Chemotherapy Colorectal CRC ileostomy Patient Stories Radiation Therapy Surgery Treatments

Edie’s Stage 3B Colorectal Cancer Story

Edie’s Stage 3B Colorectal Cancer Story

Edie was diagnosed with stage 3B colorectal cancer at 52, after a positive Cologuard test and subsequent colonoscopy. Initially, she had experienced years of constipation but attributed it to various factors, like medication and scoliosis. When she turned 50, despite not having any risk factors or family history, her doctor recommended a Cologuard test, which came back positive. She initially dismissed it as a false alarm, but a follow-up colonoscopy revealed a mass, prompting further tests. Soon after, she was diagnosed with colorectal cancer, which required urgent treatment.

Interviewed by: Taylor Scheib
Edited by: Katrina Villareal

Edie’s treatment plan included chemotherapy and radiation, which began in April 2021. The chemotherapy was administered in eight rounds, spaced two weeks apart, to reduce cancer in her lymph nodes. She utilized a technique of icing her hands and feet during treatments to reduce the risk of neuropathy. Radiation therapy followed in September, involving daily sessions for six weeks. While Edie experienced some GI symptoms, the treatments were largely manageable.

Edie H. feature profile

Afterward, scans showed significant shrinkage of the tumor, leading to surgery in January 2022, which included a lower anterior resection and a temporary ileostomy. Unfortunately, the ileostomy was poorly formed, and Edie required a reversal seven weeks later. Following her surgery, Edie experienced a full recovery. The lymph nodes removed during surgery were negative for cancer and the tumor margins were clean. She continued with regular follow-up care, including scans and colonoscopies, all of which have returned clear since her treatment.

Edie emphasized the importance of screening and self-advocacy, as early detection can greatly improve treatment outcomes. She is also an advocate for colorectal cancer awareness, stressing the need for open conversations about the disease to reduce stigma. Throughout her treatment and recovery, Edie found solace in connecting with others who had cancer and building a supportive community for herself.

In terms of survivorship, Edie has adjusted to a new perspective on life, valuing the present moment and focusing on enjoying life rather than worrying about the future. She encourages others to give themselves grace and seek out support, especially from those who understand the emotional and physical challenges of cancer. Edie’s story highlights the importance of screening, early detection, and staying positive through difficult times.

  • Name: Edie H.
  • Age at Diagnosis:
    • 52
  • Diagnosis:
    • Colorectal Cancer
  • Staging:
    • Stage 3B
  • Symptom:
    • Chronic constipation
  • Treatments:
    • Chemotherapy
    • Radiation
    • Surgeries: lower anterior resection & temporary ileostomy (reversed after 7 weeks)
Edie H.
Edie H.
Edie H.
Edie H.
Edie H.
Edie H.
Edie H.

This interview has been edited for clarity. This is not medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare provider to make treatment decisions.

Edie H. feature profile
Thank you for sharing your story, Edie!

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More Colorectal Cancer Stories

Edie H. feature profile

Edie H., Colorectal Cancer, Stage 3B

Symptom: Chronic constipation

Treatments: Chemotherapy, radiation, surgeries (lower anterior resection & temporary ileostomy)
Shayla L. feature profile

Shayla L., Colorectal Cancer, Stage 4

Symptoms: Stomach sensitivity, food intolerances, exhaustion, blood in stool
Treatments: Chemotherapy, surgery (hepatectomy)
Tracy R. feature profile

Tracy R., Colorectal Cancer, Stage 2B

Symptoms: Bloating and inflammation, heaviness in the rectum, intermittent rectal bleeding, fatigue
Treatments: Chemotherapy, radiation, surgery
Paula C. feature profile

Paula C., Colorectal Cancer, Stage 3

Symptoms: Painful gas, irregular bowel movements, blood in stool, anemia, severe pain, weight loss, fainting spells
Treatment: Surgery (tumor resection)
Nick S. feature profile

Nick S., Colorectal Cancer, Stage 4A

Symptoms: Change in bowel habits, size & consistency, blood in stool, abdominal pain, fatigue
Treatment: Surgery (sigmoid colectomy), chemotherapy (capecitabine, oxaliplatin), immunotherapy (bevacizumab, pembrolizumab)

