Patient Voice Leaders

Dee Sparacio | The Patient Story

Dee Sparacio: Ovarian Cancer Patient Advocate
Bio: Dorinda “Dee” Sparacio earned a BS in Chemical Engineering and an MS in Material Science from Rutgers University. She was diagnosed with Stage 3 ovarian cancer (OC) in 2005. Dee became an OC advocate, sharing information about OC research, founding the gynecologic cancer social media community, and has served as a patient advocate on countless committees.

Dee Sparacio

The Patient Story

Patient Voice Leader:
Gynecologic Cancers

In 2005, Dee Sparacio was diagnosed with stage 3 high grade serous ovarian cancer. Dee took part in a phase 1 clinical trial after surgery and was disease free for two and a half years. She had one recurrence on my liver and spleen and underwent additional surgery and chemotherapy. Dee has been disease free since 2009!

Her advocacy work began after attending the Livestrong Survivors Summit. She writes the  blog, Women of Teal,  sharing her story and information about ovarian cancer. Dee has not only attended but also presented at the annual meetings of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) and Society of Gynecologic Oncology (SGO). Dee volunteers on several ASCO and SGO committees developing guidelines, reviewing grants, improving communication with patients and presenting the patient viewpoint at meetings. 

In 2013, Dee co-founded the #GYNCsm Twitter chat and community for those impacted by a gynecologic cancer- patients, caregivers, and medical professionals. She currently serves on the NCI Gynecologic Cancer Steering Committee, Ovarian Cancer Task Force, and offers peer support to women diagnosed with ovarian cancer through the Cancer Hope Network. In addition to her blog, she co-authored the book 100 Questions and Answers About Ovarian Cancer and a number of journal articles. 

Dee says her education in the sciences has helped her to share scientific research with lay audiences. She brings the patient voice to research at all stages of development and actively disseminate information regarding new treatment, biomarkers, and screening tests. Her hope is that her advocacy will lead to improved treatments for all cancer patients allowing for longer survival rates and improved quality of life. 

She lives in New Jersey with her husband Nick and her agility dog, Amber.

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