Lung Cancer Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patient Stories Surgery Treatments

Breaking the Stigma: Donnita’s Stage 1A Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Story

Donnita B., Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, Stage 1A

Symptom: None

Treatment: Surgery

Breaking the Stigma: Donnita’s Stage 1A Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Story

At the age of 68, Donnita was diagnosed with stage 1A non-small cell lung cancer. At that point, she had quit smoking 14 years earlier and was living a healthy lifestyle with hiking as her passion. When Donnita was diagnosed, she was symptom-free, but she realized her smoking history remained her main risk factor, along with a family history of cancer and exposure to radon and asbestos.

Interviewed by: Taylor Scheib
Edited by: Chris Sanchez

Donnita’s self-advocacy led to her early diagnosis through low-dose CT scans after facing insurance challenges. She underwent robot-assisted thoracic surgery (RATS), which proved successful. Post-surgery, she deeply reflected on her experiences, eventually connecting with others in the lung cancer community to manage what had become survivor’s guilt and fears of recurrence.

The doting grandmother has become a passionate patient advocate, not just for herself, but for the countless others who have and continue to deal with a lung cancer diagnosis. Support for more lung cancer awareness grew with campaigns like the grassroots one powered by The White Ribbon Project, founded by a lung cancer patient and her husband, helping Donnita to find empowerment in sharing her story to help change public perception of lung cancer to include support for all people.

Donnita emphasizes that anyone can develop lung cancer, regardless of smoking history, and urges others to test for radon exposure. Read below and watch the videos to learn more about how she advocates for self-awareness and proactive health measures, encouraging others to share their stories.

If you have lungs, you can get lung cancer. That’s the bottom line.


  • Name: 
    • Donnita B.
  • Age at Diagnosis:
    • 68
  • Diagnosis:
    • Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (Adenocarcinoma)
  • Stage:
    • Stage 1A
  • Symptoms:
    • None
  • Treatment:
    • Surgery
Donnita and The White Ribbon Project

We would like to thank The White Ribbon Project for its partnership.

This interview has been edited for clarity and length. This is not medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare provider for treatment decisions.

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Thank you to Johnson & Johnson for supporting our patient education programming. The Patient Story retains full editorial control over all content.

If you have lungs, you can get lung cancer. That’s the bottom line. 


Hi, my name is Donnita.

My doctor diagnosed me with stage 1A non-small cell lung cancer at the age of 68.

Right at the top of the list was a low-dose lung cancer CT screening. I got it easily; they didn’t give me a hard time at all. The day that I got it, alarms went off

Before My Diagnosis

I had no symptoms before my lung cancer diagnosis. I read in my insurance benefits brochure back in 2018 that I was eligible for a low-dose lung cancer CT scan, so I requested it from my primary care doctor at the time. He told me that my insurance wouldn’t cover it, but I pushed back and said, “I know it does because I saw it in my brochure. I have a history of smoking and a family cancer history, too.” He wrote it in, but I didn’t have another screening for five years for a couple of different reasons.

I had anxiety every time I thought about that doctor because it never was a good visit with him. Then COVID became a factor and my two grandchildren were born. Between those three factors, the next thing I knew, five years had gone by and I had not had another screening.

I had always thought cancer was a possibility because I had a significant smoking history. Not only that, I had a family history of cancer, too. 

I realized that I couldn’t go on like this any longer. I moved to a hospital practice and went in with my list of requests. Right at the top of the list was a low-dose lung cancer CT screening. I got it easily; they didn’t give me a hard time at all. The day that I got it, alarms went off.

I had my screening that morning. They called me that afternoon and said, “You need to get to a pulmonologist immediately.” From that point, things happened so quickly. Six weeks passed from the time I had my screening until the time I was on the table for surgery.

I Was at Significant Risk for Cancer

I always thought cancer was a possibility because I had a significant smoking history. Not only that, I had a family history of cancer too. My grandfather died from lung cancer and an uncle was also battling it at the time. I was hoping that the fact that I quit smoking 14 years prior had mitigated my risk.

I was also living a healthy lifestyle. I wasn’t even thinking about radon or asbestos exposure at that time, only about my smoking history. But in hindsight, I had significant risk given all three factors together.

