Metastatic Cancer Stories| The Patient Story

Metastatic Cancer Stories

After speaking to cancer patients and cancer patient advocates, it’s clear that no matter where the origin of the cancer, metastatic cancer patients share similar questions and experiences.

Find metastatic cancer stories from patients below. With emerging cancer treatments, the stories are changing all the time. If you have a story you’d like to contribute or have any feedback, we’d love to have it. 

Metastatic Breast Cancer Stories

Maggie C. feature profile

Maggie C., Triple-Negative Breast Cancer, Stage 4 (Metastatic), PD-L1+

Symptoms: Bruising sensation in the breast, soft lump

Treatments: Chemotherapy, clinical trial (antibody-drug conjugate and immunotherapy)
Nina M. feature profile

Nina M., Metastatic Breast Cancer

Symptoms: Hardening under the armpit, lump & dimpling in the left breast

Treatments: Chemotherapy, surgery (lumpectomy), radiotherapy, hormone-blocking medication, targeted therapy
Sherrie shares her stage 4 metastatic breast cancer story
Sherri O., Metastatic Breast Cancer, HER2+ & Colon Cancer, Stage 3
Symptoms: Shortness of breath, lump under armpit, not feeling herself
Treatments: Chemotherapy, Transfusions
April D.

April D., Triple-Negative Breast Cancer, Stage 4 (Metastatic), BRCA1+

Symptom: Four lumps on the side of the left breast

Treatments: Chemotherapy (carboplatin, paclitaxel doxorubicin, surgery (double mastectomy), radiation (proton therapy), PARP inhibitors
Brittney shares her stage 4 breast cancer story
Brittney B., Metastatic Breast Cancer
Symptoms: Lump in the right breast, inverted nipple

Treatments: Surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiation

Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Stories


Lindsay D., Colon Cancer, Stage 4

Symptoms: Lump in pelvic area, funny-smelling food, weight loss
Treatment: Chemotherapy, colectomy (surgery)

Metastatic Hodgkin Lymphoma Stories

Amanda P. feature profile

Amanda P., Hodgkin’s, Stage 4

Symptoms: Intense itching (no rash), bruising from scratching, fever, swollen lymph node near the hip, severe fatigue, back pain, pallor
Treatments: Chemotherapy (A+AVD), Neulasta


CC W., Hodgkin’s, Stage 4

Symptoms: Achiness, extreme fatigue, reactive rash on chest & neck, chills, night sweats
Treatment: ABVD chemotherapy (6 cycles)

Lia S., Nodular Sclerosis, Stage 4A

Symptom: Extreme lower back pain

Treatment: ABVD chemotherapy
Rylie G. feature profile

Riley G., Hodgkin’s, Stage 4

Symptoms: • Severe back pain, night sweats, difficulty breathing after alcohol consumption, low energy, intense itching

Treatment: Chemotherapy (ABVD)


Metastatic Lung Cancer Stories

Lisa G., Non-Small Cell, ROS1+, Stage 4 (Metastatic)

Symptoms: Persistent cough (months), coughing up a little blood, high fever, night sweats
Treatments: Chemotherapy (4 cycles), maintenance chemo (4 cycles)

Tara S., Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, ALK+, Stage 4 (Metastatic)

Symptom: Numbness in face, left arm and leg

Treatments: Targeted radiation, targeted therapy

Metastatic Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Stories

Stephanie V.

Stephanie V., Primary Mediastinal (PMBCL), Stage 4

Symptoms: Asthma/allergy-like symptoms, lungs felt itchy, shortness of breath, persistent coughing
Treatments: Pigtail catheter for pleural drainage, video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS), R-EPOCH chemotherapy (6 cycles)

Stephanie R., Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL), Stage 4

Symptom: Elevated white blood cell count

Treatment: 6 months of rituximab + ibrutinib, 4 cycles of hyper-CVAD chemotherapy

Sheryl B., Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL), Stage 4

Symptoms: (Over 15 years) Skin irritation from temperature changes, rising WBC levels, unexplained fatigue, retinal hemorrhage, hardened abdomen (from enlarged spleen)
Treatment: 6 cycles Hyper-CVAD chemotherapy

