Multiple Myeloma Patient Events

Together in Treatment: Strengthening Your Myeloma Care Team

Together in Treatment: Strengthening Your Myeloma Care Team

Edited by: Katrina Villareal

Together in Treatment: Strengthening Your Myeloma Care Team
Hosted by The Patient Story Team
The relationship between a patient and their doctor can make all the difference. A strong partnership leads to more informed decisions, personalized care, and a greater sense of control. Join myeloma patient advocate Michelle and her doctor and myeloma expert, Dr. Caitlin Costello, as they discuss what makes their patient-doctor teamwork truly effective.
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The relationship between a patient and their doctor can make all the difference. A strong partnership leads to more informed decisions, personalized care, and a greater sense of control. Myeloma patient advocate Michelle and her doctor and myeloma expert Dr. Caitlin Costello discuss what makes their patient-doctor teamwork truly effective.

Learn how to build trust and open communication with your healthcare team. Understand the role of shared decision-making in multiple myeloma care. Hear first-hand experiences of navigating a chronic cancer with your doctor by your side. Discover practical tips for advocating for yourself or a loved one in the treatment process. Explore how teamwork fosters a supportive environment for long-term care.


We would like to thank The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society for its partnership.

This interview has been edited for clarity and length. This is not medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare provider for treatment decisions.

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Thank you to Sanofi for supporting our patient education program. The Patient Story retains full editorial control over all content

Building Bonds Episode 1 - Patient-Doctor Partnerships for Better Waldenstrom Care


Tiffany Drummond: I’m an advocate who has worked in cancer research for 20 years, but more importantly, I became a care partner advocate when my mom was diagnosed with endometrial cancer in 2014. Her journey led me to find out as much as I could to help with her care. Information wasn’t easy to find, so I’m honored to join The Patient Story in putting on programs to help people navigate life after diagnosis.

This program is hosted by The Patient Story, where we aim to help people navigate life before, at, and after diagnosis through empowering patient stories and educational discussions where we focus on how patients, caregivers, and their partners can best communicate with their doctors as they go from diagnosis through treatment with myeloma.

Tiffany Drummond

We want to thank The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society for its partnership. The LLS offers incredible free resources, like their Information Specialists, to help you communicate with members of your healthcare team and provide information about treatment options.

We want to thank our sponsor, Sanofi, for its support, which helps us host these programs for free. The Patient Story retains full editorial control over all content. I hope you find this information helpful, but please keep in mind that this program is not a substitute for medical advice.

We have two special guests from whom we can learn more about the patient-physician partnership. We have Dr. Caitlin Costello, an associate professor of medicine at UC San Diego Health and a hematologist-oncologist specializing in blood cancers, including myeloma, lymphoma, and leukemia. We also have our patient advocate, Michelle, who is a multiple myeloma fighter and a survivor.

Together in Treatment - Strengthening Your Myeloma Care Team
Michelle C.

Initial Multiple Myeloma Symptoms and Diagnosis

Tiffany: Let’s start back to your initial diagnosis. What was that experience like for you?

Michelle: I was diagnosed in 2016 at the age of 35. I had a five-year-old and a one-year-old at the time. The year leading up to my diagnosis, I had on-and-off back pain, which they said was because my muscles weren’t strong after having a baby. I was starting to lose weight, which they attributed to breastfeeding. I ended up having other symptoms that led me to go to the doctor more.

But then I ended up having severe stomach pain, which at times made me want to drive myself to the ER. I also ended up having itchy scabs all over my body. I went to the dermatologist and my general physician. They both started digging, and my general physician started ordering lab work, which eventually led to the diagnosis of multiple myeloma.

Tiffany: You knew in your gut that something wasn’t right. What did it take for you to advocate for yourself? And when you were referred to a specialist or a hematologist-oncologist, what was your initial experience like?

Michelle: My husband travels for work. was at home with my one-year-old and five-year-old when I was having stomach pains. I didn’t know what to do. I almost drove myself to the ER one day. I took a breath, pulled over, and the pain stopped. I called my doctor and told him he needed to see me the following day. I had already seen the dermatologist about the scabs all over my body. She looked into things and I didn’t know if any of my symptoms were related.

The doctor called and said, “You need to come in right now.” My husband was home, so we picked up our one-year-old and drove to the doctor’s office. My husband stayed with our one-year-old so I could listen to what the doctor was saying.

Michelle C.

When we got home, we started making calls…. They all led us to Dr. Caitlin Costello… She fit me in right away, and we never looked back.


He said, “You have multiple myeloma.” I asked, “Is that cancer?” He said yes, explained what it was, and sent me to a hematologist-oncologist in their group, who was not at UCSD then. They got me in that day, and the hematologist-oncologist did a bone marrow biopsy.

When we got home, we started making calls. I called my boys’ pediatrician, who I loved and whose opinion I valued, and we reached out to several other people. They all led us to Dr. Caitlin Costello, so we gave her a call. She fit me in right away, and we never looked back.

Together in Treatment - Strengthening Your Myeloma Care Team
Michelle C.

Explaining Multiple Myeloma to Patients

Tiffany: Doctors all explain myeloma differently, so Dr. Costello, how do you explain myeloma to your patients?

Dr. Caitlin Costello: For many people, when they hear of and think of cancer, they think of a lump, like breast cancer, or there are symptoms associated with a tumor. But when you’re talking about blood cancers, no tumor can be picked up on routine screening tests, of which there aren’t any for myeloma.

With more “typical cancers,” we’re so used to having public health initiatives for screenings like mammograms and colonoscopies. Multiple myeloma, however, while it’s the third most common blood cancer, doesn’t come anywhere near number-wise in terms of how many patients are affected in the United States each year. For that reason, for better or for worse, I don’t think we have good epidemiologic advances to say that everyone should have a blood test screening looking for this.

There’s ongoing interest in screening wide groups of populations. In Iceland, they’re screening the entire country for all patients over the age of 40 to see if they can figure out how many patients have what looks like the beginnings of multiple myeloma. And if they’re not myeloma at that point, they want to understand if it makes sense to screen patients.

