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Top Cancer Blogs

Sometimes the content we need is to read journals from patients and caregivers, themselves. Here’s a list of wonderful blogs by cancer type curated by The Patient Story.

Top Cancer Blogs

Many of us want to share our stories, especially if it’s going to help other people. The Patient Story is actively searching for blogs about personal experiences with cancer.

We curate content so you can easily find stories like your own. Find a list of our favorite personal cancer blogs below and contact us if you would like to be featured! 

Breast Cancer Blogs

Tina Conrad

At 37, Tina was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2013. Her blog and podcast chronicles her experience as a breast cancer survivor as well as the daughter one.

Read Tina’s blog

Rach DiMare

In January 2016, Rach was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 27.

Read Rach’s blog

Erin Cronican

Erin is a NY-based actor and singer, and a breast cancer survivor.

Read Erin’s blog

Shari Sheranian

Shari was diagnosed with primary triple-positive breast cancer in 2016, and has used her blog to share her personal experience.

Read Shari’s blog

Kidney Cancer Blogs

Rachel Rhee

Rachel – a blogger, spin teacher, certified health coach, and marketing consultant – developed renal cell carcinoma in her right kidney in September 2018.

Read Rachel’s blog

Leukemia Blogs

Joe Hyun

Joe was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, B-Cell, related to the gene mutation called Philadelphia chromosome. He received a stem cell transplant and journals his stay in the hospital.

Read Joe’s Blog

Lung Cancer Blogs

Lisa Goldman

A 40-something mother and wife, Lisa was diagnosed with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), Adenocarcinoma (ROS1+) when she was 41. She had no risk factors for lung cancer nor family history of the disease.

Read Lisa’s blog

Lymphoma Blogs

Stephanie Chuang

Founder Stephanie Chuang learned she had non-Hodgkin lymphoma in a diagnosis over the phone December 2016. She knew she had to journal her experiences on Day 2 at the hospital as she underwent test after test to get answers about her cancer. She just never thought she’d hit publish.

Go to Steph’s blog

Tony Donk

With the support of his wife and kids, Tony battled Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) – a form of non-Hodgkin’s in 2016.

Read Tony’s blog

Kayla Tremblett

Kayla was twice diagnosed with cancer at a young age (21 and again at 22. Her blog chronicles her life after cancer – lifestyle, travel, food, and wellness.

Read Kayla’s blog

Cancer Resource Articles

Top Cancer Blogs

Sometimes the content we need is to read journals from patients and caregivers, themselves. Here’s a list of wonderful blogs by cancer type curated by The Patient Story...

Genetic Testing For Cancer

Read real genetic counselors and patients explain how genetic testing works, how it affects treatment and outcomes, and other important information to know...

Cancer Organizations

Choose from over 40 cancer organizations and nonprofits for any cancer type and location Find where to get help for financial, housing, transportation and more...

Health Literacy

October is Health Literacy Awareness. Health literacy is when the information and health services you need align with your ability to process, understand, and use that information and those services. Why does it matter?...

Hereditary Cancer: Is Cancer Hereditary?

Read information and FAQs about hereditary cancers...

4 replies on “Top Cancer Blogs”

I was diagnosed with T-2/3 Bladder cancer 2 weeks ago and have to have my bladder removed either before or after chemotherapy. I am 72, non smoker, don’t drink or do recreational drugs and am scared to death with what I am about to face. We also have our Augusta Ga. home sitting damaged (unsafe) since 9/29 when Hurrican Helene came through with 110 mph winds and we were woken up to look out and see one 100 ft. Georgia Pine topple after another onto people’s homes and cars.

Hi my name is Mark Nicholson. In 2016 after a successful Cancer op my oncologist informed that what they had operated on was my secondary cancer and they couldn’t find my primary cancer. this was despite the running the full veterinary list: Pet Scan, Cat Scan and the Lab Tests. He is a funny man.. I asked what he would do if he was me. He said “Well if I was you, I’d do my bucket list just in case. At that moment ‘The JUSTIN CASE Farewell World was Born’. Took a few years from conception through inception, a painful birth through to a faux maturation. But is my blog of what happened covering off survivor guilt, doubt and the process of travelling the world staying boats sheds and a wonderful week with lesbian llama farmers in the Sierra Nevada’s. Please let me know if you would like to share my blog on your site!

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