my cancer.

You go through a grieving process too, much like a death. My counselor said, “Before cancer or any major health issue, you experience a grieving process over the life that you had before the diagnosis. You’ll never go back to life before that diagnosis, especially with cancer. You start grieving the loss of that life, so you need to go through all those steps and emotions to get through it.” For a lot of people, that’s hard.

The biggest stigma in the cancer community is to fight it and beat it. Either beat it or you lose. Normally, those are your only options. But when you have cancer that keeps on coming back, you don’t have that. You’re either sick or not sick. You never win. You never go the rest of your life not having to worry about it again. It becomes a part of you and you learn to deal with it. It’s like getting diagnosed with any other type of major illness. There’s before the diagnosis and after the diagnosis. You have to figure out how to live with it. Find a good support system and resources to help you.

bladder cancer ribbon
Cancer Care Book

Publishing a Cancer Care Book

When I was first diagnosed, there were different things that I had to keep track of. I had a little notebook where I was writing everything down on because I couldn’t keep track of everything, especially once I moved. I had to get new doctors, new patient portals, and new insurance. There was too much for me to keep track of. I found a group and talked to other people about it.

I’m a graphic designer by profession, so I thought about making a book for other people and created a guided journal called Cancer Care Book, which is available on Amazon (no commission is being earned with this link). It’s geared toward women, but men could use it too. It’s for anybody who has cancer but specifically for newly diagnosed people.

There are different sections in it where you can keep track of all your appointments and bills, write things out like a journal, or if you’re an artist, you can draw or doodle. There are coloring pages because I’m a big believer in art therapy.

There’s a section called The Tough Stuff where you can organize your bucket list items and final wishes. They may deny it, but everybody will think about what happens if they die and this is the perfect way. Nobody has to see this if you don’t want to.

If you get so sick and have a caretaker, you can keep track of all the information, like medication, and hand it off to a caretaker. There’s an emergency contact list on the first page, so if something happens to you, people will know who to reach out to. I put everything that I thought I would want when I was first diagnosed.

You can’t take care of anybody else if you don’t take care of yourself first.

Words of Advice

I made a video that showed six things that are key to your survival and the biggest one is early detection. Don’t wait. If you have any kind of symptom or you feel like something is wrong with your body, get it checked out. Don’t put it off. Early detection is key.

Advocate for yourself no matter what. Get those answers and get education.

Find your tribe. Find your support. They’re out there. On my website, I have a Resources page with over 500 websites for all cancers.

Take care of yourself because much like when you’re flying on a plane and they tell you to put the oxygen mask on first, you can’t take care of anybody else if you don’t take care of yourself first.

Anyone who has had a cancer diagnosis needs to get some kind of mental health care to process everything. You can find a lot of help in support groups and support centers, but they’re limited and can only help you so much. If you’ve never seen a counselor or a therapist before, once you get a diagnosis, they should be next on your list of doctors to see.

You have to come to terms with your mortality. A lot of people think they’re going to live forever. You have to shift your thinking. Cancer could take you out, a car accident could take you out, or a fire could take you out. Anything could happen. You need to reevaluate your life and make better choices of what’s important to you and your closest loved ones.

Michelle R.

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Special thanks again to Johnson & Johnson for its support of our independent patient education content. The Patient Story retains full editorial control.

Michelle R. feature profile
Thank you for sharing your story, Michelle!

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More Bladder Cancer Stories

Vickie D.

Vickie D., Bladder Cancer

Symptoms: Intermittent pain in the gut and burning sesnsation

Treatments: Chemotherapy (dd-MVAC), surgery (cystectomy)
Michelle R. feature profile

Michelle R., Recurrent Bladder Cancer, Stage 1

Symptoms: Irregular occurrences of seeing streaks of blood in urine, specific type of pain when bladder is full, unexplained weight loss, urinary urgency, malaise, fatigue
Treatments: Chemotherapy, surgery (TURBT: transurethral resection of bladder tumor)

Margo W., Bladder Cancer, Stage 1

Symptom: Blood in urine

Treatments: Chemotherapy, surgery (radical cystectomy)
LaSonya D. feature profile

LaSonya D., Bladder Cancer, High-Grade

Symptom: Blood in urine
Treatments: BCG immunotherapy, surgery (cystectomy)
Karen R. feature photo

Karen R., Urothelial Cancer, Stage 1

Symptom: Recurrent UTIs

Treatment: BCG immunotherapy

Adriamycin (doxorubicin) Breast Cancer Chemotherapy Colon Colorectal Doxil (doxorubicin) Eloxatin (oxaliplatin) Hormone Therapies Patient Stories Radiation Therapy Surgery Taxol (paclitaxel) Treatments Xeloda (capecitabine)

Lauren’s Stage 4 Breast and Stage 4 Colon Cancer Story

Lauren’s Stage 4 Breast and Stage 4 Colon Cancer Story

Interviewed by: Taylor Scheib
Edited by: Chris Sanchez

Lauren, from Houston, Texas, is living with stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 colon cancer. Her journey began in 2014 when, after breastfeeding her second child, she discovered a lump in her breast. As her doctor initially dismissed it as fibroadenoma, Lauren did not undergo further testing. 2 years later, she developed pains in her breast and noticed that her left nipple looked strange, and upon further examination, doctors diagnosed her with stage 3 breast cancer. She underwent chemotherapy, a mastectomy, and radiation, followed by hormone therapy for several years.

In 2021, Lauren began experiencing stomach pains and noticed blood in her stool. Following a colonoscopy, she was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer after doctors discovered a cancerous lymph node. She underwent surgery and chemotherapy but struggled with side effects. Lauren also began to explore alternative treatments like high-dose intravenous vitamin C and fasting, inspired by research on treating KRAS mutation cancers, which are known to be particularly aggressive and difficult to treat.

In 2022, after experiencing further stomach pain, a PET scan revealed that the cancer had spread to Lauren’s abdominal lining and spine. Her oncologist gave her a terminal prognosis, estimating that she had around 10 months left to live. Desperate, Lauren intensified her vitamin C treatments, fasting, and other therapies. Remarkably, by December of that year, her PET scan showed no evidence of disease, although her doctor cautioned her to remain vigilant.

Lauren’s journey took another turn when a biopsy revealed that her spinal cancer was not colon cancer but a recurrence of her breast cancer, which had resurfaced and spread while her immune system was weakened. Although she has had to deal with recurring spots of cancer in her spine, Lauren has successfully managed her colon cancer, with her tumor markers remaining low. She credits her alternative treatments, alongside traditional therapies, for keeping her cancer at bay.

Now, Lauren undergoes PET scans every 3 months to monitor her condition. While managing cancer has become part of her daily life, especially with gastrointestinal side effects from her colon surgery, she remains proactive in her treatment and hopeful for the future. Despite the challenges, Lauren emphasizes the importance of staying informed, advocating for oneself, and maintaining hope, especially for those dealing with KRAS mutation cancers.

  • Name:
    • Lauren B.
  • Age at Diagnosis:
    • 31
  • Diagnosis:
    • Breast cancer
    • Colon cancer
  • Staging:
    • Stage 4 for both
  • Initial Symptoms:
    • Lump in left breast that grew
    • Strange appearance of nipple
  • Treatment:
    • Surgery (radical left mastectomy, lymph node removal; removal of part of colon and appendix)
    • Chemotherapy (Doxorubicin and Taxol; Oxaliplatin and Xeloda)
    • Radiation therapy
    • Hormone therapy
    • Complementary treatments (fasting, high-dose intravenous Vitamin C)

This interview has been edited for clarity. This is not medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare provider to make treatment decisions.

Thank you for sharing your story, Lauren!