Patients are going to live with this for the rest of their lives, so there’s no greater importance than understanding and knowledge.

Dr. Caitlin Costello

For the most part, that means that most patients are diagnosed with multiple myeloma when they develop a symptom of some sort. Many people have not heard of myeloma. When a doctor says to a patient that they have multiple myeloma, they ask, “What does that mean?”

When I describe multiple myeloma to a patient, I say, “What we have identified is a form of a blood cancer called multiple myeloma based on your blood tests and your bone marrow tests.” A lot of my consultations with patients are to explain that diagnosis because.

We have a wonderful problem with myeloma. This has turned into a chronic illness. Patients are going to live with this for the rest of their lives, so there’s no greater importance than understanding and knowledge so that patients know what it is that we’re talking about, know how to follow their blood tests, understand the successes of therapy or perhaps early signs of failures of therapy, and advocate for themselves.

There’s so much to say of the educated patient, which doesn’t mean Doctor Google. There are very good patient advocacy groups and platforms like The Patient Story, where patients can get great information to help them understand their disease and their journey with it.

Michelle C.

When I explain myeloma, I explain that it’s a form of blood cancer that comes from a plasma cell, which is part of your immune system. The plasma cell is designed to produce the weapons needed to protect our body. The bone marrow is like the armed forces. We have an army, a navy, an air force, and all these different branches with different weapons designed to protect you. One branch went rogue when one plasma cell went rogue and started producing extra bad guy weapons that don’t work well and cannot protect the body and cause damage.

Together in Treatment - Strengthening Your Myeloma Care Team

Bones are the most common way that myeloma can affect a person’s body, and therefore, that’s one of the most common ways that patients are eventually diagnosed because they come seeking help for pain. As Michelle experienced, back pain is one of the most common ones. We think the bones in the middle of our body are more often affected than elsewhere. The classic story is someone had back pain, their doctor did X-rays, but they didn’t see anything, or they were referred to physical therapy, but the pain got worse.

Everyone’s allowed to hurt, but pain that doesn’t go away, came on for no good reason, and is persistent needs to be evaluated. Michelle did all the right things because she had what we can say are typical symptoms with pain, some atypical symptoms with the skin and the belly discomfort, but she asked all the right questions to get her to the right people who could help her.

Together in Treatment - Strengthening Your Myeloma Care Team
Michelle C.

Common Questions After a Multiple Myeloma Diagnosis

Tiffany: I love that you talk about patient education. I believe that part of patient education is learning all the medical terms you probably weren’t familiar with before. How receptive are your patients in terms of wanting to learn all that? What are the top three common questions you get after someone is diagnosed with myeloma?

Dr. Costello: The top three questions are: How did I get this? What can I do to make it go away? Is it genetic?

Everyone wants to feel empowered that they can make some lifestyle change, for example, to make things better or help rationalize this to some degree to say X caused Y. It would be fair if there was some culprit, but it’s unfair because there is no culprit. We think this is a random thing that happened for no good reason, by no fault of anybody’s. Nature changed the makeup of your bone marrow and the part of your immune system.

Getting Involved in the Decision-Making Process

Tiffany: Michelle, when you first met with Dr. Costello and as she was explaining your treatment options, how involved were you in the decision-making process? What did that experience look like?

Michelle: Dr. Costello presented me with what the standard of care was for multiple myeloma at the time. I was very receptive. I sought a second opinion and reached out to another multiple myeloma specialist in the vicinity. She confirmed the same thing, so we went with what everyone was recommending.

Michelle C.
Together in Treatment - Strengthening Your Myeloma Care Team

Factors to Consider in Shared Decision-Making

Tiffany: Dr. Costello, when you approach your patients about their treatment options, what are your thoughts? How do you approach shared decision-making with your patients? What factors do you consider to help them come to that process with you?

Michelle C.

Dr. Costello: Every person is different. People process information differently. People hear information differently. Some people want to know more, and some people don’t want to know more.

An important part of any conversation is to level set and say, “What do you want to get out of this conversation? What is it that you want to know?” More often than not, the patient has something in mind, and the family members have something different in mind. It’s important to gauge the group to determine what it is that they’re hoping to get out of the appointment so that I’m not overstepping boundaries.

Once we are able to establish how much will be shared, my job is to give the information. What is the standard of care? What is the typical approach? Once we’ve laid the groundwork, then we can determine treatment recommendations based on the patient and the details of their health, caregiver support, and the biology of their disease. Very specific details can make treatment recommendations slightly nuanced for any individual person.

My job is to help them be as informed as possible so that they can make the best decision for themselves.

Dr. Caitlin Costello

I love that Michelle got a second opinion. I have no ego. When you are diagnosed with something life-changing, you need to feel very confident in what your next approach is going to be. The more people think about you, the better. Like many myeloma specialists, this is what we do day in and day out, but it’s nice to have a fresh set of eyes so nothing’s missed. Yesterday’s information may have been different from a month ago’s research.

The approach is standard, but the shared decision-making is where things may be slightly different. I can make all of my recommendations and say, “This is what’s standard. These are the slight modifications I would make for you.” Sometimes, the patients will take that information and say, “I’ll get back to you.” Some people will say, “Let’s do this. Whatever you say, doc.” Some people will say, “No.”

I’m not in their body. I’m not making decisions for them. My job is to help them be as informed as possible so that they can make the best decision for themselves. I may not agree with their decision, but that’s not my job. My job is to help them arrive at the best decision that’s for them.

Michelle C.

Tiffany: You said everything that I wanted to hear personally, especially when it comes to seeking a second opinion. For a lot of patients, especially if they like their physician in the first meeting, they feel like they’re turning their back on their physician. Thank you so much for encouraging patients to seek a second opinion.

Michelle C.

Multiple Myeloma Treatment Journey

Tiffany: Michelle, where are you in your treatment journey?

Michelle: I did four months of the initial treatment regimen and went into an autologous stem cell transplant. Unfortunately, it wasn’t successful and the myeloma returned within the 100-day mark. We regrouped, went back on one treatment for the summer, regrouped again, and did a more aggressive approach.