Steve S., Colorectal Cancer, Stage 4

Symptoms: Blood in stool, changes in bowel habits, feeling gassy and bloated

Treatments: Surgery, chemotherapy, monoclonal antibody, liver transplant

Cetuximab Chemotherapy Colectomy Colon Colorectal FOLFIRI (folinic acid, fluorouracil, irinotecan) FOLFOX (folinic acid, fluorouracil, oxaliplatin) Immunotherapy Lung wedge resection Metastatic Patient Stories Surgery Treatments

Jennifer’s Stage 4 Colon Story

Jennifer’s Stage 4 Colon Cancer Story

Jennifer was diagnosed with early onset colon cancer in 2017 (stage 3) at the age of 23, which progressed to stage 4 in 2020. Her diagnosis came after an iron deficiency flagged by her endocrinologist led to further testing and a colonoscopy revealing a 5 cm tumor. Before her diagnosis, she experienced scattered symptoms including weight loss, coughing, vomiting, sciatica pain, and persistent fatigue, which were initially attributed to depression, stress, and other conditions.

Interviewed by: Taylor Scheib
Edited by: Katrina Villareal

Treatment began with a colectomy in December 2017, followed by six months of FOLFOX chemotherapy. Despite an initial remission, Jennifer’s cancer returned in her lungs in 2020, discovered during post-stroke scans after a medical complication left her blind in one eye. Subsequent treatments included FOLFIRI chemotherapy, cetuximab immunotherapy, and two lung wedge resections to remove nodules.

Jennifer T. feature profile

Jennifer candidly discusses the challenges of navigating complex medical care that came with her early onset colon cancer diagnosis, including periods of insufficient oncology support, medical advocacy struggles, and emotional tolls. She credits her recovery to persistence, family support, and pushing for surgeries against her oncologist’s preference for extended chemotherapy. A wake-up call from her health crises led her to improve her lifestyle, take control of her medical care, and stay deeply involved in her treatment plans.

Reflecting on her experiences, Jennifer emphasizes the importance of advocating for oneself, accepting past circumstances, and maintaining a focus on the present. Her message to others is clear: trust your medical team but actively participate in decisions, avoid panic over statistics, and focus on actionable steps toward treatment and recovery.

  • Name: Jennifer T.
  • Age at Diagnosis:
    • 23
  • Diagnosis:
    • Colon Cancer
  • Staging:
    • Stage 3 (2017)
    • Stage 4 (2020)
  • Symptoms:
    • Weight loss
    • Coughing
    • Vomiting
    • Sciatica pain
    • Fatigue
  • Treatments:
    • Surgeries: colectomy, lung wedge resection on both lungs
    • Chemotherapy: FOLFOX, FOLFIRI
    • Immunotherapy: cetuximab
Jennifer T.
Jennifer T.
Jennifer T.
Jennifer T.
Jennifer T.
Jennifer T.
Jennifer T.

This interview has been edited for clarity. This is not medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare provider to make treatment decisions.

Jennifer T. feature profile
Thank you for sharing your story, Jennifer!

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More Metastatic Colon Cancer Stories

Raquel A. feature profile

Raquel A., Colorectal Cancer, Stage 4

Symptoms: Frequent bowel movements, pin-thin stools, mild red blood in stool
Treatment: Chemotherapy

Steve S., Colorectal Cancer, Stage 4

Symptoms: Blood in stool, changes in bowel habits, feeling gassy and bloated

Treatments: Surgery, chemotherapy, monoclonal antibody, liver transplant
Jessica T. feature profile

Jessica T., BRAF Mutation Colon Cancer, Stage 4

Symptoms: Severe stomach cramps, diarrhea, vomiting, anemia (discovered later)

Treatments: Surgery (hemicolectomy), chemotherapy

Jennifer T. feature profile

Jennifer T., Colon Cancer, Stage 4

Symptoms: Weight loss, coughing, vomiting, sciatica pain, fatigue

Treatments: Surgeries (colectomy, lung wedge resection on both lungs), chemotherapy, immunotherapy