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Related Cancer Stories

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Nina M. feature profile

Nina M., Metastatic Breast Cancer

Symptoms: Hardening under the armpit, lump & dimpling in the left breast

Treatments: Chemotherapy, surgery (lumpectomy), radiotherapy, hormone-blocking medication, targeted therapy
Sherrie shares her stage 4 metastatic breast cancer story
Sherri O., Metastatic Breast Cancer, HER2+ & Colon Cancer, Stage 3
Symptoms: Shortness of breath, lump under armpit, not feeling herself
Treatments: Chemotherapy, Transfusions
April D.

April D., Triple-Negative Breast Cancer, Stage 4 (Metastatic), BRCA1+

Symptom: Four lumps on the side of the left breast

Treatments: Chemotherapy (carboplatin, paclitaxel doxorubicin, surgery (double mastectomy), radiation (proton therapy), PARP inhibitors
Brittney shares her stage 4 breast cancer story
Brittney B., Metastatic Breast Cancer
Symptoms: Lump in the right breast, inverted nipple

Treatments: Surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiation
Bethany W. feature profile

Bethany W., Metastatic Breast Cancer

Symptom: Lower back pain
Treatments: Chemotherapy, radiation, maintenance treatment

Avastin (bevacizumab) CAPOX (capecitabine, oxaliplatin) Chemotherapy Colectomy Colorectal CRC Immunotherapy Keytruda (pembrolizumab) Patient Stories Surgery Treatments

Nick’s Stage 4A Colorectal Cancer Story

Nick’s Stage 4A Colorectal Cancer Story

Interviewed by: Taylor Scheib
Edited by: Katrina Villareal

Nick S. feature profile

Nick’s symptoms began a year or two before his diagnosis, including changes in bowel habits, size, and consistency, blood in the stool, and abdominal pain, which he initially attributed to aging or irritable bowel syndrome. After experiencing fatigue and escalating pain, he went to the ER where he was diagnosed with diverticulitis and sepsis. Despite initial treatment, he required a laparoscopic washout due to a perforated colon and subsequent complications, including an abscess.

During a follow-up colonoscopy, doctors found a mass, which was later confirmed as adenocarcinoma. He underwent a sigmoid resection, removing part of his colon. While clear margins were achieved, 19 of 49 lymph nodes tested positive for cancer.

Nick began CAPOX chemotherapy, experiencing severe side effects like fatigue, neuropathy, and an acne rash due to the addition of Avastin (bevacizumab). When they noticed an elevation in his tumor marker and growth in his lymph nodes, he was switched to Keytruda (pembrolizumab), an immunotherapy, to reduce the cancer to a manageable level.

Nick emphasizes the importance of mental health support to manage anxiety. He advises listening to your body, advocating for yourself, and using support systems. He encourages seeking thorough medical evaluation for unexplained symptoms and finding strength in support groups, hobbies, and loved ones, stressing perseverance and finding reasons to keep fighting.

  • Name: Nick S.
  • Diagnosis:
    • Colorectal Cancer
  • Staging:
    • Stage 4A
  • Initial Symptoms:
    • Change in bowel habits, size & consistency
    • Blood in stool
    • Abdominal pain
    • Fatigue
  • Treatment:
    • Surgery: sigmoid colectomy
    • Chemotherapy: CAPOX (capecitabine & oxaliplatin),
    • Immunotherapy: bevacizumab, pembrolizumab
Nick S.

This interview has been edited for clarity. This is not medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare provider to make treatment decisions.

My symptoms started a year or two before diagnosis. It started with a change in bowel habits, size, consistency, some blood in the stool, and abdominal pain.


I’m a stage 4A colorectal cancer fighter. My wife and I live in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. We have a wonderful 28-year-old daughter.

I’m a full-time firefighter and critical care paramedic. I’ve been doing firefighting for about 16 years and paramedicine for about 13 of those 16 years.

Nick S.
Nick S.


Initial Symptoms

My symptoms started a year or two before diagnosis with stage 4A colorectal cancer. It started with a change in bowel habits, size, consistency, some blood in the stool, and abdominal pain. I had some acid reflux type of reactions that my wife and I chalked up to aging and not being as healthy as I could be. My wife has irritable bowel syndrome and I thought some of it was IBS because some foods would trigger some reactions in me.

I was working full-time for the department for about a decade and a couple of years later, I decided to change over to a neighboring department. For these jobs, we have to pass a physical agility test.

I have been working by myself daily. I was in pretty good shape. The test is a pretty rigorous test to be able to do what we do. I was 48. I was doing this at an older age than the 20-year-olds they were usually hiring.

I was diagnosed with diverticulitis and sepsis, so they started me on antibiotics right away.

A couple of months later, we responded to a house fire. At some point, my battalion chief pulled me off the line and said, “You look wiped out. I’m going to sit you out for a little bit to catch your breath.” I felt a little tired, but, again, I was getting a little older.

I sat out and went back in for another round. This time, the chief was on the scene and said, “Nick, take your gear off. You don’t look good. Go back to the ambulance. You’re going to be doing rehab, making sure everyone else is doing okay, but we don’t want you going back in.” I thought something was weird.

I called my wife to meet me in the ER. I didn’t know what was going on. I’ve got bad abdominal pain. I haven’t slept. I’m going to go get checked out.

Nick S.
Nick S.
Diverticulitis & Sepsis

I was diagnosed with diverticulitis and sepsis, so they started me on antibiotics right away. They weren’t sure if surgery was going to be necessary, but they transferred me to another hospital. At that point, I was stable.

When I got transferred, I met with a thoracic surgeon and started to realize that things were serious. He said, “We’re not going to go in right away. We’re going to keep an eye on you tonight. Hopefully, things will subside with some more antibiotics and some steroids, if we have to. But we’re going to keep an eye on you and evaluate you. We’d like to avoid surgery.”

The next day, when they were getting my vitals, the nurses said, “We see you’re slated for surgery.” That turned into a laparoscopic washout. They found that I had a perforated colon in the sigmoid area, the area right before the rectum, but that had healed itself.

All of a sudden, I heard the doctors say, ‘That’s not good.’ I remember seeing a black mass on the screen.

They went in through a couple of small incisions, washed everything out to make sure there was no fecal matter, and stitched me back up. I had a couple of surgical drains. I was in the hospital for five or six days and then I was sent home to heal.

I ended up getting readmitted a couple of days later because I had some drainage coming from my drain sites. After a CT scan, they found I had an abscess. I believe E coli was one of the culprits. There was something else too, so they needed heavy-hitter antibiotics.

After another two weeks of antibiotics, the PICC line was removed. I met with the surgeon and everything was looking great. He said, “Let’s do a follow-up colonoscopy to check how the diverticulitis is.”

Nick S.
Nick S.

I wanted to sleep through it. I was joking with them and we were all relaxed when all of a sudden, I heard the doctors say, “That’s not good.” I remember seeing a black mass on the screen. He tried advancing past it and I said, “Ow,” but I didn’t feel it. I said “ow” instinctively. He said, “We can’t get past this mass. We’re going to pull out.” The tone changed. You could have heard a needle drop in that procedure room.

They wheeled me back into the recovery room where my wife was waiting. On the way there, one of the nurses handed me a polished stone that had the word “hope” stamped on it. I didn’t think that choked me up, but I carry it wherever I go. In hindsight, it meant a lot and drove home the seriousness of the situation. We didn’t know exactly what was going on, but something wasn’t right. I have enough medical training and field experience to read the room and know it wasn’t good.

The doctor eventually came back in and said they couldn’t diagnose it yet. They took a small sample to send off for testing to confirm what they thought it was. He wouldn’t say whether it was cancer or not.

The good news was they got the tumor with clear margins. They felt it hadn’t spread far…


Getting the Biopsy Results

I was waiting for the results at home. When I finally got the notification on my phone, I checked it and it said adenocarcinoma. Now we know what we’re dealing with. It’s cancer of some sort. I never thought about it as a possibility.


Sigmoid Colectomy

During the colonoscopy, he said we were going to have surgery because what it was had to come out. He referred me to surgery right away. Luckily, it was the same surgeon who performed my earlier surgery who I trusted with my life. 