My Diagnosis

The pulmonologist I consulted told me that they found a suspicious nodule. Right away, I thought it was lung cancer. I’ll never forget how calm I was, though, when I went to the pulmonologist. He must have thought, “Who is this woman sitting here?”

I was even somewhat fatalistic. I looked at him and said, “I’m done, right?” But he said, “No, we’re getting you in for a PET scan. I don’t even want to do a biopsy because there’s too big of a chance that it would come back with nothing found. Let’s see what the PET scan finds.”

I’m living my life again and doing really well. But that was quite a journey I had to go on.

Undergoing Surgery

When I got my PET scan results back, they were lit up. My pulmonologist referred me to the thoracic surgeon and said, “That surgeon may not agree with me, but I want that nodule taken out.” I saw my thoracic surgeon, and he agreed that he didn’t want to do a biopsy ahead of time. He said, “I want it out, too.”

I underwent robot-assisted thoracic surgery (RATS). The surgeon said, “We’ll take a section and biopsy it while you’re out. Depending on the results, we’ll proceed from there.” The first piece that he took came back atypical. He took another piece, which came back positive, and ended up removing three wedges. He had intended to remove a couple more segments, but I had some calcification going on that put me at more risk.

Afterward, the surgeon said that he had gotten clear margins and felt good about my operation.

After My Surgery

My surgery had such an impact on me. It was a good thing that I was in therapy at the time. The therapist I was seeing didn’t specialize in treating cancer patients, but she was very good. She had already been working with me on breathing and meditation. Although I’ve been resistant to meditation, I’ve been receptive to breathing.

I kept saying that hiking was my meditation. She didn’t agree with me, but we accepted that was how things were for me. But at that point, I started to realize how fortunate I was.

Then the survivor’s guilt started to come in. I realized I needed to connect with other patients because I couldn’t burden my children with my mental health issues post-treatment. Their mother having lung cancer was already devastating to them. When we think of “lung cancer,” we automatically think it’s fatal. I knew I needed to connect with others like me, so I started my search for support communities.

But then I started to have a fear of recurrence and that fear became overwhelming, so I had to take a bit of a step back. I’m still connected to the lung cancer community but not quite as intensely as I was in those first six months or so.

I’m living my life again and doing really well, but that was quite a journey I had to go on.

I’ve gotten past my survivor’s guilt by realizing that I was a victim, too. And that I didn’t deserve to get lung cancer.

How I Handled Survivor’s Guilt

I started to feel survivor’s guilt because I didn’t realize that there were so many people who didn’t have a smoking history who were in their 20s, 30s, and 40s, and who were being diagnosed with lung cancer at stage 3 and stage 4.

I was coming from a place of privilege. I was financially stable, double-insured, and knowledgeable of and eligible for lung cancer screening. I had a history of smoking and a family history, yet I had all these privileges and I was diagnosed with stage 1A lung cancer. It broke my heart when I thought about what these people were going through to even get diagnosed and the journey they had to take to have it treated. My understanding of stage 4 lung cancer is that for some patients, it can’t be cured though it can be managed.

At that point, I didn’t connect the dots and realized that I had been a victim, too — in my case, of the glamorization of the tobacco industry. I was born in the mid-50s and didn’t realize that it was the way of society. I didn’t understand how addictive tobacco was and didn’t connect the radon or asbestos exposure at that point. They were all part of my growth.

My heart still breaks for those who are diagnosed at a later stage, but I’ve gotten past my survivor’s guilt. I was a victim, too, and I didn’t deserve to get lung cancer.

The Impact of Smoking Culture On My Life

When I was about 11 months old, my mother had my portrait taken professionally. I was all dressed up in a pretty pink dress, but I was cranky and fussy. My mother was a smoker and, like other women of her time who smoked, she always had her cigarettes in a cigarette case. She took her pack of cigarettes and put it in my hand to try and calm me down and make me presentable for the photo.

There for eternity is a beautiful professional photo of me holding a pack of cigarettes in my hand. That shows you how culturally acceptable, casual, and normal that kind of behavior was at the time. My mother thought nothing of putting that pack of cigarettes in my hand for this photo.

I’ve seen that picture on and off my whole life. I never thought anything of it until I saw it again post-cancer. My jaw dropped and I was stunned. I started to put so many things together after that.

There are people in the community who don’t want you to talk about that, which was very conflicting for me because it’s my story and I have to talk about it.