The MRD testing at the beginning of 2024 showed that the myeloma was slightly coming back. It was affecting my quality of life and I was ready for something different, so we regrouped again. The doctors agreed that I could take the summer off. We did a repeat bone marrow biopsy, so I would have some initial data to compare against when I start my new treatment plan.

Tiffany: Did the pandemic affect your treatment at all?

Michelle: It gave me a lot of anxiety, but I had to be persistent. Even when everything closed down initially, we were on the phone asking, “Am I coming in?” She said yes, so I went in. I went in every other week all through the pandemic.

Coordinating Care with Multiple Healthcare Providers

Tiffany: When it comes to cancer, you have more than one healthcare provider. Your healthcare team is very vast. Is that specific to UC San Diego or do you have local providers that you also go to? You’re always receiving a lot of information, so how do you coordinate that among yourself and your medical team?

Michelle: I don’t live in San Diego anymore, so I have a local hematologist-oncologist in Sacramento where I now live. This is my disease and my choice. I’ve always sought second opinions, especially when making big decisions about changing treatment plans and what to do next.

Thankfully, the multiple myeloma world is small, so they all know each other. I’ve always been able to discuss with each physician. Even if I don’t agree with a treatment plan, I can seek a different opinion. They have been very kind and take into account my quality of life and what I would like.

Getting the information is best. I seek opinions, weigh out what I want to do and how the treatment is going to affect my life, especially with raising two active boys, what I can handle as far as raising them and having a great quality of life, and then make my decision of how I want to proceed based on their recommendations.

Michelle C.
Together in Treatment - Strengthening Your Myeloma Care Team
Michelle C.

Managing Patient Care From Afar

Tiffany: Dr. Costello, for someone like Michelle who doesn’t live in your area, how do you approach seeing patients from afar? Is that something that you do? I had a conversation recently about how large academic centers are more specialized and how you share information with local providers who may not have the same knowledge that you would have. How does that work for you?

Dr. Costello: I don’t feel like Michelle gives herself enough credit. From everything that she said, while raising two young children amid a pandemic, I told her to jump, and she said, “How high?” She has such a commitment to her health and her family.

She got her care at UCSD where we have myeloma-dedicated physicians, but most myeloma patients are taken care of in the community. They see an oncologist, who is possibly a general oncologist who’s seeing them right after they see someone with breast cancer and right before they see someone with lung cancer. Often, they’re good with myeloma, but it’s hard to be a jack of all trades also, and that’s where the importance of a myeloma specialist comes in. I don’t know how they do what they do, seeing so many different cancers. I have difficulty keeping track of one, let alone all of them.

The importance of the connection between the community oncologist and the academic myeloma specialists can’t be underlined enough because we have different tools at our disposal.

Dr. Caitiln Costello

Myeloma is a team sport. Your team includes the patient, myeloma specialist, general oncologist, nurse navigator, nurse, and social worker. There’s a whole team of people who are trying to come together to hold hands with our patients to get them through this whole process.

I can’t speak for other places, but a lot of that can be a little insurance-driven, especially in California. Some insurers will require you to stay with your community oncologist and if that’s the case, the patients get referred for their stem cell transplant, CAR T-cell therapy, or whatever treatment we have to offer at the academic center that perhaps the local oncologist cannot offer. That allows us to maintain that relationship with our patients as well. I have a list of phone numbers of all my local community oncologists down here because we are constantly talking about our patients behind the scenes.

Michelle C.

The importance of the connection between the community oncologist and the academic myeloma specialists can’t be underlined enough because we have different tools at our disposal. Myeloma is complicated. There are so many drugs, which is a wonderful problem, but that means that it can be complicated to understand which drug to use and in what order. The connection between the oncologist in the community and the myeloma specialist is absolutely paramount to navigate this whole thing.

I want to be well and healthy to see my boys’ future, and I want to do that with a great quality of life.

Michelle C.

Importance of Quality of Live in Driving Treatment Decisions

Tiffany: I used to be a caregiver, so I understand the importance of quality of life. Michelle, you were able to take some time off treatment. How important was your quality of life in driving treatment decisions?

Michelle: I want to be around for my children. That’s my top priority and however I’m going to get there, I will get there. I will cross that finish line no matter what it takes. I want to be well and healthy to see my boys’ future, and I want to do that with a great quality of life.

I started not feeling well after treatments. I was dragging myself and making myself nauseous before even getting to treatment. It was psychosomatic. I realized this wasn’t good and I needed to switch things.

I’m very fortunate where I have a lot of flexibility in my time, so I’m able to make doctor’s appointments and do my treatments during the day when my boys are at school. I try to lead my life in a way that doesn’t affect my children. I’m not in the infusion center when they’re home and going to bed, and I’m very blessed to have that opportunity.

Together in Treatment - Strengthening Your Myeloma Care Team

Data That Looks at Quality of Life for Multiple Myeloma Patients

Tiffany: Dr. Costello, is there increasing data that looks at quality of life when it comes to myeloma and treatment options?

Dr. Costello: I don’t even know how to emphasize quality of life enough. People ask, “Is it quantity of life? Is it quality of life? Is it both?” I ask that to some degree to find out about their goals. People’s goals are different. It’s realistic though to say that some of our treatments are not that great. They’re inconvenient and take up a lot of time even though they work. We need to have a conversation to find out their deal breakers. Some patients don’t want to be in an infusion center and only want to take a pill, even if it means it’s not as effective because that’s what’s meaningful to them.

Together in Treatment - Strengthening Your Myeloma Care Team

As far as research goes, fortunately, a lot of different studies are looking at new drugs or new drug combinations, including what we call patient-related outcomes. People may hate it because there’s a lot of surveys that happen in the midst of clinical trials asking them, “How’s today? How’s your body image? How do you feel like this? Are you content with this treatment? How do you perceive the side effects of treatment? How much time has this taken out of your day to do this?”

There is more interest in expanding on what we’ve always relied on to evaluate the safety and efficacy of drugs, to incorporate how these drugs can change people’s lives positively and negatively, and to help guide doctors in making treatment decisions and help patients understand if that’s a deal breaker.