I met with him about a week later. They were going to do an exploratory surgery until they knew exactly what it was in there and then do their thing.

Nick S.
Nick S.

I remember being in the room when my mother-in-law came out too. My wife was there, of course. They wheeled me in, put in the IVs, and told me to start counting back from 100. I don’t think I hit 95. Hours later, I woke up in my hospital room with a slightly sore throat. They performed a sigmoid resection. I can’t remember how much of my colon they took out, but I didn’t require an ostomy, thankfully. They were able to resect it and reconnect it right away.

The good news was they got the tumor with clear margins. They felt it hadn’t spread far, at least in the tissue of the colon. But the surgeon sampled some lymph nodes right next to the tumor site. They took out 49 and 19 of them tested positive for cancer.

I stayed positive. The whole reason I’m in this fight is my family.

CAPOX Chemotherapy

At that point, I was referred to oncology. I met with my oncologist. His nurse was a former ER nurse who I was familiar with and seeing a familiar face went a long long way.

He explained what he planned on doing based on the CT scans. They saw some inflammation in other lymph nodes and they weren’t sure if that was post-surgical. They wanted to do another CT scan to check, but they were happy about the margins being clear. I was staged at 3C then. It metastasized a little bit past the point of origin but not very far.

The first day of chemo was going to include labs and a CT scan to see where we were at. The plan was to do CAPOX: capecitabine, an oral medication, and oxaliplatin, an IV medication. I would do the oral chemo for two weeks and then on the third week, I would go in for the IV chemo. They would do labs on those days to make sure everything was okay.

Nick S.
Nick S.

Unfortunately, the doctor didn’t like what he saw on the CT. He wanted to get a little more defined imaging, so he set me up for a PET scan and delayed the chemo. A couple of days later, we came back to start chemo again and get the PET scan read.

The doctor confirmed that it had spread to the lymph nodes in the abdominal area, along my aorta, and up to my left shoulder. It had spread a lot further than we thought it had.

I felt like every time we made a plan to move forward, we were getting kicked back a couple of steps, but I stayed positive. The whole reason I’m in this fight is my family. I believe that someday, this cancer will get me, but I’m not going down without a fight. I’m stubborn, so it’s going to be a long fight. I won’t go down without swinging.

I have a four-day weekend so I tried to time my infusion, so I had a couple of days to recover post-infusion and feel somewhat human before returning to work.

Side Effects of CAPOX Chemotherapy

Chemo wasn’t fun. It knocks you out. I felt fatigued on the first day. For probably a week and a half, when you start getting the infusion, you can’t drink cold drinks. It felt like swallowing glass shards. A lot of fatigue and neuropathy kicked in.

I didn’t like being out in the cold and I love ice fishing. You’ll catch me outside at -20°F on a normal day, but with chemo, not a chance. I had to be bundled all the time.

My eyes were always drying out, so they hurt a lot. I had insomnia, joint pain, and muscle pain.

They added Avastin (bevacizumab), which is an immunotherapy, to my chemo routine. That caused a bad acne rash on my back from the waistline up to my neck. The doctor had never seen nor heard of it, but we can only attribute it to Avastin.

Nick S.
Nick S.

Working While in Treatment

I was able to go back to work full-time as a firefighter. I have a four-day weekend so I tried to time my infusion, so I had a couple of days to recover post-infusion and feel somewhat human before returning to work.

My work was very accommodating. We’re firefighters, so we don’t sleep all day, but the chief said if I needed to rest, I could go to the dorm, which I appreciate. I never took him up on it. I tried to stay with my brothers and sisters training or doing calls, and that worked great.

I was going to be on treatment for the rest of my life. I might get some time off if we get no evidence of disease at any point, but it will come back at some point and I’ll have to go back on treatment.

Switching to Immunotherapy

The initial plan was for six months or eight cycles of chemo and Avastin. Unfortunately, because of the restaging, I was going to be on treatment for the rest of my life. I might get some time off if we get no evidence of disease at any point, but it will come back at some point and I’ll have to go back on treatment.

My tumor marker was through the roof when this all started and it was dropping with chemo. We were seeing shrinkage in the lymph nodes. Chemo sucks, but it’s doing what it’s doing, so we stayed very positive.

When we got to cycle six, we noticed my CEA was going up a little bit. We were doing CT scans every three months and we noticed some growth in the lymph nodes. The doctor said, “We’re going to stop the chemo. It’s not working. You can only receive so much oxaliplatin before it becomes completely ineffective. This saves us a couple of cycles where if we need to go back to it, we can go back to it. We’re going to switch over to an immunotherapy called Keytruda (pembrolizumab).”

Nick S.
Nick S.

The side effects of immunotherapy are supposed to be much less than chemo and I’m all for that. I switched from chemotherapy to immunotherapy in August 2023. I still have very slight neuropathy every now and then in my toes and my fingertips. Nothing debilitating but a reminder that I was on chemo at one point and that probably won’t get any better or any worse, hopefully.

Keytruda is a half-hour infusion. Side effects are minimal. Between cycles two and three, while we were camping, I noticed that my resting heart rate was higher than it should be. I was not exercising as much and a little out of shape, but I shouldn’t have a resting heart rate of 130-140 beats a minute. I was sweating a lot without doing anything, so I couldn’t figure it out. I talked to the oncologist and they ran some thyroid tests.

One of the known side effects of Keytruda is thyroid burn. It’ll cause hyperthyroidism until the thyroid burns out and then it’ll cause hypothyroidism.

The support of my family, my work family, and my friends is what gets me through this.

Treatment Plan

We want to do Keytruda for 18 more months. It’s a two-year plan. We’ll see what it does and go from there. Hopefully, the response brings everything down to normal levels, I won’t have evidence of disease, and I can ride that out for a while.

Fingers crossed, maybe Keytruda is the cure for colon cancer, but realistically, I don’t think so. I think it’ll be a lifetime battle, but it’s going to be a long life. The support of my family, my work family, and my friends is what gets me through this.

Nick S.
Nick S.

Managing Scanxiety

As a paramedic, I’ve dealt with patients with panic attacks and anxiety. Anxiety’s a real thing. A lot of times, it doesn’t seem like it with the patients you’re dealing with, but now that I’m put in that position, it’s a real thing. I’ve dealt with it even before cancer through another set of unfortunate circumstances and luckily, I have a great support group in place.

We see a lot of things as paramedics and firefighters, so after a while, you realize things aren’t normal. I had to start paying closer attention to my mental health. I started seeing a therapist and she’s great. She taught me how to deal with stress, anxiety, and my feelings.

What we go through as cancer patients is not something most people go through nor is it something they understand.

Stay strong and recognize that the stress is real. What we go through as cancer patients is not something most people go through nor is it something they understand. Take a deep breath. Listen to what your mind and body are telling you.

Your feelings are valid. Don’t try to brush it off and try to be strong by pushing your way through it. Rely on your support team. If you have a therapist, talk to that therapist.

Most oncology teams come with a social worker. Use that resource. Rely on your family for strength. Tell your spouse what you’re feeling even when you don’t want to. Sometimes talking about it gets it out there and puts it away, as opposed to it weighing you down.

What helps me is retreating home, spending time with family, or staying busy with work. Rely on your hobbies if you have any. If you don’t, find some. I’m a big fisherman. I love fishing. You could put me on a lake and even if I couldn’t catch a fish for days, I would be in my happy place. Find something that helps you disconnect from the cancer and what you’re going through.

Nick S.
Nick S.

Words of Advice

For anyone who might be experiencing symptoms that you’re not quite sure of, listen to your body. Talk to your doctor. Advocate for yourself. If you feel something’s not right, push for tests to try and figure out what’s going on. The answer, “We don’t know what’s wrong with you,” is not acceptable. Push to find answers.

