Brachytherapy Side Effects & Experiences | The Patient Story

Brachytherapy Side Effects & Patient Experiences

What Is Brachytherapy?

What is the purpose of brachytherapy? Brachytherapy is used as a cancer treatment for various types of cancer.

Brachytherapy, also known as brachy radiation or internal radiation, is a type of therapy under the broader umbrella of radiation therapy that’s used in the treatment of cancer.


How Does Brachytherapy Work?

Brachytherapy involves placing seeds, capsules, or ribbons, that hold a radiation source, into your body either in or near the targeted tumor. It is often used in treating breast cancer, cervical cancer, eye cancer, head and neck cancer, and prostate cancer.

How Brachytherapy Differs From External Beam Radiation

In comparison to external beam radiation, brachytherapy enables specialists to deliver more targeted and higher doses of radiation during the procedure when brachytherapy seeds, also called iodine seeds, are placed.

What to Expect After Brachytherapy

If an oncologist or other healthcare provider has recommended brachytherapy for you or a loved one, you may wonder about what to expect after brachytherapy. Some of the most common side effects include but are not limited to:

  • swelling
  • bruising
  • bleeding
  • pain and discomfort radiation target location

Side effects for prostate and gynecological cancers may also include:

  • short-term urinary symptoms, including incontinence or pain on urination
  • diarrhea
  • constipation
  • some rectal bleeding
  • erectile dysfunction (prostate cancer)

Brachytherapy Patient Experiences

Here’s what some cancer patients have to share about their personal experiences with brachytherapy radiation.


I did brachytherapy. Then, in September 2011, I had 90 iodine seeds planted. That was my 2nd line of treatment, and I went another five years of active surveillance.

Steve R. (Gleason Score 6, Stage 2 to Stage 4, Metastatic)

→ Read more on Steve’s story


I did brachytherapy four times, and it was every other week. It was in combination with the other treatment which is seven cycles of Cisplatin and 28 cycles of radiation. You go into this room, and it’s the most uninviting space ever. 

What happens after brachytherapy is your vagina loses elasticity. Having sex becomes limited because the vagina is no longer elastic like before. That’s a lasting side effect. They give you something called a vagina dilator. It’s a fancy term for a dildo. I didn’t start using mine until way later.

All the girls that talk about it on cancer boards I’m a part of say the best advice you could give someone is to use your dilator.

Marissa N. (Cervical Cancer, Squamous Cell, Stage 3B)

→ Read more on Marissa’s story

All Brachytherapy Patient Experiences

Eugenia H. feature profile

Eugenia H., Poorly Differentiated Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, Stage 4

Symptoms: Chest tightness, wheezing, weight loss, persistent high pulse rate, coughing up blood, severe bleeding from the mouth

Treatments: Chemotherapy, radiation therapy (external beam radiation therapy, brachytherapy & CyberKnife), cryotherapy, surgeries (tracheostomy & emergency bowel obstruction surgery), immunotherapy

McKenzie E. feature profile

McKenzie E., Cervical Cancer, Stage 3C2

Symptoms: Severe abdominal & back cramping, persistent & extreme pain, heavy discharge & bleeding

Treatments: Radiation, chemotherapy (cisplatin), brachytherapy, immunotherapy (Keytruda)
Margie W. feature profile

Margie W., Endometrial Cancer, Stage 1B, Grade 3

Symptoms: Persistent irregular bleeding

Treatments: Surgery, chemotherapy, brachytherapy
Cara's stage 2C cervical cancer story
Cara R., Cervical Cancer, Stage 2C Symptoms: Lower back pain, abdominal pain, bloating

Treatments: Chemotherapy, radiotherapy, brachytherapy, hormone therapy...

Steve R., Prostate Cancer, Stage 4, Gleason 6

Symptom: Rising PSA level
Treatments: IMRT (radiation therapy), brachytherapy, surgery, and lutetium-177