Newlyweds Navigate Cancer: Cody’s High-Grade Astrocytoma Story
Cody was diagnosed with high-grade astrocytoma in December 2021, two months after marrying Amanda. The couple met in college and looking back, they are grateful they married when they did, as their lives quickly took an unexpected turn.
Interviewed by: Taylor Scheib
Edited by: Katrina Villareal
Cody’s first noticeable symptom occurred while he was driving. His vision went completely black for about 15 seconds before returning. Then, a few weeks later, he began seeing a sickle-shaped blur in his eye that persisted for 30 minutes. Concerned, he sought medical attention. However, upon further evaluation, he and Amanda later realized that his earliest symptom had actually been unexplained contractions in his leg. Ultimately, they would come to learn that these contractions were focal seizures occurring over several years.

Their initial visit to the ophthalmologist revealed swollen optic nerves, suggesting pressure behind his eyes. As a result, his doctor referred him for an MRI. During an emergency room visit, doctors initially found nothing concerning. However, when the results came in, the scan unexpectedly revealed a large tumor, approximately the size of a softball. After further evaluation, the medical team determined that the tumor had likely been growing rapidly for a few years. Consequently, he underwent emergency surgery the next morning, during which they successfully removed at least 99% of the tumor.
Before the surgery, doctors were optimistic that the tumor was benign. However, the pathology results confirmed it was a high-grade astrocytoma, a rare and aggressive cancer. The news was shocking. With no cure available, the next step was treatment to prolong life.
They faced insurance complications since they had recently moved, leading them to explore other options. Through a friend’s suggestion, they looked into St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, which accepts patients up to age 21 and provides lifelong care. With only three days to move, they relocated for Cody’s treatment at St. Jude.
Cody underwent 30 rounds of radiation over six weeks, taking an oral chemotherapy pill. The treatment caused extreme fatigue, nausea, and the sensation of his brain overheating. Following conventional treatment, they pursued a natural approach, focusing on an anti-cancer diet and lifestyle to help his body recover. Over time, their perspective on life shifted, strengthening their faith and bringing them peace about the future. Cody continues regular scans at St. Jude to monitor his condition. Despite the uncertainty, they purposefully embrace each day and believe they should maximize life regardless of circumstances.
- Name: Cody L.
- Age at Diagnosis:
- 21
- Diagnosis:
- Brain Cancer (High-Grade Astrocytoma)
- Symptoms:
- Vision loss (temporary blackouts)
- Blurry sickle-shaped distortions
- Leg contractions (focal seizures)
- Treatments:
- Surgery
- Radiation
- Chemotherapy
This interview has been edited for clarity. This is not medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare provider to make treatment decisions.

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