For cancer warriors who are going through this, keep going. You’re not alone. There’s support beyond your family, friends, and coworkers. There are a ton of support groups online. There are social workers available. There are platforms like The Patient Story.

(For more support options, please visit one of our many partners such as Colontown or the Colon Cancer Coalition.

You’re not in this alone. Some days, it may feel like it. Some days, I get down in the dumps, but I find something to get me back up. I find a reason to keep going. There are a million reasons to keep going and even if you find just one, that’s all it takes.

Listen to your body. Talk to your doctor. Advocate for yourself.

Nick S. feature profile
Thank you for sharing your story, Nick!

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More Colorectal Cancer Stories


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Abraxane (paclitaxel) Carboplatin Chemotherapy Clinical Trials dexamethasone Endometrial Cancer High-Grade Serous Hysterectomy (radical) Patient Stories Steroids Surgery Treatments

Gigi’s Stage 1A, High-Grade Serous HER2+, PR+, ER- Endometrial Cancer Story

Gigi’s Stage 1A, High-Grade Serous HER2+, PR+, ER- Endometrial Cancer Story

Interviewed by: Taylor Scheib
Edited by: Katrina Villareal

Gigi D. feature profile

Gigi’s initial symptoms included hiccup-like sensations behind her sternum, gastrointestinal issues, and spotting. An ultrasound showed a thickened endometrial lining, and a biopsy confirmed her diagnosis – endometrial cancer. A month later, she underwent a radical hysterectomy.

Initially, Gigi thought a hysterectomy would suffice, but further testing revealed a more serious condition. Her tumor had 25% mixed undifferentiated cells, placing her in the top 1-2% for her cancer type.

Although additional tests showed no spread of the cancer, her oncologist recommended chemotherapy. Gigi enrolled in a clinical trial, receiving six rounds of carboplatin and paclitaxel every three weeks.

Alongside chemotherapy, Gigi took dexamethasone, anti-nausea medication, antihistamines, and gabapentin. She found chemotherapy more manageable over time, despite side effects like facial redness, dry skin, nausea, bone pain, restless leg syndrome, neuropathy, and tinnitus. Fortunately, her blood work stayed stable, allowing continuous treatment without delays.

Gigi adopted a plant-based, low-inflammatory diet and explored alternative therapies to support her body during treatment. She now has CT scans every nine weeks and follow-ups with labs every 12 weeks.

Inspired by resilient patients, Gigi actively participates in her care and treatment decisions, collaborating with respected care providers, asking tough questions, and balancing being well-informed with learning to let go.

  • Name: Gigi D.
  • Diagnosis:
    • Endometrial Cancer
    • HER2+
    • PR+
    • ER-
  • Staging:
    • 1A High-Grade Serous
  • Initial Symptoms:
    • Hiccup-like sensations behind the sternum
    • Gastrointestinal issues
    • Spotting
  • Treatment:
    • Clinical trial: chemotherapy (carboplatin and paclitaxel)
Gigi D.
Gigi D.
Gigi D.
Gigi D.
Gigi D.
Gigi D.
Gigi D.
Gigi D.

This interview has been edited for clarity. This is not medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare provider to make treatment decisions.

Gigi D. feature profile
Thank you for sharing your story, Gigi!

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More Endometrial Cancer Stories

Chemotherapy Clinical Trials Colon Colorectal FOLFOX (folinic acid, fluorouracil, oxaliplatin) FOLFOXIRI Immunotherapy Patient Stories Surgery Treatments

Amy’s Stage 4 Colon Cancer Story

Amy’s Stage 4 Colon Cancer Story

Interviewed by: Taylor Scheib
Edited by: Katrina Villareal

Amy L. feature profile

Amy initially noticed a slight change in her stool consistency, which persisted despite normal test results. After a year-long delay due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a colonoscopy revealed a 6-cm mass in her colon. Although the initial biopsy showed no cancer, surgery confirmed cancer in the tumor center and 11 out of 21 lymph nodes. It was stage 4 colon cancer.

She began treatment with FOLFOX, experiencing severe side effects like jaw pain, cold sensitivity, and neuropathy. Despite completing the regimen, a slight increase in CEA levels prompted further tests. A CT scan and MRI revealed cancer in her liver, leading to a relapse diagnosis. Unhappy with her initial oncologist’s pessimism, she sought a second opinion and switched to a more supportive doctor.

Her new oncologist initiated FOLFOXIRI, which shrank the tumors but wasn’t enough to eradicate the cancer, leading to surgery and an ablation. When the cancer resurfaced, she joined an immunotherapy clinical trial. The difference between chemotherapy and immunotherapy was substantial, providing her with a significantly improved quality of life.

Throughout her stage 4 colon cancer journey, Amy emphasized the importance of a supportive medical team, listening to her body, advocating for her health, and maintaining movement and proper nutrition during treatment. She also stressed the need for open communication with healthcare providers about side effects and health concerns.

  • Name: Amy L.
  • Diagnosis:
    • Colon Cancer
  • Staging:
    • 4
  • Initial Symptoms:
    • Slight change in stool consistency
  • Treatment:
    • Chemotherapy: FOLFOX, FOLFOXIRI
    • Clinical trial: immunotherapy
Amy L.

This interview has been edited for clarity. This is not medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare provider to make treatment decisions.

What might be normal for somebody else might not be for you. If there’s a change, it’s important to talk to your doctor about it.


I’m from the Seattle Pacific Northwest area and I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer.


Initial Symptoms

I only had one symptom, which was a very small change in my stool. It became slightly looser, but it wasn’t consistent. For most people, that might not be a big deal, but I hadn’t changed my diet. The first time I noticed it was when I had just come back from Spain and I thought it was from traveling. I gave it a few weeks, but it wasn’t getting better.

Amy L.
Amy L.
PCP Appointment

I listened to my body and talked to my doctor about it within a month of this first symptom. My doctor at the time thought it was food sensitivity. They did autoimmune testing for Crohn’s and celiac disease, but those came up negative. They did an allergy panel to see if I developed any new food allergies. That came back normal. I also had my first CEA test, but I had no idea what that was and that also came back normal.

I was blessed to have a doctor who was very proactive and didn’t ignore my symptoms. They knew that I knew my body. What might be normal for somebody else might not be for you. If there’s a change, it’s important to talk to your doctor about it.

Unfortunately, they couldn’t get me in for a colonoscopy. They did the fecal immunochemical test (FIT) test. They did all these tests and everything was coming back normal.

He recommended me to a dietician who started looking at what I was eating and what we could change that might explain the stool change. My doctor said that since everything’s coming back normal, he wanted to do due diligence to make sure that there’s nothing they might be missing. He said, “Let’s get you in for a colonoscopy.” That was in the end of 2019.

They called in and said my procedure was non-essential and not COVID-related, so I needed to be put on hold… Unfortunately, I ended up waiting for a whole year.

Getting a Colonoscopy

They were booked back a few months. I wasn’t considered urgent. Nobody thought I had cancer. I was 39. They said they’ll get to me at the end of January or early February 2020. Then the COVID pandemic happened.

A week before my appointment, they called in and said my procedure was non-essential and not COVID-related, so I needed to be put on hold. They would call when they could make it happen again. Unfortunately, I ended up waiting for a whole year.

During that year, I was furloughed, so I was staying at home. My symptoms went away, which confirmed to me that maybe it was something I was eating since I wasn’t eating out.

By January 2021, I got a phone call asking if I wanted to schedule my colonoscopy again. I almost said no and that I didn’t need it anymore because the problem had gone away, but a little voice inside me told me to go ahead and do it. The “worst” thing that they could tell me is that nothing’s going on. I had nothing to lose, so I told them to go ahead and schedule it. They scheduled me for the first week of February 2021.

Amy L.
Amy L.