Bevacizumab Chemotherapy Colon Colorectal FOLFIRI (folinic acid, fluorouracil, irinotecan) Immunotherapy Patient Stories Treatments

Monica’s Stage 4 Colon Cancer Story

Monica’s Stage 4 Colon Cancer Story

Interviewed by: Taylor Scheib
Edited by: Chris Sanchez

Monica, a 32-year-old Australian living in Croatia, shares her journey battling stage 4 metastatic colon cancer. Initially, she mistook her abdominal pain for digestive issues and stress. After multiple misdiagnoses, her condition worsened in January 2024 when her stomach swelled so badly that she was unable to stand. Emergency surgery revealed a 4-centimeter tumor that was obstructing her intestines. Further testing found that the cancer had spread to para-aortic lymph nodes.

Monica underwent chemotherapy and has been navigating treatment with resilience, even as she faced delays like that occurring due to her contracting COVID-19 before a crucial surgery. Chemotherapy reduced the size of her cancerous lymph nodes, and she is also on immunotherapy.

While the physical toll on Monica has been significant—causing her to lose hair and endure digestive issues—she remains pragmatic, and finds solace in maintaining an active lifestyle, walking her dog, and focusing on her recovery. She reflects on the emotional impact of her diagnosis, stating that she was not initially devastated. Instead, she quickly adjusted to the situation, finding humor in some of the challenging moments, such as learning to live with a temporary stoma. She acknowledges that the hardest part may come after treatment, living with the uncertainty of remission.

Monica also uses her experience to advocate for cancer awareness on TikTok, where she discusses her journey to inspire others. Her content has resonated with women, who reach out to express gratitude for her openness. Monica stresses the importance of colonoscopies and challenges the tendency of doctors to dismiss symptoms like hers as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), especially in young women.

Despite the difficulties, Monica chooses to maintain a positive outlook. She is determined to fight the disease and rejects the notion that cancer must define or consume her life. She believes cancer should be viewed as an accessory rather than a death sentence and emphasizes the importance of staying active, both mentally and physically. Monica’s story highlights the power of community, as her friends in Croatia have rallied around her during treatment, offering support and care when her family in Australia is far away.

  • Name:
    • Monica A.
  • Age at Diagnosis:
    • 31
  • Diagnosis:
    • Colon cancer
  • Staging:
    • Stage 4
  • Initial Symptoms:
    • Recurrent pain in side
    • Severely swollen stomach
  • Treatment:
    • Surgery (removal of tumor and cancerous lymph nodes)
    • Chemotherapy
    • Immunotherapy

This interview has been edited for clarity. This is not medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare provider to make treatment decisions.

Thank you for sharing your story, Monica!

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Related Cancer Stories

More Colon Cancer Stories
Raquel A. feature profile

Raquel A., Colorectal Cancer, Stage 4

Symptoms: Frequent bowel movements, pin-thin stools, mild red blood in stool
Treatment: Chemotherapy

Steve S., Colorectal Cancer, Stage 4

Symptoms: Blood in stool, changes in bowel habits, feeling gassy and bloated

Treatments: Surgery, chemotherapy, monoclonal antibody, liver transplant
Jessica T. feature profile

Jessica T., BRAF Mutation Colon Cancer, Stage 4

Symptoms: Severe stomach cramps, diarrhea, vomiting, anemia (discovered later)

Treatments: Surgery (hemicolectomy), chemotherapy

Jennifer T. feature profile

Jennifer T., Colon Cancer, Stage 4

Symptoms: Weight loss, coughing, vomiting, sciatica pain, fatigue

Treatments: Surgeries (colectomy, lung wedge resection on both lungs), chemotherapy, immunotherapy
Chemotherapy Colorectal CRC Metastatic Patient Stories Surgery Treatments

Steve’s Stage 4 Colorectal Cancer Story

Steve’s Stage 4 Colorectal Cancer Story

Interviewed by: Taylor Scheib
Edited by: Chris Sanchez

Steve shares his story of being diagnosed with Stage 4 colorectal cancer

Steve, a 51-year-old resident of Ontario, Canada, was diagnosed with Stage 4 colorectal cancer 3 years ago.