Shari B., Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL), Stage 4

Symptom: None; lymphoma discovered at unrelated doctor appointment
Treatments: 6 cycles R-CHOP, 5 cycles phase 3 trial of Velcade + Rituxan (normally for multiple myeloma), allogeneic bone marrow transplant (BMT)

Shahzad B., Refractory Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL), Stage 4

Symptom: Extreme fatigue
Treatments: R&B, R-ICE, R-EPOCH, CAR T-cell therapy (cell-based gene therapy)
Sandy D. feature profile

Sandy D., Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Stage 4

Symptoms: Persistent coughing, weakness, shortness of breath

Treatment: Chemotherapy
Sammie shares her non-hodgkin's lymphoma story
Sammie F., Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL), Stage 4
Symptoms: Chest pain, back pain, bump on neck, night sweats Treatments: Chemotherapy, CAR T-cell therapy...

Richard P., Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL), Stage 4

Relapse Symptoms: Swelling in leg, leg edema Treatments: R-CHOP chemotherapy, clinical trial (venetoclax-selinexor)
Paige C.

Paige C., Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL), Stage 4

Symptoms: Weight loss, extreme fatigue, swollen lymph nodes in the neck
Treatment: R-EPOCH chemotherapy
Nolan W. feature profile

Nolan W., T-Cell/Histiocyte-Rich Large B-Cell Lymphoma (T/HRBCL), Stage 4

Symptoms: Debilitating fatigue, flu-like symptoms without a fever, swollen lymph node under the left arm

Treatments: Chemotherapy (R-EPOCH & RICE), bone marrow transplant

Nina L., Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL), Stage 4

Symptoms: Hip and lower extremities pain, night sweats
Treatment: Chemotherapy (R-CHOP)
Headshot of Nicky, who's living with stage 4 follicular lymphoma
Nicky G., Follicular Lymphoma, Stage 4
Symptoms: Fatigue, weight loss, lumps in the neck and groin

Treatments: Chemotherapy, radiation, platelet transfusion...

Mike E., Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL), Stage 4

Symptom: Persistent, significant back pain

Treatments: Surgery, chemotherapy

Mags B., Primary Mediastinal (PMBCL), Stage 4

Symptoms: Exhaustion, migraines, persistent coughs, swelling and discoloration in left arm
Treatment: Chemotherapy (R-CHOP, 6 cycles)

Luis V., Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL), Stage 4

Symptoms: Persistent cough, fatigue, unexplained weight loss

Treatment: Chemotherapy (R-CHOP and methotrexate)

Laurie A., Follicular Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, Stage 4

Symptoms: Frequent sinus infections, dry right eye, fatigue, lump in abdomen

Treatments: Chemotherapy, targeted therapy, radioimmunotherapy
Kris W.

Kris W., Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL), Stage 4

Symptom: Pain in the side of the abdomen
Treatment: R-CHOP chemotherapy

Kim S., Follicular Lymphoma, Stage 4

Symptom: Stomach pain
Treatments: Chemotherapy (rituximab & bendamustine), immunotherapy (rituximab for 2 additional years)

Jonathan S., Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL), Stage 4

Symptom: Severe shoulder pain

Treatments: R-CHOP chemotherapy, methotrexate, focal radiation, autologous stem cell transplant

John S., Follicular Lymphoma, Stage 4

Symptom: Swollen lymph nodes

Treatments: Clinical trial, chemotherapy

Jason W., Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL), Stage 4

Symptoms: Hives, inflamed arms

Treatments: Calabrutinib, Lenalidomide, Rituxan

Harjeet K., Subcutaneous Panniculitis-like T-Cell-Lymphoma (SPTCL), Stage 4

Symptoms: Persistent, high fevers; red, tender rashes on legs
Treatments: High-dose chemotherapy, allogeneic stem cell transplant

Erin R., Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) & Burkitt Lymphoma, Stage 4