I didn’t have any other symptoms, like pencil-thin stools, bloating, or pain. Nobody was looking for cancer, especially colon cancer. Most people who get colon cancer are in their 70s and 80s. The first oncologist I had even told me that I was the youngest patient he ever had. Most of his patients were 60 and older, so it wasn’t on anyone’s mind that I could have cancer.

When I did the prep for my first colonoscopy, it was worse than the colonoscopy itself, but it’s a small drop in the bucket out of all the days in my life. On the day I came in, everything proceeded as normal. I got onto the table and they told my husband that the procedure could take up to 30 to 45 minutes. He couldn’t stay with me, so he dropped me off and left.

They put me in twilight sedation so I’m out of it, but the doctor’s voice and tone cut through. She turned to her nurses and said, “Where is her husband? Get him back here right now. Call him. We need him back here right now.”

She didn’t say anything, but because of her tone, I knew something was wrong. I felt my heart dropped to my stomach. I was half awake and the anesthesiologist was trying to put me back to sleep because my eyes were open and I was starting to ask questions. I didn’t feel anything, so it wasn’t traumatic.

The biopsy results showed there was cancer in the center of the tumor and 11 of 21 lymph nodes.



When they wheeled me back into a curtained area, my husband was already there waiting for me. The doctor came and said they found a 6-cm mass in my colon.

I waited for the biopsy results to come back and when she finally called, she said they biopsied the tumor, but there was no cancer. However, they were extremely concerned given the size. It was either going to turn into cancer soon or there would be cancer in the center and not on the outside, so they wanted to get me in quickly. Everything was indicating that they had “caught this in time” and that I would just need surgery and might not even need chemo.

Amy L.
Amy L.

They scheduled the surgery within three weeks of that conversation. They were on top of it and wanted to get it out.

The surgeon came in to talk to me. The biopsy results showed there was cancer in the center of the tumor and 11 of 21 lymph nodes. The tumor hadn’t broken through the colon, like they usually see with more advanced cancer, so they were not expecting to see cancer in my lymph nodes. He was very shocked it was stage 4 colon cancer.

I made an appointment with a doctor at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center to get a second opinion because I wanted to know more.

Oncologist Appointment

My mom was an ER nurse. She also has leukemia, so she hasn’t worked while dealing with that. My mother-in-law is a hematology-oncology nurse at the Mayo Clinic. I’m fortunate to have knowledgeable people who helped me through the next process.

They referred me to my regular oncologist and said he’d go through my stage 4 colon cancer treatment plan. I had a meeting with him and it went okay, but I ended up switching. He told me that I would need clean-up chemo or adjuvant chemotherapy. Everything looked fine. He wasn’t hugely concerned.

Amy L.
Amy L.


FOLFOX Chemotherapy

They said I was going to do FOLFOX (folinic acid, fluorouracil, and oxaliplatin) and then we would do a CT scan. They did a CT scan right after the colonoscopy where they found the mass, but they didn’t find anything else. He said it’ll be good.

Getting a Second Opinion

I made an appointment with a doctor at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center to get a second opinion because I wanted to know more. I knew nothing. Is FOLFOX the standard treatment? What were my treatment options for stage 4 colon cancer?

Different doctors have different preferences and I wanted to ensure I was getting all the information. I made an appointment and brought all of my medical records to make sure. The doctor said they would do the same treatment.

I had a very rare side effect where I had jaw pain… This was a rare side effect of oxaliplatin.

Side Effects of FOLFOX

I did 12 and it was terrible. Before my second round, I had a very rare side effect where I had jaw pain. It was the most excruciating pain I’d ever experienced in my entire life. It radiated from my jaw back up around my neck and felt like somebody had put my head into a vice.

They didn’t know what was going on. I didn’t find out until I switched oncologists that this was a rare side effect of oxaliplatin. They sent me to a jaw specialist to make sure there wasn’t something else going on. I spent the rest of my treatment switching back and forth between morphine and oxycodone because the pain was so horrific.

Amy L.
Amy L.

On top of the nausea and hair loss, the cold sensitivity was bad. I like my drinks either really hot or cold. I don’t like lukewarm drinks. Chemo, especially oxaliplatin, made everything taste like pennies and dirt. I’m a big water drinker and I couldn’t drink water because the taste would make me gag. I started drinking electrolyte drinks to mask the taste. I don’t like sugary drinks, but I needed to get fluids in me so I don’t end up in the hospital. You have to do what you have to do to survive, I guess.

I also developed bad neuropathy in my hands and feet, and that came on suddenly. I was doing fine, but by cycle 10, the pain in my feet started to get bad. I was having trouble gripping things. I couldn’t wash the dishes. I would pick something up and drop it.

When the CT scan results came back, they found something in my liver… they didn’t think the cancer had come back, even though my CEA was up to 5 or 5.5.

Post-Treatment Follow-Up

After they finished, they did my scan and didn’t notice anything, so they sent me on my way and said they’d see me in six months. I wanted to see him in three, but he said he didn’t think that was necessary. I said I did, so he scheduled me for a three-month visit, which ended up being fine.

During my six-month visit, my CEA went up to 2 and that was my first flag. My CEA was still perfectly normal, but my CEA had never gone above 1.7. When I had the appointment with my oncologist, I told him this was concerning for me and he said it was a little concerning for him too. It’s a little bit of an increase, but it could still be normal, so he scheduled a blood draw after four weeks.

In four weeks, my CEA was 4.6 and that was abnormal for me. It was still within the normal range because anything under 5 is still normal, but I thought it was concerning. He said we could do another blood draw in four weeks.

By this time, it was around July and he said I wasn’t due for my CT until October. I said I didn’t want to wait until then.

Amy L.
Amy L.


When the CT scan results came back, they found something in my liver. They thought it was a lesion because they said cancer usually looks like billiard balls but this looked like a zucchini. At that point, they didn’t think the cancer had come back, even though my CEA was up to 5 or 5.5, so something was going on.

They did an MRI and the results looked more like cancer. When they did a PET scan, the results looked even more like cancer. The biopsy confirmed it.

He said, “It’s looking more like it could be cancer.” They hadn’t done the biopsy yet at this point. He said, “If it’s cancer, there’s only a 20% chance you’ll make it to old age. That’s what the statistics tell us.”

I needed a doctor who I felt was on my side. I needed someone who I felt was going to fight for me.

Reaction to the Relapse

I walked out, got in my car, closed the door, and broke down crying. I was done with this oncologist. This is a horrific journey in itself. I needed a doctor who I felt was on my side. I needed someone who I felt was going to fight for me. I don’t care what the statistics say. There’s always somebody that’s on one side or the other.

Amy L.
Amy L.

Looking at Statistics

When you get these statistics, they mean something to doctors and researchers, but they don’t mean anything to people personally because you don’t know which side of that line you’re going to fall on. You could have the worst diagnosis and still survive.

I didn’t want to hear the statistics not because I was blind to it but because I knew it didn’t matter to me. The doctors are guessing which side of the line I’m going to end up on and I don’t want to hear their guess. I wanted to know if my treatment was working and if not, what my next steps would be.

She noticed the lymphatic system near my kidneys was getting larger so they thought that there was cancer there.

Switching Oncologists

I went back to the oncologist from whom I got a second opinion and she’s fantastic. She’s the best decision I ever made. One of the first things she did was get all of my scan results. She called my former doctor, requested all of my scan results, and sent them to a couple of different specialists so they could look at all of them. My new oncologist is on top of it and doing CT scans every eight weeks.

She noticed the lymphatic system near my kidneys was getting larger so they thought that there was cancer there. My first oncologist hadn’t even looked at that and it was one of the first things she noticed. It confirmed to me that I made a good decision.

I have this bad luck of getting things that look favorable but don’t end up being favorable. When I had my relapse, they looked at it and said I had a single liver lesion, which isn’t common. At that point, I was still considered curable.

Amy L.
Amy L.

Relapse Treatment

FOLFOXIRI Chemotherapy

She put me on FOLFOXIRI (folinic acid, fluorouracil, oxaliplatin, and irinotecan). I did FOLFOX a few times, but it wasn’t shrinking, so they added irinotecan and it started to shrink.