Together in Treatment - Strengthening Your Myeloma Care Team

Approaching the Clinical Trial Conversation

Tiffany: You brought up clinical trials, which is one of my favorite topics. Oftentimes, I’ll hear patients say they don’t want to go on a clinical trial because they think that’s the last resort. Dr. Costello, how do you approach the clinical trial conversation with your patients?

Dr. Costello: I first dispel the myth that placebos still exist. Some people still have it embedded in their mind. I always say that it isn’t ethical. We don’t do that anymore. Clinical trials are designed to give you what we consider the best available treatment right now and/or compare it to something that we think is as good or potentially better. I tell patients they’re potentially getting the best of both worlds no matter what they get assigned to at clinical trials.

Part of clinical trials is to help patients understand that there are various phases. Some are randomized where we don’t get to say in what treatment the patient will get. They get assigned to one or the other, but both are great options. There’s an earlier phase trial, which evaluates the safety or efficacy of these treatments and every patient will get the exact same treatment.

There are great benefits that can be reaped by participating in trials, which include getting access to cutting-edge therapies.

Dr. Caitlin Costello

There’s a thought that participating in a clinical trial is purely altruism and to some degree, yes. You are helping the future of myeloma therapies, but you’re getting the benefit yourself from it. Clinical trials are not always designed to be testing the next best thing when a patient has no other options. It’s improving all the steps of treatment that currently exist because we can always do better.

When the conversation about clinical trials comes up, a lot of it is dispelling myths and helping people recognize that it’s not just for others. There are great benefits that can be reaped by participating in trials, which include getting access to cutting-edge therapies that I otherwise cannot write a prescription for.

Seek other opinions and make the best informed decision for yourself.


Key Takeaways

Tiffany: Michelle, what would you tell a patient who is newly diagnosed? Honestly, it seems like you did everything right, so I want to commend you.

Michelle: You are your best advocate. Do your research. Seek other opinions and make the best informed decision for yourself.

Tiffany: Dr. Costello, how do you help a provider to be an active participant and proponent of informed decision-making and shared decision-making, especially junior providers who are coming into the fold? What advice would you give providers to be the kind of person who has relationships with their patients like you and Michelle have?

Michelle C.

Dr. Costello: Thank goodness that the paternalistic approach to medicine is a thing of the past. While there may still be a bit of it out there, there has been such an important message about customer service with medicine. You have to understand that this is a give-and-take relationship to some degree. The patient deserves to hear all the information and it’s the physician’s role to give all that information.

There’s been such an important emphasis on compassion and communication. If the physician can put themselves in the shoes of a 35-year-old newly diagnosed mom walking into a cancer center, we can all step out of our bodies and our egos to understand that there is more that can be improved in terms of developing that relationship and the importance of communication. We need to understand that we have much to offer, but our patients have so much to offer us as well.

Together in Treatment - Strengthening Your Myeloma Care Team


Tiffany: Thank you, Michelle and Dr. Costello, for such an engaging and empowering conversation. I learned a lot about both of you personally and professionally. What you’ve had to say is going to resonate with our audience.

Dr. Costello is truly a testament to what makes a great physician partner. Witnessing her and Michelle interact was refreshing since we know the patient-physician conversation isn’t always light-hearted when it comes to cancer care. It is important to be empowered so that you and your caregivers can make informed decisions about your care.

Thanks again to our sponsor, Sanofi, for its support of our independent patient program and to our partner The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Check out the links on their website, including their information resource center, which provides free one-on-one support.


Special thanks to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society for its partnership.

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Special thanks again to Sanofi for supporting our independent patient education content. The Patient Story retains full editorial control.

Multiple Myeloma Patient Stories


Clay D., Relapsed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma

Symptoms: Persistent kidney issues, nausea

Treatments: Chemotherapy (CyBorD, KRd, VDPace), radiation, stem cell transplant (autologous & allogeneic), targeted therapy (daratumumab), immunotherapy (elotuzumab)

Melissa V., Multiple Myeloma, Stage 3

Symptoms: Frequent infections

Treatments: IVF treatment & chemotherapy (RVD) for 7 rounds

Elise D., Refractory Multiple Myeloma

Symptoms: Lower back pain, fractured sacrum

Treatments: CyBorD, Clinical trial of Xpovio (selinexor)+ Kyprolis (carfilzomib) + dexamethasone
Marti P multiple myeloma

Marti P., Multiple Myeloma, Stage 3

Symptoms: Dizziness, confusion, fatigue, vomiting, hives

Treatments: Chemotherapy (bortezomib & velcade), daratumumab/Darzalex, lenalidomide, revlimid, & stem cell transplant
Ray H. feature

Ray H., Multiple Myeloma, Stage 3

Symptoms: Hemorrhoids, low red blood cell count

Treatments: Immunotherapy, chemotherapy, stem cell transplant

Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) Chemotherapy Leukemia Patient Stories Treatments

Grace’s Acute Myeloid Leukemia Story

Grace’s Acute Myeloid Leukemia Story

Interviewed by: Taylor Scheib
Edited by: Chris Sanchez

Grace hails from California and is a proud mother to her 3 children. She was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in 2022. Her cancer was revealed by a blood test requested by her doctor after she suffered a headache that persisted for a week.

Grace’s diagnosis blindsided her and filled her with anger and confusion, as she has lived an active lifestyle and has stayed away from tobacco, alcohol, and recreational drugs. She admits, though, that her diet may have contained too many processed foods, and suspects that this may have contributed to her cancer.

Grace was completely unfamiliar with leukemia and had to learn all about it from her doctors. She also had to steel herself for all her tests and treatments, including her first bone marrow biopsy of a total of 6, which she describes as being more painful even than childbirth. 

Grace ended up taking 6 chemotherapy treatments for her AML. She also had to undergo a stem cell transplant—and was lucky enough to find a compatible donor who could help.

Grace’s cancer is now in remission. To try and make sure she stays healthy from now on, she has resolved to buy and consume only organic products. Moreover, her brush with cancer has made her realize that she needs to stop taking things in her life for granted, from her family to “little things” such as hummingbirds and flowers.

Grace shares her story with us today to help others realize the importance of living a healthy lifestyle as well as having the right attitude and taking time to truly appreciate life.