Steve’s diagnosis frightened and angered him. He had been suffering the symptoms of colorectal cancer for years before diagnosis, but they were shrugged off as food sensitivities. When the tumor in his colon was finally discovered, it was so large that his doctors could not get the scope past it to perform the colonoscopy. Moreover, the doctors also found 23 metastatic tumors on his liver. He was told that based on stage 4 colon cancer survival rates, he would likely live for just 3 more years.

Instead of succumbing to his initial anger and bitterness, Steve chose to fight. He decided that he didn’t want to be remembered as “the angry guy”—and the realization that if he didn’t fight, his cancer would take him away from his family, was all the motivation he needed to do so. He was also determined to model resiliency for his family, especially his sons.

Steve immediately underwent surgery to deal with his blocked bowel, and ended up having a foot of his colon removed along with the primary tumor. He then had to recover for a few weeks before he could start with chemotherapy. He also took antibody therapy medicine along with the chemotherapy. Steve ended up taking 27 rounds of chemotherapy, with some breaks, over the succeeding 3 years.

Steve’s cancer journey was far from easy. For one, he had to endure significant side effects, including unsightly bleeding rashes that covered almost his entire body. Moreover, he also discovered that he could “fight cancer in the streets” and help other cancer patients, too, and so he got involved with fundraising campaigns for his local hospital foundation and regional cancer center. He also started serving as a volunteer cancer coach at CCRAN, the Colorectal Cancer Resource and Action Network.

After 3 years of chemotherapy and a liver transplant, at his last checkup, Steve’s doctors were unable to find any evidence of his cancer.

Steve shares his story with us to grow awareness of the risks of cancer, especially colorectal cancer, and to encourage other cancer patients to remain positive and continue fighting, no matter how severe or hopeless their situations may seem.

  • Name: Steve S.
  • Diagnosis:
    • Colorectal cancer
  • Staging:
    • Stage 4
  • Initial Symptoms:
    • Bloody stool
    • Intermittent changes in bowel habits 
    • Feeling gassy and bloated
    • Random pains in abdomen
  • Treatment:
    • Surgery: removal of primary tumor
    • Chemotherapy: Folfiri (folinic acid, fluorouracil, irinotecan)
    • Antibody therapy: panitumumab
    • Liver transplant

This interview has been edited for clarity. This is not medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare provider to make treatment decisions.

Thank you for sharing your story, Steve!

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Related Cancer Stories

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Edie H., Colorectal Cancer, Stage 3B

Symptom: Chronic constipation

Treatments: Chemotherapy, radiation, surgeries (lower anterior resection & temporary ileostomy)
Shayla L. feature profile

Shayla L., Colorectal Cancer, Stage 4

Symptoms: Stomach sensitivity, food intolerances, exhaustion, blood in stool
Treatments: Chemotherapy, surgery (hepatectomy)
Tracy R. feature profile

Tracy R., Colorectal Cancer, Stage 2B

Symptoms: Bloating and inflammation, heaviness in the rectum, intermittent rectal bleeding, fatigue
Treatments: Chemotherapy, radiation, surgery
Paula C. feature profile

Paula C., Colorectal Cancer, Stage 3

Symptoms: Painful gas, irregular bowel movements, blood in stool, anemia, severe pain, weight loss, fainting spells
Treatment: Surgery (tumor resection)
Nick S. feature profile

Nick S., Colorectal Cancer, Stage 4A

Symptoms: Change in bowel habits, size & consistency, blood in stool, abdominal pain, fatigue
Treatment: Surgery (sigmoid colectomy), chemotherapy (capecitabine, oxaliplatin), immunotherapy (bevacizumab, pembrolizumab)

Steve S., Colorectal Cancer, Stage 4

Symptoms: Blood in stool, changes in bowel habits, feeling gassy and bloated

Treatments: Surgery, chemotherapy, monoclonal antibody, liver transplant