I went back on the full treatment for six months with very low node shrinkage but with slow growth.

Side Effects of FOLFOXIRI

I was miserable on oxaliplatin. It was terrible. I was sick all the time. The neuropathy in my hands had gotten better, but my feet had gotten worse. I could still do stuff with my hands, but my feet are pretty bad. I also had cold sensitivity, like not being able to eat cold food. Breathing in cold air was like breathing in shards of glass. My oncologist said they didn’t see any shrinkage with oxaliplatin, so she decided to remove it.

I had treatment until February 2023. It was shrinking and looking good, but it wasn’t going away, so they wanted to do surgery to remove the lymph system that had cancer in it. They did an ablation on one spot.

Amy L.
Amy L.

My oncologist wanted to do the ctDNA test to see if I had circulating tumor DNA in my blood. Four weeks later, that came out positive.

She said they usually wait 8 to 10 weeks before doing the first scan post-treatment, but she wanted to go ahead and do an MRI six weeks after surgery. She wanted to make sure because it looked like there was residual cancer.

Unfortunately, my liver lit up. They did a PET scan and there are a couple of spots now. I went back on the full treatment for six months with very low node shrinkage but with slow growth.

The difference between immunotherapy and chemotherapy is like night and day.

Joining a Clinical Trial

I started with an immunotherapy clinical trial in December 2023. The difference between immunotherapy and chemotherapy is like night and day. I’m not sick and tired all the time, so I’m able to go out and do normal activities. I feel like I’m able to have more of a normal life. It’s been fantastic, but I’m still fighting.

This is why it’s important to have a doctor who’s on your side. As soon as my recurrence happened, she went ahead and signed me up for every single trial that they offered. She didn’t ask me because she knew that these trials could have a year’s wait list. She figured that wherever I was, at least I was on the wait list. If a spot opened up, we could have a conversation about it.

Amy L.
Amy L.

When it comes to treatment, you do have a say. Your doctor may have a recommendation, but you have a say in what your treatment plan is going to be. You can tell them if you want an alternative.

A lot of people are intimidated, so they don’t want to tell their doctor what to do. It’s important to remember that your doctor is working for you. Find someone who’s working for you. My oncologist definitely was working for me.

Future Treatment Plans

My cancer is still growing. At any time, I can say I want to try something different. My oncologist and I have had those conversations. Because I’m on a trial, it’s not going to last forever. Unfortunately, I can’t be on this for the next five years. Having been off chemo, I’m hesitant about going back to it. I wanted to find out if there were non-chemo options we could explore, so we’ve talked about other options that are on the table.

With cancer, a lot of times, people sit and suffer in silence so by the time symptoms start rearing their big ugly heads, it’s often in the advanced stages.

Words of Advice

Know your body and trust your body. If something changes and there’s no warrant for that change, talk to your doctor. Don’t talk to your friends. Don’t go to social media. For everyone else, it might be normal, but if it’s not normal for you, it does warrant a conversation with your doctor. If it turns out to be nothing, you’re not out that much. I don’t think any doctor’s going to be mad that you wasted their time coming to them with your concern. Get rid of that fear. Know your body and know what’s normal for your body.

If anything comes up abnormal, don’t be afraid to go to your doctor and advocate for yourself. Tell them you want to find out what’s going on. With cancer, a lot of times, people sit and suffer in silence so by the time symptoms start rearing their big ugly heads, it’s often in the advanced stages.

People ignore the early symptoms. Maybe they’re busy, maybe they’re afraid, but I think primarily it’s because people think it’s not a big enough issue to warrant seeing a doctor. If it’s not normal for you, speak up and say something. The best thing that could happen is they tell you it’s nothing. The worst thing that could happen is they tell you it’s something, but maybe they found it before it’s something big and problematic.

Amy L.

Amy L. feature profile
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More Colon Cancer Stories


Shannon M., Colon Cancer, Stage 1

Symptoms: Routine colonoscopy found polyp; found the cancer as a result of Lynch Syndrome
Treatment: Partial colectomy

Hugo T., Colon Cancer, Stage 1

Symptoms: Inflamed bowel; diagnosed 2 weeks after 5-year remission from testicular cancer
Treatments: Subtotal colectomy, immunotherapy

Rachel B., Sigmoid Colon Cancer, Stage 1

Symptoms: Stomach discomfort, nausea, bloating, blood in stool
Treatment: Colectomy

Chris T., Colon Cancer, Stage 2

Symptoms: Found the cancer as a result of family history & early colonoscopy; discovered Lynch Syndrome after genetic testing
Treatment: Partial colectomy

Shannon C., Colon Cancer, Stage 2A

Symptoms: Severe pains after eating; tested positive for Lynch Syndrome
Treatment: Partial colectomy

Ovarian Patient Stories

Tiffany’s Stage 3A Ovarian Cancer Story

Tiffany’s Stage 3A Ovarian Cancer Story

Interviewed by: Taylor Scheib
Edited by: Chris Sanchez

33 year-old Tiffany is undergoing treatment for stage 3A ovarian cancer.

Tiffany was about to embark on a yearlong trip when she received life-altering news, a cancer diagnosis. Her diagnosis not only forced her to postpone her trip, but also convinced her to undergo IVF egg retrieval in order to preserve her ability to have children later on.

Tiffany is in the midst of her ovarian cancer treatment and, as of her interview, was steeling herself to undergo major surgery. But she has many reasons to be positive about her future. She shares her story with us to help others in the same situation.

In addition to Tiffany’s narrative, The Patient Story offers a diverse collection of stories about ovarian cancer. These empowering stories provide real-life experiences, valuable insights, and perspectives on symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options for cancer.

  • Name: Tiffany L.
  • Diagnosis:
    • Ovarian cancer
  • Staging:
    • Stage 3A
  • Initial Symptoms:
    • Severe bleeding after insertion of IUD
    • Discomfort and pain after working out
  • Treatment:
    • Chemotherapy: Carboplatin and Taxol
    • Surgery: Total hysterectomy

This interview has been edited for clarity. This is not medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare provider to make treatment decisions.

My biggest advice is to be really honest with yourself first.

Like, really checking in, are you feeling something or not?


My name is Tiffany. I’m based in Austin, Texas. I’m 33 years old. 

I love pole dancing, contortion, and I’m learning how to draw for fun, as well as watercolor in my free time.

I’ve been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, stage 3A.

Discovery and diagnosis

I was supposed to go travel abroad for a year in 2024, and was supposed to leave the first weekend of January. Didn’t want to carry a year’s supply of birth control with me, so I decided to get an IUD. 

I had an annual exam at the gynecologist, just standard stuff, and then that was when I mentioned an IUD, and so we got that inserted. We did the normal stuff that you would do during the annual exam. The gynecologist didn’t find anything weird then. 

At first, the IUD was fine, it wasn’t too painful or anything. About a week after it was inserted, I started bleeding like crazy.

I had my strings checked a month later, and that was okay, too, but I was bleeding a lot. It was like I was soaking through a heavy pad every hour or so. And so I just left it because it went away eventually. 

But a couple weeks after the string check, I started bleeding a lot again, and I didn’t really stop bleeding until they took it out. I was having heavy bleeding, and then it would it would kind of slow down a bit.

It just went on for weeks. So that’s why I called them to double check to make sure it was okay. 

I called them probably mid December or so. Because usually what happens is like, you call them and they just tell you, oh, it’s normal. It’s an adjustment period for the IUD, you’ll be okay. But I’m leaving in a few weeks. I need you to make sure this is okay before I go abroad.

So finally, they got back to me and they’re like, okay, we’re gonna do an ultrasound to check. I remember going in, I was like, I’m pretty sure this IUD is misplaced. I remember the sonographer going through everything. And then I looked at the screen and I saw this huge hole. 