  • Name: Grace A.
  • Diagnosis:
    • Acute myeloid leukemia (AML)
  • Initial Symptoms:
    • Headache that lasted 1 week
  • Treatment:
    • Chemotherapy
    • Stem cell transplant

This interview has been edited for clarity. This is not medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare provider to make treatment decisions.

Thank you for sharing your story, Grace!

Inspired by Grace's story?

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Related Cancer Stories

More Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) Stories

Sasha T., Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)

Symptoms: Easily bruised and swollen, painful hip
Treatments: Chemotherapy, bone marrow transplant

Luisa L., Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) with FLT3 Mutation

Symptoms: Painful hives on legs, migraines
Treatments: Chemotherapy, total body radiation, stem cell transplant

Hayley A., Acute Monocytic Leukemia (AML-M5)

Symptoms: Severe fatigue, excessive bleeding after oral surgery
Treatments: Chemotherapy, bone marrow transplant

Nicole T., Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)

Symptoms: Severe itchiness, night sweats, fatigue
Treatments: Chemotherapy, bone marrow transplant
Mary Clare

Mary Clare B., Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)

Symptoms: Extreme fatigue, upset stomach, bad & persistent headaches
Treatments: Chemotherapy, radiation, bone marrow transplants
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) Leukemia Patient Stories

Mark’s Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Story

Mark’s Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Story

Interviewed by: Taylor Scheib
Edited by: Chris Sanchez

Mark discovered that he had Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) at the age of 47.

Mark and his family had just moved to a new city where he was going to start a new job. He had been experiencing weight loss and low energy, which had been easy to attribute to stress from the move. However, a visit to a new doctor for a routine checkup revealed that his spleen was quite enlarged and his white blood cell count alarmingly high. He had also been experiencing other symptoms such as heavy night sweats and a frequent need to urinate after bedtime.

Tests conducted by an oncologist confirmed that Mark had CML. Mark quickly began a range of treatments aimed at treating his spleen through lowering his white blood counts, as well as addressing his leukemia through tyrosine kinase inhibitors or TKIs. His doctors also helped him become more familiar and comfortable with living with CML.

Mark’s story underscores the importance of listening to one’s body and not shrugging off symptoms, and of finding a supportive community that includes doctors, family members, and colleagues.

  • Name: Mark K.
  • Diagnosis:
    • Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML)
  • Initial Symptoms:
    • Weight loss
    • Low energy
    • Night sweats
    • Frequent need to urinate after bedtime
    • Enlarged spleen
    • Elevated white blood cell count
  • Treatment:
    • Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) including Sprycel

This interview has been edited for clarity. This is not medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare provider to make treatment decisions.

Thank you for sharing your story, Mark!

Inspired by Mark's story?

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Related Cancer Stories

More Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Stories

Michele T., Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML)

Symptoms: Trouble breathing, rash, bruising

Treatments: Sprycel and Bosulif
Mark K's story of his Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) diagnosis

Mark K., Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML)

Initial Symptoms: Weight loss, low energy, night sweats, enlarged spleen, elevated WBC count, frequent need to urinate

Treatment: Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs)
Classical Hodgkin Lymphoma Patient Stories

Brescia’s Hodgkin Lymphoma Story

Brescia’s Hodgkin Lymphoma Story

Interviewed by: Taylor Scheib
Edited by: Chris Sanchez

Brescia was only 20 when she was found to have early-stage Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.

When her cancer was caught, Brescia was returning to America from a study stint in Italy and was on the verge of returning to college. Her primary care physician discovered a suspicious swelling in the side of her neck during a routine physical examination, and she was scheduled for an ultrasound. A subsequent biopsy confirmed her cancer.

Brescia’s diagnosis was unsettling, to say the least, but she found refuge in the things that bring her joy and fulfillment, including being creative, making movies, and enjoying nature.

Brescia and her family sat down with her team of doctors at the Mayo Clinic in Arizona to discuss her treatment options. They considered a combination of chemotherapy and radiation, but decided to go for 6 rounds of ABVD chemotherapy and no radiation, given her youth and the fact that radiation can have long-term side effects. Brescia ended up taking the whole semester off to focus on her treatment.

Brescia has been cancer-free for 5 years now. She is now a photographer and videographer and runs her own boutique agency. Looking back at the time she was ill, she notes how she gained a new appreciation for school as well as the simple things in her life, appreciates the perspective she gained after her illness, and shares the lessons she learned from her experience.

In addition to Brescia’s narrative, The Patient Story offers a diverse collection of stories about Hodgkin Lymphoma. These empowering stories provide real-life experiences, valuable insights, and perspectives on symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options for cancer.

  • Name: Brescia D.
  • Diagnosis:
    • Hodgkin Lymphoma
  • Initial Symptoms:
    • Swelling in the side of her neck
  • Treatment:
    • Chemotherapy: 6 rounds of ABVD

This interview has been edited for clarity. This is not medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare provider to make treatment decisions.

Thank you for sharing your story, Brescia!

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More Hodgkin Lymphoma Stories

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Danielle D., Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Stage 2

Symptom: Swollen lump on right side of neck and chest area that continued to grow
Treatment: Chemotherapy

Lani S., Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Stage 2

Symptom: None; appendicitis led to a CT scan that found tumor
Treatment: Chemotherapy

Jason F., Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Stage 2A

Symptoms: Itchy legs, bloated face and “upper trunk,” slow-healing wounds, asthma worsened
Treatments: Chemotherapy, radiation

Logan A., Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Stage 2A

Symptoms: Lump in neck, fatigue
Ovarian Patient Stories

Tiffany’s Stage 3A Ovarian Cancer Story

Tiffany’s Stage 3A Ovarian Cancer Story

Interviewed by: Taylor Scheib
Edited by: Chris Sanchez

33 year-old Tiffany is undergoing treatment for stage 3A ovarian cancer.

Tiffany was about to embark on a yearlong trip when she received life-altering news, a cancer diagnosis. Her diagnosis not only forced her to postpone her trip, but also convinced her to undergo IVF egg retrieval in order to preserve her ability to have children later on.