But because of the public perception of lung cancer and that it’s so associated with smoking, many feel that they want it to be in the closet.

My Perspective Shifted

I didn’t feel any shame when I was diagnosed with lung cancer. But when I discovered that there were people who had no smoking history that were getting diagnosed so young, that was when I started to experience shame. When I first started to bring up my smoking history, I got shut down.

There are people in the community who don’t want you to talk about that, which was very conflicting for me because it’s my story and I have to talk about it. But because of the public perception of lung cancer and that it’s so associated with smoking, many feel that they want it to be in the closet.

I struggled with that too. I felt like I wasn’t supposed to be ashamed of this, but I couldn’t talk about it either. I can’t help others if I keep silent, so even though there might be some people who don’t like what I have to say, I’ll keep on sharing my experience.

Why I’m Sharing My Story

Related to my previous point, the people who don’t want me to share my story think that I hurt the community when I do share it. Our goal is to change the public perception of lung cancer and the belief is that, if you talk about a smoking history, you’re not changing that perception.

This is why it’s crucial for me to share my story as well as that picture of me as a baby with a pack of cigarettes in my hand. People who see it can start to understand my childhood, my exposure at such an early age, and the culture and glamorization of the tobacco industry. That’s helping change the public perception of lung cancer.

I don’t have to avoid talking about my smoking history because I was a victim of it. Everybody has to choose to tell their story the way they want to. I’m hoping that those who are feeling guilty can see that if I continue to talk enough, maybe they themselves will start to feel comfortable and talk about their own stories too. If not, that’s their journey and they have to tell their story their way.

Everybody has to choose to tell their story the way they want to.

Advocating For Myself

When I go to a doctor, I have a sheet of paper on which I’ve printed bulleted points I want us to take up. On the list I took to my surgeon, the first question was: will I still be getting biomarker testing? The surgeon told me, “Yes, go get biomarker testing,” although we blew on past that.

When I went back in for my six-week checkup, I was told, “You didn’t get your biomarker testing because you were stage 1A and that wouldn’t change the treatment.” I didn’t know what to say because I’m not a doctor and I didn’t understand at that point in time that there are different viewpoints in the medical community.

And the belief of the [National Cancer Institute]…is that everyone should get biomarker testing. There is the contrary belief that if it’s not going to change your treatment, then you don’t need it. Insurance probably wouldn’t cover it anyway because of my stage, so I had to grapple with that.

I hit a wall and didn’t know if I was right or wrong, but I knew that I wanted biomarker testing. I felt I had to have it in order to feel okay and hadn’t grown in my understanding of that yet. When I went to the American Cancer Society Lung Cancer round table and connected with the community, everybody was singing a different tune.

I connected with a doctor from Johns Hopkins. We set up an appointment and the following week, I went in and he did what was necessary to request my tissue and sent it off to Foundation Medicine to have my biomarker testing done.

I’ve always realized how short life was and I’ve always been fiercely independent. But now, I’m appreciating and living each day. 

My Identity Has Shifted

I’ve always realized how short life was and I’ve always been fiercely independent. But now, I’m appreciating and living each day. In the past, I would get bouts of depression during which I would sit for days in the house, ruminate, and feel like I weighed 10,000 pounds. I would let too many days go by during which I didn’t live and suffered from depression.

Lung cancer has given me the gift of pulling myself out of depression much quicker. Other than fear of recurrence, I’m not anxious or depressed now. I’m out there living.

What I Want People to Know about Lung Cancer

If you have lungs, you can get lung cancer. That’s the bottom line. It’s not just people with a smoking history who are at risk of getting lung cancer.

Think about testing your home for radon. Radon is the biggest risk factor for people with no smoking history and it’s the second leading cause of lung cancer.

When I first found out I had lung cancer and I found out that others had lung cancer without having a smoking history, I felt incredible shame. Nobody should feel shame because nobody deserves lung cancer.

Smoking is a very addictive habit. There are other risk factors. I had the risk factors of radon and asbestos exposure too. Because I had a smoking history, that does not mean that smoking is what caused my lung cancer.

Once again, we would like to thank The White Ribbon Project for its partnership.

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Special thanks again to Johnson & Johnson for supporting our patient education programming. The Patient Story retains full editorial control over all content.

Thank you for sharing your story, Donnita!

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