Smoldering Myeloma Stories
Smoldering Myeloma is a rare, typically asymptomatic condition that can lead to development of Multiple Myeloma. It can cause high plasma cell counts in bone marrow as well as high levels of M protein in blood and urine.
» MORE: What is Multiple Myeloma and How is it Treated?
Smoldering Myeloma Stories
Maui B.
Diagnosis: Smoldering myeloma
Cancer Details: Smoldering myeloma is pre-symptomatic or pre-treatment multiple myeloma
1st Symptoms: Inflammatory eye disease, uterine bleeding
Treatment: N/A
Brad H., Smoldering High-Risk Multiple Myeloma
Symptoms: Abnormal kidney function (stage 2 kidney disease), mild anemia
Treatments: To be started at the time of interview