I can’t read the graphics, but I saw her face and I was like, what is going on? I’m pretty sure there’s something more than just this IUD problem. But she’s not able to tell me what’s happening because I don’t think she’s allowed to by law. 

I almost was able to talk to the doctor right away, but then I actually had a work meeting, so I had to schedule it for I think the next day or something. I was just really anxious for  24 hours or so. And then the next day I went in and the doctor was like, hey, look, we found a gigantic cyst.

We don’t know what it is, the doctor said. I’m going to need to refer you to a gyno oncologist. Like I’m supposed to leave next week. Can I get an appointment right away? And she’s like, yeah, I’m gonna try to see if we can bump you up. And then she ran this blood test for the tumor marker, CA 125, that same day. So the new doctor can get all the results and stuff. 

So I had an appointment I think the next week, right before I was supposed to leave. I was like, well, there’s a huge thing in me, regardless of it being cancer or not, I need to take this out. So I probably do have to postpone my trip. There’s no way, you know, this person can just take it out in a week. So, yeah, I postponed my trip.

In my head I was like, okay, maybe it’s just postponed for a few weeks or a month. Maybe I can head out in February or something, which is not a big deal. But by that time, I had already quit my job because that was the plan. 

My last day of work was right before I was supposed to leave. It it just put me in a weird position because, I was like, well, I might leave soon anyway, so I guess it’s just like a month, I don’t need to get my job back. So I didn’t really bother with it. But also, it was just like a strange, in-between time where everything was up in the air. 

So I went to the new doctor, the gyno oncologist. And she basically was like, I need to see an MRI. So I had to get that done the next week.

And then after that, the follow up appointment, she didn’t really say it was cancer or anything, actually, even though my blood work was over the chart, my CA 125 was like 4000 and the standard was like 35. So it was crazy high. But, different things can affect your CA 125, such as endometriosis, which I wasn’t diagnosed with. All I knew was that I had PCOS. [Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder in reproductive-age women, causing infrequent or prolonged periods and elevated androgen levels.]

So when I talked to her after the MRI, she wasn’t definitive that it was cancer, but she wasn’t saying that it wasn’t either, because they don’t really tell you until they really go in there anyways. So she basically she knew that she had to take out the ovary that was attached to the tumor. But she asked me, if it’s cancer, what are your thoughts about having kids? Um, because if it’s cancer, usually they take everything out.

It took me a few days to get back to her because it was just so shocking to think about. We ended up deciding that we would keep the other ovary in there, even if it’s cancer, because we wanted to preserve my fertility and see if we could go through the IVF route.

Going into surgery, the doctor thought it’s probably borderline because it’s rare that someone in their 30s would have ovarian cancer. But, I mean, it could happen. She said that if it is borderline, then I probably wouldn’t need chemo. It ended up not being borderline. 

What happened during surgery is that she took the tumor out with the ovary, and she said the tumor was hard to take out. It wasn’t like a solid tumor, where, she could just pick it up with the robot and take it away. It was mushy and weird, gross-sounding.

The surgery took five hours, I believe, which was way longer than I expected because, besides taking it out, she also had to wait for a biopsy to see if it’s cancer and then after it’s cancerous, she does surgical staging. So she would swipe samples of different areas of my pelvis. I think it was bladder, bowels, uterus. 

She took the omentum out for biopsy to see if there’s any cancer cells there. So that’s also probably why it took five hours. I took up pretty much the rest of her afternoon, so I didn’t really see her until the next day. And that’s when she told me that, hey, it is cancer. 

But we didn’t know the staging; we just know that it’s probably more than likely, more than stage two, based on what I saw in there, but not definitive. Two weeks later, during my post-op appointment, I got the report. 

So the original report says there were cancer cells in the omentum. So that would put me in stage 3A. But there was another part of the report where they weren’t exactly sure where the origin site is for the cancer.

So they were suspecting that it’s either primary ovarian or possibly could be from the uterus or it’s synchronized cancer, because the type that I have was called an endometrioid ovarian cancer. That might come from endometriosis. So they are thinking that it could be synchronized, but for now they are treating it as a primary ovarian cancer. 

So it’s like still not definitive in a way. A little strange because I think the staging changes depending on the primary side. 

So if it’s ovarian primary, it’s like stage three, if it’s uterine primary and it’s in the omentum, that could put me in stage four. But then if it’s synchronized then it could be stage one for both. So it’s very confusing. The staging kind of tells you the prognosis, but then all the information data that they have are for like older women. So then it’s not like that information is for my population. 

At this rate, like honestly, I don’t look at my prognosis because none of the data is very specific to my population.

So I went ahead and got a second opinion too, just because why not? Insurance covers it. And I got a second biopsy at MD Anderson. And the report came back the same. 

So that’s a good thing, that it’s the same, I guess. Ultimately they’re not really going to be able to really find out exactly what it is until they take everything out. 

Treatment plan

After the doctor told me about my ovarian cancer diagnosis, she gave me a treatment plan. 

So I was going to be having three rounds of chemo, surgery to take everything out, and then three rounds again. 

So the midway point for the surgery, they just wanted to get the chemo in me first, but because I already would have had three rounds of chemo by then, they might not be able to really biopsy enough. There might not be enough cancer cells there for them to find out what is really going on. 


About a week after the report and discussing it with her, I started my IVF cycle, so I started freezing my embryos. 

That wasn’t fun. It was a lot of injections, doctor’s appointments., and going back and forth, trying to get a discount.

My insurance didn’t cover the IVF cycle, so I had to look into different organizations that would provide discounts on the clinic. And there are discounts for cancer patients, I think in most clinics, at least mine did. And I was able to get help from Livestrong and the Heart Beat program with Walgreens

The Heart Beat program basically gave me all the medication for free, which was really helpful because the medication itself, it’s like $10,000. And then the Livestrong also helped with the medication as well. It was like a 20% discount on certain things through the clinic. 

I think we were fortunate in a sense, because I know a lot of women, they have to go through multiple cycles to freeze 1 or 2 embryos. We were lucky in a sense that we only had 1 shot, just 1 cycle before chemo started. We were able to freeze 8 embryos, which was amazing. 

The clinic helped. They were the ones who told me about Livestrong. And they were the ones who applied on my behalf for the Walgreens Heart Beat program. 

I think the complicated part, at least with my clinic, it was more like I wasn’t really sure who should be doing what part of the application process. It might have just been a clinic issue, but they weren’t very clear on who is starting? Am I the one applying directly or are they doing it on my behalf? So I had to do a little bit of work in that regards. But ultimately they were the ones who found the programs. 

My doctor was the one who referred me to this clinic, so it seemed like she already had a relationship with the reproductive endocrinologist. So before I even went on my consultation, she already knew what was going on.

In terms of figuring out financially, I think we were fortunate in a way, because we had saved up for a trip and so we already had that nest there. If it wasn’t going to cost like that, we would have just done it anyways. 

My husband and I, this has been a lot of discussion between like having kids or not. He’s the one that really wanted the kids. I was more like, could be maybe. Maybe not. It was just like, okay, might as well do this because if we don’t do it, we might regret it later.

This is a little bit morbid. If I, you know, pass away in 2 years, I felt at least I left something for my husband—a part of me there for him.

So, the IVF process. The first appointment was just discussing the different options. So I had the option of just freezing the eggs or embryos. But you still have to go through the IVF process. It essentially means they’re just taking the eggs out, the embryo part comes later. 

During the process, they would monitor your follicles to see how they’re growing. Usually they want you to start, I think, like day 1 or 2 of your period. Um, I didn’t. I was on a timeline, so it didn’t pertain to me But I also luckily had my period the first day I saw her. So it kind of worked out in that sense.

So the first appointment, the doctor would check to see how many eggs are already there. In a way it was fortunate I had PCOS, so I had extra eggs. Apparently, if you have PCOS, it’s better for the process because you have more eggs. 