Tiffany is in the midst of her ovarian cancer treatment and, as of her interview, was steeling herself to undergo major surgery. But she has many reasons to be positive about her future. She shares her story with us to help others in the same situation.

In addition to Tiffany’s narrative, The Patient Story offers a diverse collection of stories about ovarian cancer. These empowering stories provide real-life experiences, valuable insights, and perspectives on symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options for cancer.

  • Name: Tiffany L.
  • Diagnosis:
    • Ovarian cancer
  • Staging:
    • Stage 3A
  • Initial Symptoms:
    • Severe bleeding after insertion of IUD
    • Discomfort and pain after working out
  • Treatment:
    • Chemotherapy: Carboplatin and Taxol
    • Surgery: Total hysterectomy

This interview has been edited for clarity. This is not medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare provider to make treatment decisions.

My biggest advice is to be really honest with yourself first.

Like, really checking in, are you feeling something or not?


My name is Tiffany. I’m based in Austin, Texas. I’m 33 years old. 

I love pole dancing, contortion, and I’m learning how to draw for fun, as well as watercolor in my free time.

I’ve been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, stage 3A.

Discovery and diagnosis

I was supposed to go travel abroad for a year in 2024, and was supposed to leave the first weekend of January. Didn’t want to carry a year’s supply of birth control with me, so I decided to get an IUD. 

I had an annual exam at the gynecologist, just standard stuff, and then that was when I mentioned an IUD, and so we got that inserted. We did the normal stuff that you would do during the annual exam. The gynecologist didn’t find anything weird then. 

At first, the IUD was fine, it wasn’t too painful or anything. About a week after it was inserted, I started bleeding like crazy.

I had my strings checked a month later, and that was okay, too, but I was bleeding a lot. It was like I was soaking through a heavy pad every hour or so. And so I just left it because it went away eventually. 

But a couple weeks after the string check, I started bleeding a lot again, and I didn’t really stop bleeding until they took it out. I was having heavy bleeding, and then it would it would kind of slow down a bit.

It just went on for weeks. So that’s why I called them to double check to make sure it was okay. 

I called them probably mid December or so. Because usually what happens is like, you call them and they just tell you, oh, it’s normal. It’s an adjustment period for the IUD, you’ll be okay. But I’m leaving in a few weeks. I need you to make sure this is okay before I go abroad.

So finally, they got back to me and they’re like, okay, we’re gonna do an ultrasound to check. I remember going in, I was like, I’m pretty sure this IUD is misplaced. I remember the sonographer going through everything. And then I looked at the screen and I saw this huge hole. 

I can’t read the graphics, but I saw her face and I was like, what is going on? I’m pretty sure there’s something more than just this IUD problem. But she’s not able to tell me what’s happening because I don’t think she’s allowed to by law. 

I almost was able to talk to the doctor right away, but then I actually had a work meeting, so I had to schedule it for I think the next day or something. I was just really anxious for  24 hours or so. And then the next day I went in and the doctor was like, hey, look, we found a gigantic cyst.

We don’t know what it is, the doctor said. I’m going to need to refer you to a gyno oncologist. Like I’m supposed to leave next week. Can I get an appointment right away? And she’s like, yeah, I’m gonna try to see if we can bump you up. And then she ran this blood test for the tumor marker, CA 125, that same day. So the new doctor can get all the results and stuff. 

So I had an appointment I think the next week, right before I was supposed to leave. I was like, well, there’s a huge thing in me, regardless of it being cancer or not, I need to take this out. So I probably do have to postpone my trip. There’s no way, you know, this person can just take it out in a week. So, yeah, I postponed my trip.

In my head I was like, okay, maybe it’s just postponed for a few weeks or a month. Maybe I can head out in February or something, which is not a big deal. But by that time, I had already quit my job because that was the plan. 

My last day of work was right before I was supposed to leave. It it just put me in a weird position because, I was like, well, I might leave soon anyway, so I guess it’s just like a month, I don’t need to get my job back. So I didn’t really bother with it. But also, it was just like a strange, in-between time where everything was up in the air. 

So I went to the new doctor, the gyno oncologist. And she basically was like, I need to see an MRI. So I had to get that done the next week.

And then after that, the follow up appointment, she didn’t really say it was cancer or anything, actually, even though my blood work was over the chart, my CA 125 was like 4000 and the standard was like 35. So it was crazy high. But, different things can affect your CA 125, such as endometriosis, which I wasn’t diagnosed with. All I knew was that I had PCOS. [Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder in reproductive-age women, causing infrequent or prolonged periods and elevated androgen levels.]

So when I talked to her after the MRI, she wasn’t definitive that it was cancer, but she wasn’t saying that it wasn’t either, because they don’t really tell you until they really go in there anyways. So she basically she knew that she had to take out the ovary that was attached to the tumor. But she asked me, if it’s cancer, what are your thoughts about having kids? Um, because if it’s cancer, usually they take everything out.

It took me a few days to get back to her because it was just so shocking to think about. We ended up deciding that we would keep the other ovary in there, even if it’s cancer, because we wanted to preserve my fertility and see if we could go through the IVF route.

Going into surgery, the doctor thought it’s probably borderline because it’s rare that someone in their 30s would have ovarian cancer. But, I mean, it could happen. She said that if it is borderline, then I probably wouldn’t need chemo. It ended up not being borderline. 

What happened during surgery is that she took the tumor out with the ovary, and she said the tumor was hard to take out. It wasn’t like a solid tumor, where, she could just pick it up with the robot and take it away. It was mushy and weird, gross-sounding.

The surgery took five hours, I believe, which was way longer than I expected because, besides taking it out, she also had to wait for a biopsy to see if it’s cancer and then after it’s cancerous, she does surgical staging. So she would swipe samples of different areas of my pelvis. I think it was bladder, bowels, uterus. 

She took the omentum out for biopsy to see if there’s any cancer cells there. So that’s also probably why it took five hours. I took up pretty much the rest of her afternoon, so I didn’t really see her until the next day. And that’s when she told me that, hey, it is cancer. 

But we didn’t know the staging; we just know that it’s probably more than likely, more than stage two, based on what I saw in there, but not definitive. Two weeks later, during my post-op appointment, I got the report. 