Symptoms: Lower abdominal pain, blood in stool, loss of appetite
Treatments: Chemotherapy (Part A: R-CHOP, HCVAD, Part B: Methotrexate, Rituxan, Cytarabine)

Emily G., Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL), Stage 4

Symptom: Pain in left knee

Treatments: Chemotherapy (R-CHOP and high-dose methotrexate)

Emily S., Burkitt Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, Stage 4

Initial Symptoms: Constant fatigue, tongue deviated to the left, abscess in right breast, petechiae on legs, night sweats, nausea and vomiting, persistent cough

Treatment: Chemotherapy, stem cell transplant, immunotherapy
David shares his stage 4 follicular lymphoma diagnosis
David K., Follicular Lymphoma, Stage 4 Symptoms: Sharp abdominal pains, frequently sick, less stamina Treatments: Chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiation, clinical trial, autologous stem cell transplant...
Cindy M. feature profile

Cindy M., Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL), Stage 4

Symptoms: Itchy skin on the palms and soles of feet; yellow skin and eyes
Treatment: Chemotherapy (R-CHOP)

Cherylinn N., Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL), Stage 4

Symptom: None

Treatments: R-CHOP chemotherapy, rituximab

Bobby J., Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL), Stage 4

Symptoms: Fatigue, enlarged lymph nodes
Treatments:Clinical trial of ibrutinib + rituximab, consolidated chemo of 4 cycles of Hyper-CVAD

Barbara R., Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL), Stage 4

Symptom: Abdominal and gastric pain

Treatments: Chemotherapy R-CHOP, CAR T-cell therapy, study drug CYT-0851
Ashlee K. feature profile

Ashlee K., Burkitt Lymphoma, Stage 4

Symptoms: Abdominal pain, night sweats, visible mass in the abdomen

Treatments: Surgery (partial colectomy to removed 14 inches of intestine), chemotherapy

Metastatic Ovarian Cancer Stories

Cheyann S., Low-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer, Stage 4B

Symptoms: Stomach pain, constipation, lump on the right side above pubic area

Treatments: Cancer debulking surgery, chemotherapy (carboplatin & Taxol, then Doxil & Avastin)

Susan R., High-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer, Stage 4

Symptoms: Pulling sensation when emptying bladder, abdominal pain

Treatments: Chemotherapy (carboplatin & paclitaxel), surgery

Jodi S., Epithelial Ovarian Cancer, Stage 4

Symptoms: Extreme bloating, extremely tight skin, changes in digestive tract, significant pelvic pain, sharp-shooting pains down inner thighs, extreme fatigue

Treatments: Chemotherapy (pre- & post-surgery), surgery (hysterectomy)

Metastatic Sarcoma Stories

Alicia B., Desmoid Tumor, Stage 4

Symptom: Lump in right armpit
Treatments: Chemotherapy, radiation, targeted therapy, clinical trials, surgery, including forequarter amputation

Metastatic Testicular Cancer Stories

Ben F. shares his cancer story
Ben F., Testicular Cancer, Metastatic Symptoms: Hard, swollen testicleTreatment: Surgery, laparoscopy, orchiectomy
Callan R. feature profile

Callan R., Testicular Cancer, Stage 3

Symptom: Lump in right testicle

Treatments: Chemotherapy (cisplatin, doxorubicin, BEP, GemTaxol, TopCaT), surgery (orchiectomy), clinical trial (BNT142)

Josh T., Testicular Cancer, Stage 3A

Symptoms: Pain in his chest, lower back, and abdomen; shortness of breath, especially during exercise; mass found on one testicle

Treatment: Chemotherapy

Metastatic Thyroid Cancer Stories

Jenna C., Metastatic Papillary Thyroid Cancer, Stage 2

Symptoms: Hoarse voice, painful talking, lump in neck

Treatments: Thyroidectomy (entire removal of thyroid), radioactive iodine treatment

Greg S., Metastatic Papillary Thyroid Cancer, Stage 2

Symptoms: Fatigue, lump in neck near Adam’s apple

Treatments: Thyroidectomy (entire removal of thyroid), radioactive iodine treatment