Once she thinks you’re ready, you will start doing your injections. I did two medications, on my abdomen. The first injection was just so scary because you guess your spouse or someone could help you, but I just did it on my own. The medication helps grow the follicles. 

I only had one ovary to do this, for others they might have two. But for my one ovary, she saw like 18 or something on there already. So they’re trying to grow everything at the same time essentially with the medication, but they don’t want you to grow it so fast, your ovary will get too big and then you will get hyper stimulating ovaries, which will cause a lot of pain.

They want to monitor you, every other day or so with blood work to check your estrogen level and also ultrasound. So I had to go to the clinic every other day. They gave me a different medication to start, to kind of balance it out so it doesn’t overgrow.

And then after about ten days, they decided that it was time for the trigger shot. They’re checking the size of each follicle. They want them all to be as big as possible. I think I had three that were like 20mm or something, I can’t remember. And that was when they decided it was time. 

So then I did the trigger shot, and then the day after, they did the egg retrieval. During egg retrieval, they put me under, and then the process took like ten minutes. 

And then they woke me up and they were like, we took out 22 eggs or something.


Chemotherapy: Carboplatin and Taxol

Right after, a week after IVF, I started chemotherapy to deal with my ovarian cancer.

I got a week break between IVF and the chemo cycle. And I went back to Jersey for a wedding.

Okay, so the chemo regimen I’m on, it’s carboplatin and taxol. My chemo regimen is every 3 weeks. I would say it’s only bad the first week, and then it’s pretty much back to normal the next two weeks. 

I did so much research before, I feel like I already knew everything before I started. And also, before chemo, they did like a chemo teach where I met with one of the physician’s assistants and they gave me a binder of information. So I already had an idea of what to expect.

Side effects

In terms of side effects, I think the major one is the hair loss. That pretty much happened after cycle 1 and throughout cycle 2 as well. But I think after cycle 1, I was just so anxious, I was like, I’m going to shave it off anyways. Just get it over with. 

When I was reading online, I wanted to know when my hair loss would start. And most people said it would start about the second week. So I thought, I wish I knew that because I remember after the first, for like a week, I was just obsessive about my hair. 

I would wake up and be like, are you going? Are you leaving me yet? And then when it was still here, I was like, oh my gosh, maybe I’m one of those lucky people. I wish I would have known that it really would start like after the second week.

I was never too attached to my hair. Or at least I thought so. Some women love their hair and they want it to look a certain way. I guess if I cut it and it’s ugly, I didn’t care too much, would be upset for a minute, and then I’d be like, okay, it’s gonna grow back. You’ll be fine. 

When my hair started falling off, when I started seeing strands of hair on my pillow, It was just horrific to see that much hair coming out. I did get a little bit emotional. I think because I didn’t have that much time to process everything. Just seeing the hair kind of hit me in the face a little bit.

And then I felt really concerned about how I looked like without hair. I wasn’t sure if I would still feel attractive or if my husband was still find me attractive. 

Ultimately, when I shaved my hair off, I was I was kind of surprised that, I thought, I still look good without the hair. I went on a lot of shopping sprees, just for new styles and wigs and makeup stuff. So I think that kind of helped. 

Right now, I have days where I’m like, I really miss my hair. Especially like when I go out and I see people with beautiful hair, I’m like, oh, I really miss having hair. 

But then most of the other days I’m just like, oh, how would this look on me now? I feel like I get to play a little bit with a different style. And then sometimes I’m also kind of like, I wonder what style is going to stick after this is over. Maybe I’ll adopt some of these new things.

So other side effects have mostly been swollen hands. I’m also having a slight neuropathy, only on my index finger. Very strange. And then a little bit of brain fog, but that tends to fade away after the first week.

Surgery: total hysterectomy

So my next milestone in my ovarian cancer journey, I guess, is my surgery. That’s coming up on May 20th. I get 4 weeks in between surgery and chemo, which means I get an extra week to play.

So the surgery I’m getting will be a total hysterectomy. They’re going to be taking out my remaining ovary, my uterus, the fallopian tube that attaches to the ovary, and my cervix as well. 

I am incredibly anxious about it, because once they take out that ovary, that puts me in surgical menopause. And for women that are in forced menopause, I’m high-risk later on for osteoporosis as well as heart disease. 

Not to mention, I’ve been reading a lot of other women’s experiences that are around my age, mostly breast cancer survivors. It sounds like there’s like a thing called vaginal atrophy that will happen or might happen as well. 

Also, all the other stuff that comes with menopause, like hot flashes. I’m very, very scared just about what might happen. 

Also they say that sometimes you don’t get those symptoms right away. So it’s not like I’m gonna wake up and it happens. It might take a few weeks before it happens.

They haven’t really talked to me about post-surgery. I just know I get a 4-week break and then I go back for chemo, but I do believe it’s the same chemo.

… don’t brush away that little voice that’s telling you something is probably wrong.

Shifts and learnings


I felt like because of my ovarian cancer situation, everyone was extra nice to me. I would say I’m very fortunate, because everyone is being so supportive. 

My mom lives in Jersey and flies here every cycle to help me out, and my husband has been very supportive, too. My friends like giving me rides and everything, too.

I think it’s going pretty well for what it is.


So when I look back, I do feel like I had the symptoms of ovarian cancer, I definitely ignored them. I do crazy workouts, so, yeah, I’m going to be like, there’s some tightness there or I just kind of brushed it off. but when I look back, I was kind of in pain. 

I was remembering how there were days after I trained and I would be like, wow. Training really hurt today. And I really don’t want to do this post because it’s putting a lot of pressure in my abdomen and it’s really pretty uncomfortable. But I just brushed it away. 

And so I think that if I did not get that IUD, I think it would have gotten me eventually, Because I’m young and healthy. I didn’t think of it as anything. I mean, I didn’t really bring it to the doctor or anything, but even, like, with the whole IUD thing, I felt like I had to really push for them to, take a look at it. And so, it is very important, don’t brush away that little voice that’s telling you something is probably wrong.

I think it’s mostly realizing, this sucks, but I still get to do so much cool stuff later on. Hopefully. 

It sucks that I didn’t get to travel, but after this, maybe I can I can travel again, but it’s gonna look a little bit different than I planned because I’m not going to be able to just leave for a year now because of all the monitoring that they do. Kind of realizing that I’m still going to be able to see everything. 

But I honestly think what has really gotten me through this is just me on the pole. Because I’m still able to pole dance, and contort, which I don’t understand how sometimes. So that has been pretty incredible, very helpful as well. Like for my mental health, too.

But I think what shifted in the way I’m thinking about it is to just appreciate what I can do, versus going after certain things and being frustrated with it. So I kind of see it in like a new perspective. Oh, I just took a class, and then I never looked back. Yeah. 

Pole dancing is like a challenge. I love it because as long as you put the work or the training, the time into it, you will see results. And it’s like a way to express yourself in whatever way you want it to be.

So it doesn’t have to be sexy. It could be like emotional. It could be very athletic or just like, whatever you want. And I really love it for the art form and also for the physical challenge. And also the pole community is incredible. I made so many friends off of it, and it’s just a great place.


My biggest advice from everything that I’ve learned in my ovarian cancer journey is to be really honest with yourself first. Like, really checking in, are you feeling something or not? Even if the doctor thinks you’re being a little too much, just push them to do something because you never know.

And then really do your research before going to the doctor, because, hopefully you have a good doctor, but, if you don’t, you have the knowledge to back up what you are suspecting. And then be very assertive as to what you’re asking them for. 

I would say something like, hey, I have a concern with this. Can we do a scan or something, instead of having them lead the way? You kind of want to almost lead the conversation instead. 

And then also be honest with them as to what you’re feeling, too, because I think sometimes people brush away symptoms because they’re scared of what it could be. It’s better to know what it is and deal with it earlier versus later.

Thank you for sharing your story, Tiffany!

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