So the original report says there were cancer cells in the omentum. So that would put me in stage 3A. But there was another part of the report where they weren’t exactly sure where the origin site is for the cancer.

So they were suspecting that it’s either primary ovarian or possibly could be from the uterus or it’s synchronized cancer, because the type that I have was called an endometrioid ovarian cancer. That might come from endometriosis. So they are thinking that it could be synchronized, but for now they are treating it as a primary ovarian cancer. 

So it’s like still not definitive in a way. A little strange because I think the staging changes depending on the primary side. 

So if it’s ovarian primary, it’s like stage three, if it’s uterine primary and it’s in the omentum, that could put me in stage four. But then if it’s synchronized then it could be stage one for both. So it’s very confusing. The staging kind of tells you the prognosis, but then all the information data that they have are for like older women. So then it’s not like that information is for my population. 

At this rate, like honestly, I don’t look at my prognosis because none of the data is very specific to my population.

So I went ahead and got a second opinion too, just because why not? Insurance covers it. And I got a second biopsy at MD Anderson. And the report came back the same. 

So that’s a good thing, that it’s the same, I guess. Ultimately they’re not really going to be able to really find out exactly what it is until they take everything out. 

Treatment plan

After the doctor told me about my ovarian cancer diagnosis, she gave me a treatment plan. 

So I was going to be having three rounds of chemo, surgery to take everything out, and then three rounds again. 

So the midway point for the surgery, they just wanted to get the chemo in me first, but because I already would have had three rounds of chemo by then, they might not be able to really biopsy enough. There might not be enough cancer cells there for them to find out what is really going on. 


About a week after the report and discussing it with her, I started my IVF cycle, so I started freezing my embryos. 

That wasn’t fun. It was a lot of injections, doctor’s appointments., and going back and forth, trying to get a discount.

My insurance didn’t cover the IVF cycle, so I had to look into different organizations that would provide discounts on the clinic. And there are discounts for cancer patients, I think in most clinics, at least mine did. And I was able to get help from Livestrong and the Heart Beat program with Walgreens

The Heart Beat program basically gave me all the medication for free, which was really helpful because the medication itself, it’s like $10,000. And then the Livestrong also helped with the medication as well. It was like a 20% discount on certain things through the clinic. 

I think we were fortunate in a sense, because I know a lot of women, they have to go through multiple cycles to freeze 1 or 2 embryos. We were lucky in a sense that we only had 1 shot, just 1 cycle before chemo started. We were able to freeze 8 embryos, which was amazing. 

The clinic helped. They were the ones who told me about Livestrong. And they were the ones who applied on my behalf for the Walgreens Heart Beat program. 

I think the complicated part, at least with my clinic, it was more like I wasn’t really sure who should be doing what part of the application process. It might have just been a clinic issue, but they weren’t very clear on who is starting? Am I the one applying directly or are they doing it on my behalf? So I had to do a little bit of work in that regards. But ultimately they were the ones who found the programs. 

My doctor was the one who referred me to this clinic, so it seemed like she already had a relationship with the reproductive endocrinologist. So before I even went on my consultation, she already knew what was going on.

In terms of figuring out financially, I think we were fortunate in a way, because we had saved up for a trip and so we already had that nest there. If it wasn’t going to cost like that, we would have just done it anyways. 

My husband and I, this has been a lot of discussion between like having kids or not. He’s the one that really wanted the kids. I was more like, could be maybe. Maybe not. It was just like, okay, might as well do this because if we don’t do it, we might regret it later.

This is a little bit morbid. If I, you know, pass away in 2 years, I felt at least I left something for my husband—a part of me there for him.

So, the IVF process. The first appointment was just discussing the different options. So I had the option of just freezing the eggs or embryos. But you still have to go through the IVF process. It essentially means they’re just taking the eggs out, the embryo part comes later. 

During the process, they would monitor your follicles to see how they’re growing. Usually they want you to start, I think, like day 1 or 2 of your period. Um, I didn’t. I was on a timeline, so it didn’t pertain to me But I also luckily had my period the first day I saw her. So it kind of worked out in that sense.

So the first appointment, the doctor would check to see how many eggs are already there. In a way it was fortunate I had PCOS, so I had extra eggs. Apparently, if you have PCOS, it’s better for the process because you have more eggs. 

Once she thinks you’re ready, you will start doing your injections. I did two medications, on my abdomen. The first injection was just so scary because you guess your spouse or someone could help you, but I just did it on my own. The medication helps grow the follicles. 

I only had one ovary to do this, for others they might have two. But for my one ovary, she saw like 18 or something on there already. So they’re trying to grow everything at the same time essentially with the medication, but they don’t want you to grow it so fast, your ovary will get too big and then you will get hyper stimulating ovaries, which will cause a lot of pain.

They want to monitor you, every other day or so with blood work to check your estrogen level and also ultrasound. So I had to go to the clinic every other day. They gave me a different medication to start, to kind of balance it out so it doesn’t overgrow.

And then after about ten days, they decided that it was time for the trigger shot. They’re checking the size of each follicle. They want them all to be as big as possible. I think I had three that were like 20mm or something, I can’t remember. And that was when they decided it was time. 

So then I did the trigger shot, and then the day after, they did the egg retrieval. During egg retrieval, they put me under, and then the process took like ten minutes. 

And then they woke me up and they were like, we took out 22 eggs or something.


Chemotherapy: Carboplatin and Taxol

Right after, a week after IVF, I started chemotherapy to deal with my ovarian cancer.

I got a week break between IVF and the chemo cycle. And I went back to Jersey for a wedding.

Okay, so the chemo regimen I’m on, it’s carboplatin and taxol. My chemo regimen is every 3 weeks. I would say it’s only bad the first week, and then it’s pretty much back to normal the next two weeks. 

I did so much research before, I feel like I already knew everything before I started. And also, before chemo, they did like a chemo teach where I met with one of the physician’s assistants and they gave me a binder of information. So I already had an idea of what to expect.

