Colorectal Patient Stories Surgery Treatments

Rashawn’s Stage 1 Colorectal Cancer Story

Rashawn M., Colon Cancer, Stage 1

Initial Symptoms: Extreme fatigue, blood in stool

Treatment: Surgery

Rashawn’s Stage 1 Colorectal Cancer Story

Rashawn, a mother of 4 from Augusta, GA, is a 10-year stage 1 colorectal cancer survivor who celebrates her journey to health each year on April 28. Despite initial struggles, she maintains a 4.0 GPA while pursuing middle grade education after years away from school.

Interviewed by: Taylor Scheib
Edited by: Chris Sanchez

Rashawn’s cancer story began in 2014, when persistent fatigue and blood in her stool led her to seek medical attention. A colonoscopy revealed a golf-ball-sized mass in her colon, which was later confirmed as cancer. Determined to attend her son’s graduation, Rashawn underwent surgery within weeks, during which doctors removed a significant portion of her colon as well as a large number of lymph nodes. Recovery was challenging but marked by resilience, with support from her family.

Rashawn faced emotional and mental challenges post-diagnosis of stage 1 colorectal cancer, including confusion, fear, anger, being diagnosed with a different kind of cancer, and a lack of readily available resources for colon cancer patients. The absence of support groups and tailored education at the time left her feeling isolated. Over time, she developed strength through self-advocacy, faith, and a desire to help others. Rashawn emphasizes the importance of knowing one’s body and seeking prompt medical attention when something feels off, as delayed action can have severe consequences.

Today, Rashawn continues to manage her health vigilantly, undergoing regular screenings and addressing any concerns immediately. She attributes her survival to her proactive approach and strong support system, which included her mother, a breast cancer survivor, and her extended family. Despite lingering anxiety about recurrence, Rashawn finds purpose in sharing her story to raise awareness about colon cancer and empower others to prioritize their health.

Rashawn’s recovery journey also involved adapting to physical changes, such as altered taste buds and dietary habits. While challenges linger, she finds joy in helping others and living a life of gratitude. Rashawn practices her faith daily, expressing thanks and paying her blessings forward by assisting others. Her transformation into her best self over the last decade exemplifies resilience, faith, and purpose.

Rashawn advises others to trust their instincts, know their bodies, and seek timely medical care. By doing so, she believes more lives can be saved, and individuals can live fuller lives despite adversity.

  • Name:
    • Rashawn M.
  • Diagnosis:
    • Colorectal cancer
  • Staging:
    • Stage 1
  • Age at Diagnosis:
    • 37
  • Initial Symptoms:
    • Extreme fatigue
    • Blood in stool
  • Treatment:
    • Surgery

This interview has been edited for clarity. This is not medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare provider to make treatment decisions.

Thank you for sharing your story, Rashawn!

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