Side effects

In terms of side effects, I think the major one is the hair loss. That pretty much happened after cycle 1 and throughout cycle 2 as well. But I think after cycle 1, I was just so anxious, I was like, I’m going to shave it off anyways. Just get it over with. 

When I was reading online, I wanted to know when my hair loss would start. And most people said it would start about the second week. So I thought, I wish I knew that because I remember after the first, for like a week, I was just obsessive about my hair. 

I would wake up and be like, are you going? Are you leaving me yet? And then when it was still here, I was like, oh my gosh, maybe I’m one of those lucky people. I wish I would have known that it really would start like after the second week.

I was never too attached to my hair. Or at least I thought so. Some women love their hair and they want it to look a certain way. I guess if I cut it and it’s ugly, I didn’t care too much, would be upset for a minute, and then I’d be like, okay, it’s gonna grow back. You’ll be fine. 

When my hair started falling off, when I started seeing strands of hair on my pillow, It was just horrific to see that much hair coming out. I did get a little bit emotional. I think because I didn’t have that much time to process everything. Just seeing the hair kind of hit me in the face a little bit.

And then I felt really concerned about how I looked like without hair. I wasn’t sure if I would still feel attractive or if my husband was still find me attractive. 

Ultimately, when I shaved my hair off, I was I was kind of surprised that, I thought, I still look good without the hair. I went on a lot of shopping sprees, just for new styles and wigs and makeup stuff. So I think that kind of helped. 

Right now, I have days where I’m like, I really miss my hair. Especially like when I go out and I see people with beautiful hair, I’m like, oh, I really miss having hair. 

But then most of the other days I’m just like, oh, how would this look on me now? I feel like I get to play a little bit with a different style. And then sometimes I’m also kind of like, I wonder what style is going to stick after this is over. Maybe I’ll adopt some of these new things.

So other side effects have mostly been swollen hands. I’m also having a slight neuropathy, only on my index finger. Very strange. And then a little bit of brain fog, but that tends to fade away after the first week.

Surgery: total hysterectomy

So my next milestone in my ovarian cancer journey, I guess, is my surgery. That’s coming up on May 20th. I get 4 weeks in between surgery and chemo, which means I get an extra week to play.

So the surgery I’m getting will be a total hysterectomy. They’re going to be taking out my remaining ovary, my uterus, the fallopian tube that attaches to the ovary, and my cervix as well. 

I am incredibly anxious about it, because once they take out that ovary, that puts me in surgical menopause. And for women that are in forced menopause, I’m high-risk later on for osteoporosis as well as heart disease. 

Not to mention, I’ve been reading a lot of other women’s experiences that are around my age, mostly breast cancer survivors. It sounds like there’s like a thing called vaginal atrophy that will happen or might happen as well. 

Also, all the other stuff that comes with menopause, like hot flashes. I’m very, very scared just about what might happen. 

Also they say that sometimes you don’t get those symptoms right away. So it’s not like I’m gonna wake up and it happens. It might take a few weeks before it happens.

They haven’t really talked to me about post-surgery. I just know I get a 4-week break and then I go back for chemo, but I do believe it’s the same chemo.

… don’t brush away that little voice that’s telling you something is probably wrong.

Shifts and learnings


I felt like because of my ovarian cancer situation, everyone was extra nice to me. I would say I’m very fortunate, because everyone is being so supportive. 

My mom lives in Jersey and flies here every cycle to help me out, and my husband has been very supportive, too. My friends like giving me rides and everything, too.

I think it’s going pretty well for what it is.


So when I look back, I do feel like I had the symptoms of ovarian cancer, I definitely ignored them. I do crazy workouts, so, yeah, I’m going to be like, there’s some tightness there or I just kind of brushed it off. but when I look back, I was kind of in pain. 

I was remembering how there were days after I trained and I would be like, wow. Training really hurt today. And I really don’t want to do this post because it’s putting a lot of pressure in my abdomen and it’s really pretty uncomfortable. But I just brushed it away. 

And so I think that if I did not get that IUD, I think it would have gotten me eventually, Because I’m young and healthy. I didn’t think of it as anything. I mean, I didn’t really bring it to the doctor or anything, but even, like, with the whole IUD thing, I felt like I had to really push for them to, take a look at it. And so, it is very important, don’t brush away that little voice that’s telling you something is probably wrong.

I think it’s mostly realizing, this sucks, but I still get to do so much cool stuff later on. Hopefully. 

It sucks that I didn’t get to travel, but after this, maybe I can I can travel again, but it’s gonna look a little bit different than I planned because I’m not going to be able to just leave for a year now because of all the monitoring that they do. Kind of realizing that I’m still going to be able to see everything. 

But I honestly think what has really gotten me through this is just me on the pole. Because I’m still able to pole dance, and contort, which I don’t understand how sometimes. So that has been pretty incredible, very helpful as well. Like for my mental health, too.

But I think what shifted in the way I’m thinking about it is to just appreciate what I can do, versus going after certain things and being frustrated with it. So I kind of see it in like a new perspective. Oh, I just took a class, and then I never looked back. Yeah. 

Pole dancing is like a challenge. I love it because as long as you put the work or the training, the time into it, you will see results. And it’s like a way to express yourself in whatever way you want it to be.

So it doesn’t have to be sexy. It could be like emotional. It could be very athletic or just like, whatever you want. And I really love it for the art form and also for the physical challenge. And also the pole community is incredible. I made so many friends off of it, and it’s just a great place.


My biggest advice from everything that I’ve learned in my ovarian cancer journey is to be really honest with yourself first. Like, really checking in, are you feeling something or not? Even if the doctor thinks you’re being a little too much, just push them to do something because you never know.

And then really do your research before going to the doctor, because, hopefully you have a good doctor, but, if you don’t, you have the knowledge to back up what you are suspecting. And then be very assertive as to what you’re asking them for. 

I would say something like, hey, I have a concern with this. Can we do a scan or something, instead of having them lead the way? You kind of want to almost lead the conversation instead. 

And then also be honest with them as to what you’re feeling, too, because I think sometimes people brush away symptoms because they’re scared of what it could be. It’s better to know what it is and deal with it earlier versus later.

Thank you for sharing your story, Tiffany!

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